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  • 犯困呢(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 又该静一静了(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 国庆长假还没想好去哪里玩 想出去又不想挤 太矛盾了(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 今天大运会开幕啦 我爱成都(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 上海九日游很开心(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 写字楼没有空调 蒸桑拿的一天(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 宝贝今天升中班啦~(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 18年前的今天,回忆杀(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • I miss U(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • keep calm(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 喜迎周末(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 六一能放假陪孩子就好了(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • cuo tuo(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 天气忽冷忽热(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • lovely day(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • QQQQ
  • 性别
  • 生肖
  • 生日1987 年 1 月 24 日
  • 血型B
  • 交友目的互相练习英语,提高英语水平。
  • 居住地四川省 成都市
  • 星座水瓶座



Some words on talking about jobs 2021-10-26
challenging   rewarding  absorbing  fulfilling monotonous  interesting stressful demanding  My job doesn't vary very muc ...
Here are some useful tips on how to start a conversation on a business occasion. 2021-10-25
1. Successful small talk is not  about saying brilliant things. It's about commenting and asking about ordinary things with conviction, interest, ...
the three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile 2021-08-11
the three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first,hard work; second,stick-to-itiveness; third,common sense. 为达成任何有意义的事 ...
Reading today. 2021-08-02
A new technology was introduced to our country. He achieved his greatest glory in the Olympic Games in Japan. This piece of music accorded well with ...
Reading makes a full man 2021-07-29
Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man. 读书使人充实 讨论使人机智 写作使人准确。
Good family education is important and necessary to children. 2021-07-29
There is an old saying"Family is the first teacher for the children". During the children's life time, parents' behavior and language affect their chi ...



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