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  • It's raining cats and dogs a couple of hours ago, but now snowing was fallen over the whole of this area. 回复
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幸福生活二十法则 2009-06-10
1. Compliment three people every day.   每天问候3个人。  2. Watch a sunrise.   看日出。 3. Be the first to say "Hello."   首先 ...
胡氏超级背单词法  2009-05-28
  以下是一些强度比较大的背单词法,大家可以参考。        1. 每天记忆单词的最佳量应在200 到 300之间   2. ...
外语原版小说阅读技巧与策略【转】 2009-04-22
说实话,在原版小说的阅读方面,我不是高手,虽然有很多恩师淳淳教导,自己也买了借了很多原版小说,在我印象中,没有一本好好读完的,唯一的一本大16开的600多p ...


有效地背诵《新概念英语》 2009-04-13
(1)明确目的,集中精力   背诵一篇课文或者一段必须掌握的语句,最忌东张西望,漫不经心,注意力分散。如果是一篇很简单的文字,背了几天后仍老出错,这肯定 ...



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tlsd001 2012-3-14 16:36
pushmail 2010-3-14 09:16
sunnytong 2009-6-9 15:28
nina,how are you doing?
shunitang 2009-5-10 21:37
liulp15: Well, thanks a lot. I really want to be a formal moderator. As I have not much time next week, and I don't know whether I did well enough in the last
honey,I have set you as the formal moderator already...
shunitang 2009-5-10 09:37
MM,your probation is due,but you dont apply for being a formal moderator?
jesse2009 2009-5-6 16:50
liulp15: Thanks for your support~ Best wishes~
shunitang 2009-4-11 08:50
liulp15: Ok. I just gave you a reply a moment ago in another message.
It's my pleasure to be one of your teams. Thanks a lot.
Could you tell me what I should
yah,I got your message.
well,just choose the edition you like in the forum,then will tell you how to manage the edition you are in charge of...
shunitang 2009-4-11 08:43
liulp15: Thank you. The name of the first song is "Because You live" which was sang by Jesse McCartney. I like his voice very much.
Have a good week
tks!have a weekend!

wanna invite you to join our enfamily management team,ok?
shunitang 2009-4-10 17:21
nice song!
冰袆 2009-4-5 19:51
liulp15: 谢谢!:)
对了,你的用户名叫“冰袆 ”,是真实的姓名吗?刚看到这个名字的时候,很好奇。不知道这其中有没有什么深刻的含义?这个名字让我想到的,就是冰清玉洁,而袆是古代王后的
冰袆 2009-4-5 17:41

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