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Public Might Not Know about Attacks on US Election Systems

公众可能不知道美国选举系统被攻击It is no secret that foreign computer hackers are targeting election systems in the United States.外国计算机黑客攻击美国选举系统已经不是什么秘密了。Government officials believe Russian agents searched for weaknesses in election systems in all 50 U.S. states during the presidential election in 2016. But if hackers were able to interfere in U.S. elections in 2020, voters and some public officials may not learn about it until much later.政府官员认为,俄罗斯特工在2016年美国总统大选期间,在美国50个州的选举系统中查找漏洞。但是,如果黑客能够干预2020年的美国大选,选民和一些政府官员可能很久以后才知晓。Government officials with the Federal Bureau of Investigation – or, FBI – usually investigate computer hacking. But they are not required to share information when an election system is hacked. And they must follow rules about protecting the identities of possible victims.美国联邦调查局(FBI)的政府官员常常会调查计算机黑客。但是当选举系统遭到黑客入侵时,他们无需向外界公开信息。他们必须遵守保护潜在受害者身份的规定。The Associated Press has reported that the situation can be difficult for election officials. They want to know about hacking efforts so they can protect their systems. But they do not want their agencies to look bad. And they do not want to create chaos and confusion, which is what hackers are seeking.美联社报道称,这种状况可能会让选举官员陷入两难境地。他们需要了解黑客行为相关信息,才能保护自身的选举系统。但是他们不希望本机构的形象受损。他们也不想制造混乱、困惑,而这正是黑客们想要达到的效果。In general, election agencies can decide whether and whom to tell that their systems have been hacked.一般来说,选举机构能够决定是否公布以及由谁公布系统被入侵的消息。Jena Griswold is a public official in Colorado. Her state urges local election officials to tell the government if they suspect a cyberattack.耶娜·格利斯沃尔德(Jena Griswold)是科罗拉多州的一名公职人员。她所在的州督促地方官员如果怀疑网络受到攻击要上报政府。"Every American in this nation deserves to have a democracy they can believe in..." she said. Griswold believes better communication about possible hacking will help voters trust that the systems are working.她说:“这个国家的所有美国都应该拥有一个他们可以信任的民主制度。”格利斯沃尔德认为,对可能的黑客行为进行更好的沟通,有助于让选民相信该系统正在有效运行。Government officials who are dealing with the problem say communication about election security has become better in the last two years. They are trying to balance the importance of privacy about criminal cases, and the need for voters to feel that the elections are free and fair. Last June, a public opinion study found that a majority of Americans said they worried voting systems might not be protected against hackers.负责处理这一问题的政府官员表示,过去两年,有关选举安全方面的沟通更加高效,他们试图平衡刑事案件隐私权的重要性,以及让选民感觉选举自由公正的必要性。去年6月的一些民意调查发现,大多数美国人表示,他们担心投票系统无法抵御黑客的攻击。Matt Dietrich is a spokesperson for the Illinois State Board of Elections. In 2016, Russian hackers broke into the state's voter registration database. State officials moved quickly to shut down the system and prevent the hackers from gaining more information.马特·迪特里希(Matt Dietrich)是伊利诺伊州选举委员会的发言人。2016年,俄罗斯黑客入侵了该州的选民登记数据库。州官员迅速关闭了该系统,防止黑客窃取更多信息。Election officials in Illinois told the public about the hack. But most people quickly lost interest in it, Dietrich said.伊利诺伊州选举官员公开了这次黑客入侵行为。但是迪特里希称,大部分人很快对此失去兴趣。He believes 2020 will be different. If foreign hackers attack U.S. voting systems, "it will be a national and worldwide story," Dietrich said. He believes everyone will be watching what happens this time.他认为2020年将会有所不同。迪特里希表示,如果外国黑客攻击美国的选举系统,“这将成为全国乃至国际新闻事件。”他相信所有人都将紧盯着这次选举。I'm Kelly Jean Kelly.凯莉·吉恩·凯莉为您播报。


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