





tag 标签: Education


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公共英语四级考试模拟题-阅读理解 公共英语 BlueMask 2006-4-30 0 8570 BlueMask 2006-4-30 22:37
[分享]怎样翻译“素质教育”? 英语知识 HappyLYnn 2006-9-30 1 9507 小拉leave 2015-6-5 00:34
[11.25双语新闻]美教育部长称掌握中文极其重要 双语新闻 phantom 2006-11-26 1 2378 海伦 2006-11-28 14:37
请问关于education的文章该如果写起 你说我说 jones123 2007-1-10 1 3122 Quickie 2007-1-10 13:02
Education Report--VOA听力 口语听力 david 2007-3-11 0 2622 david 2007-3-11 11:56
What Duke thinks of the profile of China's higher education 留学英语 christlulu 2007-3-21 1 3223 apollohmx 2007-3-26 20:37
[双语]英国:与青少年谈“情”说“性” 双语新闻 david 2007-4-19 0 2001 david 2007-4-19 10:40
Lesson 33 Education 教育 第四册 上官飞飞 2007-5-18 0 4061 上官飞飞 2007-5-18 19:04
模范小短文翻译练习(17) 翻译练习 daisy95071 2007-6-26 3 3476 cqtangseng 2012-5-15 18:09
Education 双语新闻 tataoo 2007-7-26 0 2615 tataoo 2007-7-26 16:30
vocabulary for education attachment 口语听力 lei_si 2007-9-22 0 2771 lei_si 2007-9-22 19:15
求职宝典--说明教育程度 Stating Your Education 职场英语 david 2008-2-29 0 2467 david 2008-2-29 15:53
Education 美文欣赏 ieboy 2008-7-21 0 1416 ieboy 2008-7-21 10:49
[2009-04-22] Genius without education 翻译练习 liulp15 2009-4-22 1 1705 冰袆 2009-4-22 09:17
It pays to get an education 翻译练习 tezukazyunko 2009-7-3 12 3719 永生sss 2021-11-24 11:33
大雁和狐狸交朋友 - [售价 50 朵鲜花] 心情驿站 Perfecy 2009-10-2 0 2169 Perfecy 2009-10-2 18:48
您认为幼儿教育是否应该免费? 每日话题 katy 2010-12-5 5 2678 kevincen 2015-3-11 22:11
Different audiences 英语幽默 毒蝎座 2010-12-31 0 1116 毒蝎座 2010-12-31 17:29
【职场】工作面试时最难回答的12个问题(上) 双语阅读 anro 2011-1-15 0 1110 anro 2011-1-15 18:36
【商务】生活达人:更加有效的做笔记 attach_img 双语阅读 anro 2011-1-15 0 1291 anro 2011-1-15 18:51


分享 Good family education is important and necessary to children.
Chris_Li 2021-7-29 10:01
There is an old saying"Family is the first teacher for the children". During the children's life time, parents' behavior and language affect their children all through the life directly or indirectly. Parents like a mirror,while Children like white paper. Good parents should to be good teachers, lea ...
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