






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-9-8 04:25| 查看数: 612| 评论数: 0|

Today, much of the development work done by the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, centers on the empowerment of women. That’s because women are key to economic growth. As we invest in women, and as they invest in their families, we invest in better societies together, said Bonnie Glick, USAID Deputy Administrator. Because one thing that we've learned is that when a woman earns a dollar, she puts 90 cents back into her family.

如今,美国国际开发署(USAID)做的许多工作都专注于女性赋权。这是因为女性是经济发展的关键。我们给女性投资了,女性就能给自己的家庭投资,我们就能一起为更好的社会而投资,邦妮如是说道,邦妮是USAID的副署长。因为我们了解到一件事,女性每赚一美元,就会把其中的90美分投入家庭中。At the 2019 Global Entrepreneurship Summit, USAID and Overseas Private Investment Corporation, or OPIC, launched a partnership with Women’s World Banking to create the Women's World Banking Asset Management blended-finance fund. OPIC is providing 25 million dollars to the fund while USAID will contribute 500,000 dollars in catalytic funding and 100,000 dollars in technical assistance to the fund.在2019年全球创业峰会上,USAID和海外私人投资公司(OPIC)与女性世界银行业进行了合作,创建了女性世界银行业资产管理的混合金融基金。OPIC将提供2500万美元给该基金,而USAID将贡献50万美元用于催化基金,并提供10万美元用于该基金的技术援助。The blended finance approach offers USAID an effective tool to empower women to reach their full economic potential, and to create more self-reliant communities, said Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick该混合基金的创建为USAID提供了一种有效的工具,可以为女性赋权,让女性充分实现自己的经济潜能,同时创建更多自力更生的社群,副署长邦妮如是说道。:Used properly, blended finance channels private capital into areas where it can have a positive impact while generating solid returns. It develops markets and builds local commitment and capacity to plan, finance, and implement solutions to their own development challenges.如果使用得当的话,混合基金可以为不同领域提供私人资本,会产生积极的影响,产生实际收益。该基金可以开发许多市场,让当地人能够投身于其中,让他们有能力规划、供给经费并为各自的发展挑战实施解决方案。The idea behind our engagement here with Women's World Banking is to serve as a catalyst, and that's what blended finance does, said Deputy Administrator Glick. It provides the initial seed capital that allows other investors to come to the table with more zeros at the end of their engagements.关于女性世界银行业,我们背后的理念是起到催化剂的作用,这是混合金融的价值,副署长邦妮如是说道。混合金融提供了初始基金,让其他投资者可以带着更多的零度参与其中。The fund is projected to raise 100 million dollars to expand women's access to financial services. The blended finance vehicle is designed to attract private capital in developing markets by offering protection to commercial investors and lowering the risk of loss. The fund will lead to increased financial inclusion for low-income women in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific region. More women will have access to loans, develop credit, build their savings, and purchase insurance, which are all critical to breaking the poverty cycle and promoting self-reliance.该基金预计募集1亿美元,用于扩张女性接触金融服务的机会。混合金融的手段,其设计的初衷是吸引发展中国家的私人资本,方式是提供保护给金融投资者并降低损失的风险。该基金会提高金融包容性,造福非洲、中东、印度太平洋地区的低收入女性。更多的女性可以借到贷款、提高信用、增加储蓄、购买保险,这对于打破贫困的恶性循环以及促进自力更生是至关重要的。By investing in women, said Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick, USAID is enabling countries to progress beyond assistance, by unlocking human potential on a transformational scale.副署长邦妮表示,通过投资于女性,USAID让许多国家在不接受援助的情况下取得进步,以翻天覆地的方式来解锁人类的潜能。


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