






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-10-14 03:05| 查看数: 816| 评论数: 0|

Nearly 50% of workers close to 'breaking point' dueto stress


Nearly half of all employees are close to 'breakingpoint' at work due to increased stress levels. Asurvey of 2,000 professionals found the averageworking adult feels stressed for almost a third oftheir working day.


The mounting pressures faced in their job also contributes to five hours of lost sleep peremployee every week. Checking work emails after hours, last-minute deadlines, having to do aspeech or presentation and an overly demanding manager were named as some of thebiggest causes of workplace stress.


It also emerged that in the average week, employees will complain about their boss for 31minutes and their job in general for another two hours and 45 minutes. Richard Jenkins,psychologist and spokesman for wellbeing charity CABA, said: "Everyone will experiencepressure day-to-day."

同时,员工平均每周会抱怨上司31分钟、抱怨工作2小时45分钟。CABA福祉慈善机构的心理学家和发言人理查德·詹金斯(Richard Jenkins)说道:“大家每一天都在承受着压力。”

"A level of pressure can actually make us work better, however too much pressure that risesto an unmanageable level leads to stress. The working public needs to know how to managetheir pressure to avoid reaching boiling point. Some people cope by blowing off steam throughphysical activity like the gym or going for a run, while for some things like breathing exercisescan help. Everyone will have a tactic that they find works better to help them release thepressure. Unfortunately, in many cases we don't introduce these decompressing moments inour lives which can help release the pressure and reduce stress. Finding ways to manage yourstress is essential, it is also worth addressing the root causes of your stress to try to managethe source rather than just treat the symptoms."


The study also found seven in 10 adults have vented about their workplace to a colleague,partner, family member or friend. Although 46 per cent of those who have felt stressed atwork didn't end up doing anything about it, hoping the problem would go away on its own. Ofthose who do take action, 38 per cent have told their manager about it, while 51 per cent havegone for a walk to cool down.



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