






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2020-6-20 03:00| 查看数: 702| 评论数: 0|

By the time Americas third mission to land on the moon, Apollo 13 lifted off on April 11th 1970 travel to the desolate orb, seemed about as no-worthy as commuting to work. I think the only mention of the New York Times was on page 67 on the weather page. Very few people the news media had managed had manned the news desk at the Johnson Space Center. That changed three days into the mission, when a terrifying explosion rocked the spacecraft carrying astronauts Jim Lovell Jack Swigert and Fred Hayes. It had been a major sound metallic echoing bang came through the spacecraft, so we knew it was nothing normal, something probably bad. At NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas, flight director Gene Kranz frantically worked to turn a certain catastrophe into a successful recovery. We had three crewmen in a dead space craft 200,000 miles from Earth going towards the moon. Getting them back alive meant around-the-clock problem-solving and abandoning the mission they trained for. I was sick to my stomach because I knew we weren't going to be able to land on the moon. Well the crew men of the Apollo 13 will all silence for a moment please.


As the world followed the crisis on radio and television, Gene Kranz during Apollo 13 became the title of his book. Failure is not an option. The crisis lasted the best part of almost four days, and that was where maybe the worlds attention was able to be focused upon this particular event, more than some of the other missions that we focused on. The team that was trained to handle emergencies like that, and like many other things did their job with great credit, and as a result that the spacecraft and the crew came back safely. Years later when we decided to write a book about the story of Apollo 13, that I got the feeling that yes the flight was a failure in one aspect, but the other aspect it was a triumph on how people can't take it almost certain catastrophe the Mission Control. People in the flight crew working together, figuring out solutions to crisis that we didn't plan for we didn't train for and get this spacecraft back home. Hey we've got a problem here. Levels book titled lost moon was the basis for the 1995 Apollo 13 Hollywood blockbuster. Houston we have a problem, featuring actor Tom Hanks as level. Sometimes stories that we see in movies are based in reality, and you have to sort of increase the drama. This one was a real drama. It was not clear that these guys were going to be able to get home alive, and so that‘s why it makes such a good story, and why I think it grabbed people's attention. It's a story highlighted at the Adler Planetariums Mission Moon exhibit, showcasing equipment from Apollo 13, donated by Lovell, who hopes to inspire a new generation of explorers. Quite a few of the population just here coming through the Adler Planetarium wasn't around when we actually did our Apollo flights. While Ann Adler Planetarium event to celebrate Apollo 13's 50th anniversary is postponed due to the corona virus outbreak. I hereby declare that this was a successful mission. The celebration is moving online. The voyage of Apollo 13 dramatized its risks, where visitors to the Adler and NASA social media sites can see and hear highlights of the U.S. space programs successful failure. Kane Farabaugh VOA news Chicago Illinois

随着世界在广播和电视上关注这场危机,在阿波罗13号期间,吉恩·克兰兹成了他书的主题。失败不是一种选择。这场危机持续了近四天的大部分时间,也许全世界的注意力都集中在这一特别的事件上,比我们其他任务的关注要多。团队接受过处理这种紧急事件的训练,就像许多其它事情一样,他们的工作功不可没,结果太空船和宇航员们安全地返航。很多年以后,我们决定写一本关于阿波罗13号故事的书时,我觉得,没错,从一方面来说那次航行是失败的,但从其他方面来说,这是一次成功,我们不能把任务控制的大灾难当做理所当然。航天人员一起努力并找到了危机的解决办法,这场危机是我们没有计划过,也没有训练过的,但我们让太空船返航了。嘿,这里有个问题。《迷失的月亮》是1995年阿波罗13号好莱坞大片的基础。休斯敦,我们有麻烦了,演员汤姆汉克斯出演。有时,我们在电影里看到的故事是以现实为基础的,你得加一点戏剧性。这是一个真正的戏剧。还不清楚这些人能不能活着回家,所以这就是为什么这个故事这么好,以及为什么我认为它抓人眼球。这是一个在阿德勒天文馆登月任务展览上突出的故事,展示了由洛维尔捐赠的阿波罗13号的设备,他希望能激励新一代探险家。当我们进行阿波罗飞行时,有相当一部分刚从阿德勒天文馆来的人来到这里。安阿德勒天文馆庆祝阿波罗13号50周年的纪念活动因冠状病毒的爆发而推迟。我特此宣布这是一个成功的任务。庆祝活动将在网上举行。阿波罗13号的航行将其风险戏剧化,在阿德勒和美国航天局的社交媒体网站上,游客可以看到和听到美国航天计划成功式失败的亮点。美国之音新闻芝加哥伊利诺斯州,Kane Farabaugh


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