





tag 标签: words


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每日一词,扎实英语(5月27日更新,在第6页)参与有奖! 天天练习 bobo 2005-10-15 61 29259 szyun 2009-5-7 12:13
[已助] help me translate two words 你说我说 snowwhite 2005-11-11 3 2423 snowwhite 2005-11-22 10:43
有效提高听力水平的七个建议 口语听力 soso 2005-12-1 13 57642 上官飞飞 2007-1-17 18:21
[转帖]how to rememer words 你说我说 流水绯红 2005-12-3 2 4238 delia 2005-12-13 00:20
words and stories digest 双语阅读 yucc 2005-12-7 8 11609 yucc 2006-1-1 16:20
Words of Wisdom for the Modern Age 现代智语 英语知识 yucc 2005-12-9 0 2099 yucc 2005-12-9 18:48
Words To Live By 生活的忠告 双语阅读 流水绯红 2005-12-13 0 2340 流水绯红 2005-12-13 05:14
[转帖]Spring Festival Words 英语知识 BlueMask 2005-12-31 1 2129 jessie 2006-1-9 23:27
Words and stories(Geezer) attachment 双语阅读 yucc 2006-1-6 0 4469 yucc 2006-1-6 01:27
Words and stories attachment 双语阅读 yucc 2006-1-11 1 4518 BlueMask 2006-1-17 12:45
Words and stories (播客) attachment 双语阅读 yucc 2006-1-12 0 7007 yucc 2006-1-12 18:59
Words and stories attachment 双语阅读 yucc 2006-1-18 0 4836 yucc 2006-1-18 18:47
Words and stories attachment 双语阅读 yucc 2006-1-22 1 12008 海伦 2006-9-18 10:54
Words and stories 双语阅读 yucc 2006-2-18 4 5565 yucc 2006-3-8 20:41
送给英语学习者的十句经典名言 你说我说 海伦 2006-2-26 2 8401 Mount-feng 2007-2-10 15:25
WORDS, WIDE NIGHT 双语阅读 黎儿 2006-3-3 1 5059 海伦 2006-3-6 16:51
Words to Live by 生活的忠告[有声版] digest 美文欣赏 kevin 2006-3-7 30 25826 blackcat 2007-5-28 18:05
words study 1 双语阅读 海伦 2006-3-7 1 4888 网迷 2006-3-7 20:08
words study 2 双语阅读 海伦 2006-3-7 0 4725 海伦 2006-3-7 13:09
Words to Live by 生活的忠告 美文欣赏 海伦 2006-4-1 0 1718 海伦 2006-4-1 10:26


分享 Words study-lesson one
Jack_bitter 2014-6-10 23:36
coat 上衣、外套 dress 连衣裙 skirt 裙子 shirt 衬衣 sentences 句子 watchfull 留心的 watch out 当心 gold-coated 镀金 sugar-coated 糖衣 pen pal 笔有 key pal 网友 casual 非正式的、偶然的、随便的、漫不经心的 few people wore evening dress 几乎没有人穿晚礼服 ...
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