






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-6-8 08:49| 查看数: 10233| 评论数: 1|

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="font1"><p>GRE的阅读文章信息繁多,句子往往长而复杂,讲课要做到面面俱到,广而有深度,值得探讨。上海前进进修学院GRE班采用详细的书面注释结合课堂重点讲解,再加email答疑的办法,力求实效。下面的例子出自1992年2月GRE。题目的解释出自《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。(前进GRE秋季班于2005年9月开课;学院有住宿) <br/><br/>(1st par.) The more that is discovered about the intricate organization of the nervous system, the more it seems remarkable that genes can successfully specify the development of that system. Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere (半球) of the brain each of a human’s 1011.neurons (神经元) should occupy, let alone (更不用说) the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes. For such reasons, we can assume that there must be an important random factor (随机因素) in neural development, and in particular, that errors must and do occur in the development of all normal brains. <br/><br/>【阅读技巧】For such reasons,是个信号,表明前面的Human genes contain too little information…that each neuron makes均是reasons。<br/><br/><br/>【题目】21. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?<br/>(D) An observation is made, specifics are provided to support it, and a generalization is derived.<br/>【注】The more that is discovered about the intricate organization of the nervous system, the more it seems remarkable that genes can successfully specify the development of that system. [An observation is made 发表评论/提出看法]<br/><br/>Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere of the brain each of a human’s 1011.neurons should occupy, let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes.   [specifics are provided to support it 提供细节以支持评论/看法]<br/><br/>For such reasons, we can assume that there must be an important random factor in neural development, and in particular, that errors must and do occur in the development of all normal brains.   [and a generalization is derived 引出推论。 注意:we can assume that there must be…中的assume以及must]<br/><br/>特别注意:(A) A specific case is presented, its details are analyzed, and a conclusion is drawn from it. 是不对的!</p><p>阅读理解涉及文章的类型、结构、主旨等等,理解的基础之一是对词汇(以及构词法)和句法的深刻把握。下面信手举一例说明,题目是1997年11月GRE SECTION 3一道阅读题 (第21题)。题目的解释出自《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。(前进GRE秋季班于2005年9月24日开课;学院有住宿)<br/><br/>题目:It can be inferred from the passage that the establishment and preservation of social order among a group of monkeys is essential in order to <br/><br/>答案(B) control aggressive behavior among group members.<br/><br/>依据:(原文第4段第1句) These studies of intruders suggest that adult members of the same species introduced to one another for the first time show considerable hostility because, in the absence of a social order, one must be established to control interanimal relationships.<br/><br/>解释;one must be established to control interanimal relationships意思是“必须建立社会秩序以控制动物之间的关系”,one 指a social order。 interanimal的inter- = between, among,与(B)中的among吻合。<br/><br/>注意:(D)protect individuals seeking to become members of that group from mass attack是不对的。</p><p>对词汇(以及构词法)和句法的深刻把握,对提高阅读与解题速度大有助益。下面信手举一例说明,题目的解释出自《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版) 编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。(前进New SAT于2005年11月初开课;学院有住宿)<br/><br/><br/>GR92-2SECTION 1一篇长文的头两句: Of the thousands of specimens of meteorites found on Earth and known to science, only about 100 are igneous (produced by fire; volcanic 火成的;火山的); that is, they have undergone melting by volcanic action at some time since the planets were first formed. These igneous meteorites are known as achondrites because they lack chondrules-small stony spherules found in the thousands of meteorites (called “chondrites”) composed primarily of unaltered minerals that condensed from dust and gas at the origin of the solar system. <br/><br/>我们知道了igneous的英语释义,等于知道了文中的that is, they have undergone melting by volcanic action...;知道前缀a- = lack, without,等于知道了文中的because they lack chondrules,这样就可大大加快阅读与理解速度!做题的速度当然也大大加快了。如涉及这段文字的27题:It can be inferred from the passage that most meteorites found on Earth contain which of the following? (B) Chondrules (文中提到...only about 100 ... known as achondrites...,那么most meteorites ... contain chondrules)</p><p>研究GRE出题人(test-writers)的出题思路与方法,是迅速地正确地解题的关键之一。研究原文与题目(包括选项,尤其是正确选项),我们可以发现规律性的东西,其中好些可以公式化。下面信手举一例说明。题目是GR90-13 一道阅读题 (第23题)。题目的解释出自《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。(前进2005年11月初开设美国“高考”New SAT实战培训班,GRE寒假班现在开始招生。学院有住宿)<br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  【题目】 … in drafts of Contre Saint-Beuve Proust set out to show that Saint-Beuve made which of the following mistakes as a critic?<br/>   【原文】 (lines 20-25) …In effect, in trying to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound (深刻) and less submissive to (顺从) the intellect (思维能力) than Saint-Beuve assumed, Proust elicited (唤起) vital memories of his own and, finding subtle (微妙的) connections between them, began to amass (收集) the material for…<br/>  【答案】(A) II only (Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the creative process to a writer’s conscious intellect.) (Saint-Beuve夸大了创作过程中作家有意识的思维能力的作用)<br/>  【解释】原文的the imagination is more profound (深刻) and less submissive to (顺从) the intellect (思维能力) than Saint-Beuve assumed隐含了(A)的内容。<br/>  如果化成简单公式则是:X is less submissive to Y than S assumed = S assigned too great a role to Y.<br/>  </p><p>无论是GRE、GMAT还是New SAT,都需要化繁为简,化难为易,以便读者一眼看穿原文与答案之间的关系,久而久之养成敏感性并把握规律性的东西。在这方面,上海前进进修学院的GRE班、New SAT实战培训班都备有详尽的实战性的注释资料作课堂讲解并供学员研究之用。下面信手再举两例说明。题目是1991年2月GRE阅读题。题目的解释出自全国第一本BARRON’S GRE词汇与例句的全译本的译者(见《最新GRE词汇与例句》(1989年上海翻译公司版)、《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。<br/>  <br/>  (前进2005年11月初开设美国“高考”New SAT实战培训班,GRE寒假班开始招生,名额有限。学院有住宿)<br/>  <br/>  【题目】 It can be inferred …that “some scientists” assume which of the following concerning “large, more complex molecules” (line 20)?<br/>  <br/>  【原文】(lines 18-24) Although, at present, scientists cannot explain how these relatively small molecules combined to produce larger, more complex molecules, some scientists have precipitously ventured hypotheses that attempt to explain the development from these larger molecules of the earliest self-duplicating organisms. (虽然目前科学家尚不能解释这些较小的分子是如何合成较大较复杂分子的,但有些科学家已仓促地大胆提出了种种假设,试图解释最初的能自我复制的生物体从这些较大分子发展而来的过程。)<br/>  <br/>  【答案】(C) The presence of these molecules would necessarily precede (在……之前) the existence of simple organisms. <br/>  <br/>  【解释】原文的the development from these larger molecules of the earliest self-duplicating organisms = the development of the earliest self-duplicating organisms from these larger molecules 意涵the earliest self-duplicating organisms developed from these larger molecules ,亦即The presence of these molecules would necessarily precede the existence of simple organisms. (simple organisms亦即原文的the earliest self-duplicating organisms)<br/>  <br/>  如果化成简单公式则是:the development from M of O (=O developed from M) = M preceded O<br/>  <br/>  【题目】The author’s reaction to the attempts that have been made to explain the development of the first self-duplicating organisms can best be described as one of <br/>  <br/>  【答案】(D) skepticism (怀疑)<br/>  <br/>  【解释】原文中作者的措词:precipitously ventured</p><p><br/>  (前进New SAT实战培训班,GRE寒假班开始招生,名额有限。学院有住宿)<br/><br/>精通英语语法,对于提高阅读能力以及迅速解题也大有帮助。以下题目的解释出自全国第一本BARRON’S GRE词汇与例句的全译本的译者(见《最新GRE词汇与例句》(1989年上海翻译公司版)、《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。<br/>  <br/><br/><br/><br/>【原文】According to this theory, it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but rather the different areas of the brain into which they discharge, and there is some evidence for this view.<br/><br/>【注释】本句是强调句型(方括弧中是省略成分):it is not … that …, but rather … [that determine the diverse conscious sensations they produce] <br/><br/>【译文】根据该理论, 感觉神经脉冲产生的各种意识感觉,不是由感觉神经脉冲的性质决定的,而是由感觉神经脉冲释放进大脑的不同区域决定的,关于这种观点是有一些证据的。<br/><br/>【题目】The description in lines 14-17 of an experiment in which electric stimuli were applied to different sensory fields of the cerebral cortex tends to support the theory that <br/><br/>(D) the mental experiences produced by sensory nerve impulses are determined by the cortical areas activated 亦即原文的(but rather) the different areas of the brain into they (=sensory nerve impulses )discharge [that determine the diverse conscious sensations they produce] 原文用了主动式,答案用了被动式。<br/><br/><br/><br/>原文的 the different areas of the brain into they discharge 同答案的the cortical areas activated信息相通。<br/>the diverse conscious sensations they (=sensory nerve impulses)produce 同答案的the mental experiences produced by sensory nerve impulses信息相通</p><p><br/>     平时阅读,对句子脉络了如指掌。<br/>  <br/>  <br/>  Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for transgressions on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences caused. (1996年10月GRE)<br/>  <br/>   【注释】that从句(作hypothesis的同位语)中:主语是children under age seven,谓语动词(词组)是(do not ) take into account…, (but rather simply) assign …。 committing accidental or deliberate harm修饰a person;on the basis… caused修饰assign punishment for transgressions;caused修饰consequences。<br/>  <br/>   【译文】直到最近,儿童心理学家仍支持发展心理学先驱Jean Piaget的假说,即7岁以下的儿童,因其不成熟,故对一个做出意外的或故意的伤害行为的人的动机是不考虑的,而只是根据所造成的不良后果的大小对过错给予惩罚。</p><p>平时阅读,对代词所指了然於心。<br/><br/><br/>In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. (GR 90-15)<br/><br/>`【注释】one had是定语从句;代词one“(泛指)一个人,任何人”。<br/><br/>【译文】在史前时期,食物非常珍贵,旁观者又十分饥饿,所以不把自己所有的那点食物分一半给他们是不可思议的,因为他们的每一瞥都是对生命的乞求。</p><p>平时阅读,对词序的倒装习以为常。<br/><br/><br/>No less important to some people are bracken’s effects on threatened habitats and on the use of uplands for recreational purposes, even though many appreciate its beauty. (1997年11月GRE)<br/><br/>【注释】正常词序是: bracken’s effects on… and on… are no less important…<br/><br/>【译文】对某些人来说关系同样重大的是欧洲蕨对遭到威胁的栖息地的影响以及对山地为娱乐目的的使用的影响,尽管很多人对它的美丽是欣赏的。</p><p>GRE阅读,一般的学习者常常感到乏味。其实,如果从篇章结构、写作手法、遣词造句、出题规律等方面来研究,既可提高阅读学术类文章的能力,又可丰富自己的写作手法,一举数得,其乐无穷。下面介绍GRE出题者常用的一种手法:“正反法”。详见下述例证。<br/>  题目是GR-12阅读题。题目的解释出自全国第一本BARRON’S GRE词汇与例句的全译本的译者(见《最新GRE词汇与例句》(1989年上海翻译公司版)、《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)编著者、上海前进进修学院GRE班教师李蒙恩。<br/>  <br/>  前进New SAT 实战培训班(采用最新原版权威教材以及内部讲义),GRE春季班(第82期GRE,题目含盖1980-2003年全真题),名额有限。学院有住宿。<br/>  <br/> 漫谈如何在短期内突破GRE阅读 (10)<br/> <br/>  <br/>  【题目】25. The passage suggests that the existence of a Roman conception of slavery in Spanish and Portuguese<br/>  colonies had the effect of<br/>   (A) extending rather than causing racial prejudice in<br/>   these colonies<br/>   (B) hastening the legalization of slavery in these<br/>   colonies<br/>   (C) mitigating some of the conditions of slavery for<br/>   Black people in these colonies Key <br/>   (D) delaying the introduction of slavery into the<br/>   English colonies <br/>   (E) bringing about an improvement in the treat-<br/>   ment of Black slaves in the English colonies<br/>  <br/>  【原文】Freyre and Tannenbaum<br/>   have rightly argued that the lack of certain traditions in North America--such as a Roman conception of slavery and a Roman Catholic emphasis on equality--explains<br/>  why the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there<br/>  than in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of South<br/>  America. <br/>  <br/>  【解释】注意原文是从反面[lack of certain traditions in<br/>   North America--such as a Roman conception of slavery]<br/>  阐述的,而题干the existence of a Roman conception of slavery是从正面出题的[existence ≠ lack of],答案当然也取the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there[there 指North America]的反面, 亦即C的内容。 注意mitigating = making less severe。<font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font><font></font></p></td></tr><tr><td class="font1" align="right"></td></tr><tr><td class="font1" align="right" height="10"></td></tr><tr><td class="font1" align="right">责任编辑: lance  来源: 中青网采编</td></tr></tbody></table>


apollohmx 发表于 2006-6-14 21:00:40
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