






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2020-1-19 02:18| 查看数: 540| 评论数: 0|

Changes in Vapers’ Lungs Resemble Changes in Smokers’ Lungs

Until recently, most teens didn’t think much about vaping.In fact, one brand of e-cigarettes Juul even advertised that vaping was safer than regular cigarettes.But vaping is what sent Adam Hergenreder to the hospital.Every time they vape and bring this aerosol into their lungs, it’s not water vapor.It has chemicals, including aldehydes and special alcohols that are produced as a result of heating, these solvents that are in the vaping liquids.In looking at 150 different liquids, scientists found about two hundred different chemicals.The effect on the body is unknown.I’m 18 years old. My lungs are like 70 years old.Scientists have also found that vaping causes changes in the lungs, like the changes found in smokers with emphysema,which may explain Hergenreder’s difficulty with breathing.Proteins called proteases are found in the lungs of some vapors.


The best way of describing is the molecular scissors, so proteases are proteins that cut up other proteins.Having some proteases in the lungs is normal, but high levels of proteases increase lung damage.What we found was these previous levels are up to the same amount in vapors lungs as it’s in smokers lungs.Professor Terrence said nicotine is connected to high protease levels in the lungs.It’s too soon to have studies under long-term effects of vaping or whether teens whose lungs are still growing are more vulnerable to bad outcomes than adults who vape.In the meantime, the CDC says people should consider not using e-cigarettes products while it investigates the soaring number of illnesses.Other medical groups are using stronger language.The American Medical Association is urging the public to avoid the use of e-cigarette products.And the National Association of county and city health officials is calling for swift action to eliminate youth vaping.



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