





the means of mojo

发布者: BG2019 | 发布时间: 2020-7-11 15:43| 查看数: 690| 评论数: 1|

I found a question about talking the means of mojo. I think the comment is good .We can learn more things about the word.
the question:

And the comment:
mojo is a little hard to describe, it's like a coolness factor. If you lose your mojo, you're not cool anymore.
It also might be a skill or luck. If you're winning a lot at gambling and everything is going great, you've got your mojo going. If you then start losing badly, you've lost your mojo.
So it's not a real thing, it's just how you feel, a state of mind and confidence.
Another comment:
It's related to magic. Think of charisma, confidence, belief in yourself, and feeling energetic and encouraged about yourself and your power to influence the world.
It's often used when describing how someone went through a rough period and lost their confidence or felt down and depressed, and it's used when describing how they regained belief in themselves. If you lose your mojo, it's as if your thoughts and effect on other people was powered by magic, but the magic went dead. If you get your mojo back, it's as if the magic has returned and you are your former self again.
It can refer to your ability to attract men/women/etc. romantically, or it can be used for something like a skill like sales, a lawyer winning cases, a writer writing books, or a musician composing songs.
Sometimes,the word has different means in different situation,we can guess the means through the context.


BG2019 发表于 2020-7-11 15:46:12
I hope this post can give you some thought.
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