






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-7-27 04:00| 查看数: 1233| 评论数: 0|

歌词When I was young I would look in the mirror

Didn't know it then but now it couldn't be clearer

That I remember being filled with such wonder

Before learning that the world can be harsher


Who you love or the color of your skin

Or the place that you were born and grew up in

Shouldn't decide how you will be treated

'Cause we're all the same when everybody's breathing

☆ Waiting for a change to set us free

Waiting for the day when you can be you and I can be me

Waiting for hope to come around

Waiting for the day when hate is lost and love is found

Waiting for a change

Waiting for a change

(Change, change) ☆

For all the brave and the souls who went before us

Stand tall, be proud and lift your voices

Let 'em know who we are and our choices

And one day we won't have to sing this chorus

(Refrain ☆)

Hold on

Waiting for a change


When I was young I would look in the mirror

Didn't see it then but now it couldn't be clearer

赏析2016年6月12日晚,发生在美国奥兰多市的一件枪击案震惊了全球。这件导致上百人伤亡的事件让人寒心。在人们声张正义、呼吁控枪之际,一首名为“Change”的歌的出现,犹如严冬的炉火,温暖了人们受伤的心。值得一提的是,这首歌的演唱者美国知名歌手Christina Aguilera决定将歌曲的全部收益都捐赠给此次枪击案的遇难者家庭,让人倍感温馨。

Christina Aguilera用她时而温柔时而有力的声音,把这首歌的情感拿捏得恰到好处。歌曲开头部分,她配合着舒缓的旋律,用清丽的嗓音回忆着自己的经历,并表明种种外部因素都不应成为一个人受到歧视的原因。之后,她浑厚的声音就如同一声呐喊,喊出了人们对平等和自由的热望。她的声音也如一针见血的控诉,批判了一些自以为高人一等的人的愚蠢思想和行为。是啊,我们人类本应该是一个友好、团结的大家庭,只是拥有着不同的外表、不同的喜好而已。每个人都应该勇敢地表达自己的情感,而不是因为担心别人的评头论足而放弃;每个人都有被尊重的权利,而不是被一些极端分子狭隘地认为是低贱的。Aguilera唱出了人们埋藏在心中已久的愿望:希望不平等的行为能尽快消失,希望世界能充满爱和美。就如她自己在个人网站上所写的:“We need to learn to love again, we need to learn that one person does make a difference; we need to keep love in our hearts.”没错,一个人有什么理由带上有色眼镜去看待他人呢?爱和平等才是我们对待他人最好的方式。这首歌的MV同样暖心,它展示了Aguilera童年时期的不少照片,让人感受到童年的天真、亲情的伟大和友情的纯真,也完美地诠释了“爱”的主题。



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