





[讨论] IELTS composition topic

发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-6-10 12:41| 查看数: 17099| 评论数: 13|

<p>topic 1:</p><p>if a five-year old commits a crime (any kind ),should his/her parents have the responsibility and how punished?what is the age of a child when parents no longer have the responsibility for children's behavior?</p><p>hope you can take part in and make some discussion on it.</p>


Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-10 13:43:05
<p>Dear lulu, first I should say hello to you,hehe!</p><p>Then let's talk Turkey, in my opinion,a five-year-old guy can make crime,it is so surprising, haha, i see that is just our imagination. But it is a tragedy to some extent not only to me but the society we are in.</p><p>the parents of the boy are to blame, i think !</p><p>i think after the 9-year obligation education,the parents of the guy have&nbsp;no responsability for the guy is already 18 years old,hehe!</p><p></p>
ccfeng 发表于 2006-6-10 23:48:20
<p>A prodigy indeed for a five year old to commit any crime. A five year old, certainly without basic education, will only commit some wrongdoings, but it is undoubtfully one of a&nbsp;million chance for a five year old to commit any crime. Even if the child does, it is most probably due to some other party's exploitation&nbsp;or instigation.&nbsp;I&nbsp;can never imagine a five year old child with such complicated mindset to commit any real crime.</p><p>Even it is a small wrongdoing from the child, the parents should&nbsp;bear part of the responsibility, mainly due to the age of the child. The lack of discipline of the child is also indirectly due to the parents' insufficient teachings. </p><p>My conclusion is, the situation where a child really commit a crime in his or her own will, not by any other party's instigation or exploition is rare. However, the parent should bear some of the responsibility when a small child do something wrong and should educate them immediately to stop the bad habit.</p><p>Your topic is interesting and arguable. However,&nbsp;better topics&nbsp;should be based on a prevailing social phenomenon than a rather rare, one in a million kind of&nbsp;happening. Hope you can conjure&nbsp;much better&nbsp;topics to let more and more people particpate in the discussion and make this forum much more lively.</p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-11 10:58:58
let's clap our hands for our DEAR ccfeng, well done!
christlulu 发表于 2006-6-14 10:44:05
<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;">Juvenile delinquency is social problem that attracts general’s attention. the causes of juvenile delinquency are usually abusive families, child neglect, and social problems such as alcoholism, poverty, poor education, poor health care, and family histories of abuse. In the <country-region wst="on">United States</country-region> and parts of <country-region wst="on">Canada</country-region> as well as <place wst="on"><country-region wst="on">Australia</country-region></place> “parental responsibility” will often refer to a kind of law that hold parents legally accountable for the actions of their children. According to this term, the parents have a social and moral, even a legal obligation to see to the welfare of their children until they reach the age of majority (in most laws the age of 18).<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;">In fact, I met this IELTS topic in an IELTS lessons and I was perplexed for an answer. You know, we must present the both pros and cons on this question. And it is generally thought that parents are to blame. And we all fix our eyes on the sentence “if a five year old commits a crime”, we don’t be hesitate to say that the parents are to blame because we all take mercy on them so we don’t have the heart to punish them. In deed, there is little probability that a five year old commit a crime. I thought that this topic just present an extreme case. Not only the five year old children, but also the children above 5, most of the adults indeed commit a crime because social problems and the absence of education. Can we forgive them for those reasons and just treat them like a five year old child?<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>Never!! People at which age can take full responsibility on their own crime may become a problem.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;"><p>&nbsp;</p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;">I am sorry for my limited English skills, especially my writing skill. And I try my best to express myself. Hope you can understand me. <p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;">Nice to meet you here, Rita. You have really done a good job and you deserve your title in the forum.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span><p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial;">Thank you for your suggestion, Ccfeng. As you said, the IELTS composition topic is just for test and it is not good enough to be a discussion topic. Maybe I will find a good topic next time. Hope I can make friends with you. And would you like to tell me how you study English? Thank you.<p></p></span></p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-15 10:30:31
<p>Dear lulu, now i can login in the forum, i don't know why, maybe i am so lucky today,maybe David has changed the server, hehe,in a word, i can come here to see u all, i am nearly excited.</p><p>Now i should say that what you have written is really reasonable, and i have to confess that you have such a high english level, u let me know what is poor, yeah, i need to study harder and harder to realize my dream </p>[em04][em04][em04][em04]
christlulu 发表于 2006-6-20 10:32:42
<p>another topic: do you agree or disagree with the following statement? boys and girls should attend separate schools.use specific reasons and examples to support your answers.</p><p>rita, you are aways very kind to encourage us to learn english. thank you .</p><p>hehe ,i dont know whether this is a good topic.if you are interested in&nbsp;it you can try your best to present your ideas.and we can improve our english through discussion.</p>
puppy 发表于 2006-6-20 14:56:37
<p><font face="Arial" size="4">Love Christlulu,</font></p><p><font face="Arial" size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't think a no sex difference school would be a proper place for Juveniles to develop their minds and studies soundly, anyway peopple need an heterogeneous air to get along with each other very well.&nbsp; Such a single gender place will only spoil our disposition not only on our study's interest but our character interity.&nbsp; Personally only a few female centered schools are well doing their best to ease this problem, so in conclusion, I keep my suggestion on the lauch of separate schools</font></p>[em10]
ccfeng 发表于 2006-6-20 18:26:52
<p>Great topic Christlulu. I am in&nbsp;a secondary boy school&nbsp;and we had discussed about this issue before in the assembly last year. All of us are boys and we got the chance to discuss about it with the whole level.</p><p>I disagree with this statement to a greater extent. For this topic, we cannot disagree or agree totally as both sides have its reasons behind it. Boys are certainly to be more comfortable with other boys because of the same interests and will have few barriers in interacting with them. People of the same genders tends to be more together as a group and will not be shy to talk to each other. This is a pro of having single gender schools. Another pro is that most people work better with the same genders and will&nbsp;complete tasks quickly instead of dragging it. There are so many barriers between the two genders and it will hinder work. For example, a boy and a girl&nbsp;put together&nbsp;for a project work, but both of them were shy to talk to each other. Eventually they did things just on their own and came up with something not of good quality.</p><p>However, I disagreed with this statement is&nbsp;mainly because seperating boys and girls in different schools purposely is just a way to elude the barrier. What we should do is interact more with each other and let down the barrier instead of fleeing from the situation. It will not be good for&nbsp;a person to stay in a single gender&nbsp;school for their whole education life. When they come out into society, they have to work with different genders and it will be uneasy for them as they have not tackled the barrier between different genders before. Instead of waiting for the child to get into society to tackle this problem, we should let them solve the problem much early, so they do not need to worry when they are in society.</p><p>These are my points for disagreeing this statement to a greater extent, hope you find them reasonable.</p>
puppy 发表于 2006-6-20 14:56:37
<p><font face="Arial" size="4">Love Christlulu,</font></p><p><font face="Arial" size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't think a no sex difference school would be a proper place for Juveniles to develop their minds and studies soundly, anyway peopple need an heterogeneous air to get along with each other very well.&nbsp; Such a single gender place will only spoil our disposition not only on our study's interest but our character interity.&nbsp; Personally only a few female centered schools are well doing their best to ease this problem, so in conclusion, I keep my suggestion on the lauch of separate schools</font></p>[em10]
ccfeng 发表于 2006-6-20 18:26:52
<p>Great topic Christlulu. I am in&nbsp;a secondary boy school&nbsp;and we had discussed about this issue before in the assembly last year. All of us are boys and we got the chance to discuss about it with the whole level.</p><p>I disagree with this statement to a greater extent. For this topic, we cannot disagree or agree totally as both sides have its reasons behind it. Boys are certainly to be more comfortable with other boys because of the same interests and will have few barriers in interacting with them. People of the same genders tends to be more together as a group and will not be shy to talk to each other. This is a pro of having single gender schools. Another pro is that most people work better with the same genders and will&nbsp;complete tasks quickly instead of dragging it. There are so many barriers between the two genders and it will hinder work. For example, a boy and a girl&nbsp;put together&nbsp;for a project work, but both of them were shy to talk to each other. Eventually they did things just on their own and came up with something not of good quality.</p><p>However, I disagreed with this statement is&nbsp;mainly because seperating boys and girls in different schools purposely is just a way to elude the barrier. What we should do is interact more with each other and let down the barrier instead of fleeing from the situation. It will not be good for&nbsp;a person to stay in a single gender&nbsp;school for their whole education life. When they come out into society, they have to work with different genders and it will be uneasy for them as they have not tackled the barrier between different genders before. Instead of waiting for the child to get into society to tackle this problem, we should let them solve the problem much early, so they do not need to worry when they are in society.</p><p>These are my points for disagreeing this statement to a greater extent, hope you find them reasonable.</p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-22 09:47:59
<p>Lulu, thanks for your good topic and make our heaven more and more lively, hehe!</p><p>Dear puppy and ccfeng, both of you have good writen-up, envy you, i know i need more and more practice, come on!</p><p>Finally, i wanna say something about the topic.</p><p>Actully I disagree the idea that boys and girls enter the separate gender schools. I think communication is very important between same gender and different one. You know we will enter the society in the near future, and the environment school provides is very important,and we can say that it is a small society which is full of students and teachers, hehe! If we only enter the separate schools, how could we communicate with others (with different genders) in society??? The answer surely is negative......</p>[em07][em07][em07]
christlulu 发表于 2006-8-12 12:27:20
<p>are you discussing on this topic? but it seems no need to discuss because all of you are in favor of mix school.but as we know ,separate schools do exist in the society and many parents are willing to send their childen to the separate schools.that means it also plays an unique or even a significant role in our education system and the society.so maybe we can try our best to challange our own&nbsp;mind and come up with novel&nbsp;ideas.</p><p>ccfeng provided both the pros and cons.that is really good .i have learnt a lot from your articles.thank you.</p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-8-14 10:57:57
actually we all are learning from each other.
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