






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-8-3 01:43| 查看数: 790| 评论数: 0|

Hello, this is David Austin with the BBC News. Ethiopia's Army Chief of Staff and three other senior officials have been shot dead during a coup attempt against one of the country's regional administrations. The Chief of Staff Seare Mekonnen was killed in the capital Addis Ababa while trying to prevent the coup in Amhara and its governor Ambachew Mekonne was killed in Amhara itself. Emmanuel Igunza reports. The Prime Minister's office has confirmed reports that Ethiopia's Chief of Staff General Seare Mekonnen is among four senior government officials killed overnight. Earlier, the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appeared on state television just in military fatigues and say the chief of staff had been shot as he tried to thwart a coup in Amhara State. Those killing in Amhara include the governor Ambachew Mekonne and his senior adviser. The internet has been shut down across Ethiopia. Since he came to power last year, Mr. Abiy has moved to end political repression in Ethiopia, but he has failed to contain ethnic violence that has displaced nearly three million Ethiopians.

大家好,我是大卫·奥斯汀,欢迎收听BBC新闻。埃塞俄比亚陆军参谋长和其他三名高级官员在对该国一个地方政府的政变中被枪杀。总参谋长塞拉·梅孔嫩在首都亚的斯亚贝巴被杀,他当时在试图阻止阿姆哈拉的政变,当地州长安巴丘·梅孔嫩也在阿姆哈拉州被杀。以下是艾玛纽埃尔·伊贡泽的报道。总理办公室已确认该报道,即埃塞俄比亚总参谋长塞拉·梅孔嫩将军在昨晚被杀的四名高级政府官员之中。早些时候,总理阿比·艾哈迈德穿着军装出现在国家电视台上,并表示参谋长在阻止阿姆哈拉州的政变时被枪杀。在阿姆哈拉被杀的人还包括州长安巴丘·梅孔嫩和他的高级顾问。埃塞俄比亚的互联网已被关闭。自去年上台以来,阿比开始结束对埃塞俄比亚的政治镇压,但他未能遏制种族暴力事件,这使得近三百万埃塞俄比亚人流离失所。Millions of residents in Turkey's biggest city Istanbul are voting in a rerun mayoral election, widely seen as a referendum on the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The opposition candidate Ekrem Imamoglu narrowly won the vote in March, but the governing AK Party complained of irregularities. Charle Trasipolo of the BBC's Turkish service is in the city. I am now in a polling station and I see that the turnout is quite high cause many people criticized this decision and drag themselves into the poll to challenge this. Over eight million people are voting and the turnout in the previous in the initial election was eighty-four percent, but this time around it's expected to rise up to eighty-nine percent because ballot box in Turkey is seen as the only way to access to democracy.土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布尔的数百万居民正在参加重新举行的市长竞选,这被广泛视为对土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安的公投。反对党候选人埃克雷姆·伊玛莫卢在3月份的投票中险胜,但是执政党AK党称该选举违规。以下是BBC土耳其记者查尔· 查斯普鲁在该市的报道。我现在就在一个投票站,我看到这里的投票率非常高,因为有许多人批评这个决定,于是他们来到投票站投票表示抗议。在最初的选举中,超过八百万人投票,投票率达到84%,但这一次预计将达到89%,因为在土耳其,这个投票箱被认为是获得民主的唯一途径。India has rejected a US report on religious freedom which said mob attacks by Hindu extremists against minority communities, particularly Muslims continued in the country in 2018. The annual US State Department report assesses religious freedom in countries around the world. Here's Anbarasan Ethirajan. A government spokesman said India was proud of its secular credentials and foreign states had no right to question the country on religious freedom. The US State Department report said at least eight people had been killed in mob attacks in response to rumors that the victims had traded or killed cows. Hindus consider the animals to be sacred. The report also criticized India's governing BJP and several of its leaders for making inflammatory speeches against minority communities. World news from the BBC.印度拒绝了一份美国关于宗教自由的报告,该报道称,2018年印度教极端分子仍在对少数民族社区发动袭击,特别针对穆斯林。美国国务院年度报告评估了世界各国的宗教自由。以下是安布里森·埃希罗杰的报道。政府发言人表示,印度对其宗教的管理感到自豪,外国无权质疑该国的宗教自由。美国国务院的报告称,至少有8人在暴徒袭击中被杀,原因是受害者有交易或杀死牛的传闻,而印度教教徒认为牛是神圣的。该报告还批评了印度执政的人民党及其几位领导人对少数民族社区发表煽动性言论。BBC国际新闻。


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