






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-9-19 01:46| 查看数: 760| 评论数: 0|

BBC News. Hello, I'm Jerry Smit.

BBC新闻,大家好,我是杰瑞·施密特。The Australian government has announced a three-billion-dollar twenty-year spending program on defense equipment and training. The first stage includes five hundred million dollars for Australia special forces. Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison.澳大利亚政府宣布了一项30亿美元的20年国防装备和培训开支计划。第一阶段包括为澳大利亚特种部队提供5亿美元。以下是澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森的讲话。This is going to be a very important part of our commitment, the biggest single commitment to upgrading the capability of our defense forces since the Second World War. This forms part of our commitment to increasing defense spending to two percent of GDP, which is what we need to be doing to ensure that our Defense Forces are ready and fit and able and capable of being able to keep Australian safe in the 21st century.这将是我们承诺的一个非常重要的部分,这也是二战以来我们对提升国防力量的最宏大的计划。我们承诺要将国防开支提高到GDP的2%,此举是该承诺的一部分,我们需要这样做以确保我们的国防部队做好准备,保持强大,有能力和实力在21世纪保障澳大利亚的安全。As Indian administered Kashmir prepares to celebrate the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, media reports in Delhi speak of an ease in restrictions to allow movement for worshippers. The region's main city Srinagar remains under lockdown with no functioning telecommunication or internet after more than a week. The security clampdown follows protests over Delhi's decision to revoke Kashmir's special status. Rahul Tandon reports.在印度管辖的克什米尔地区准备庆祝穆斯林宰牲节之际,德里的媒体报导称当局放松了对朝拜者活动的限制。该地区的主要城市斯利那加已被封锁一个多星期,没有通讯和互联网。此前,新德里当局决定取消克什米尔的特殊地位,这引发了抗议活动。请听拉胡尔·唐顿的报告。The Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said the authorities were trying to ease the restrictions across the region, but there was still serious concerns about the law and order situation. He added that most mosques were open and the prayers had taken place peacefully. But much of Indian-administered Kashmir remains in lockdown. There is no internet and the phone lines remain cut off and most of the large mosques were shut. The region is tense and hundreds of people, including local politicians, are in detention.印度外交部长维贾伊·戈卡莱表示,当局正试图放松该地区的限制,但对该地区的法律和秩序状况仍表示严重担忧。他补充到,大多数清真寺都是开放的,祈祷也是和平进行的。但是,印度管辖的克什米尔大部分地区仍然处于封锁状态。当地没有互联网,电话线路仍然被切断,大多数清真寺也被关闭。该地区局势十分紧张,包括当地政客在内的数百人被拘留。France has called for an inquiry into the activities of the disgraced American Financier Jeffrey Epstein. He was found dead in custody in New York over the weekend. The convicted pedophile was awaiting trial in New York on sex trafficking charges. French officials said the American investigation into Mr. Epstein's activities found connections with France, so it was essential for the country to look into them. Mr. Epstein is reported to have kept a luxury apartment in central Paris.法国呼吁对名誉扫地的美国金融家杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的行为进行调查。上周末,他在纽约的拘留期间死亡。这名被定罪的恋童癖者当时正因性交易指控在纽约等待审判。法国官员表示美国对爱泼斯坦活动的调查发现,他与法国有联系,因此,法国有必要对此事进行调查。据报道,爱泼斯坦在巴黎市中心拥有一套豪华公寓。The authorities in Singapore have announced a ban on the domestic sale of elephant ivory and ivory products regardless of when they were acquired. The National Parks Board said the ban will take effect in two years' time.新加坡当局宣布禁止在国内销售象牙和象牙制品,无论它们是何时被收购的。国家公园管理委员会表示,禁令将在两年内生效。The president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow has scorched widespread rumors that he may have died by opening a regional conference of Caspian Sea states. Video showed the sixty-two-year-old greeting the Russian Prime minister and four other top figures.土库曼斯坦总统库尔班古力·别尔德穆哈梅多夫召开里海国家区域会议,粉碎了他可能已经去世的谣言。在一段视频中,这位62岁的老人向俄罗斯总理和四位其他高层人物打招呼。BBC news.BBC国际新闻。


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