






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-6-20 11:02| 查看数: 9431| 评论数: 8|

<p>疯狂口语表示法500例(一)</p><p>1——60 <br/><br/>· One’s brain child某人的主意,某人想出来的<br/>等同于one’s original idea<br/>one’ brain children(复数)<br/>&nbsp;<br/><br/>The new ways of teaching which have been proved very effective are brain children of all teaching staff of our department.<br/><br/>· Have a chip on one’s shoulder叫阵,叫板<br/><br/>He is not popular among his peers. He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.<br/><br/>此外该语还有“不满”,“对抗”的意思<br/><br/>Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.<br/><br/>· Clam up守口如瓶,拒不开口,沉默不语<br/><br/>I don’t understand why my students are quite talkative during the break but all clam up in class.<br/><br/>· Take someone to the cleaners使人囊中如洗,一贫如洗<br/><br/>Don’t ask me to play in a crap game. I don’t want to be the cleaners.<br/><br/>· A cliff-hanger扣人心玄的事情<br/><br/>eter was nearly involved in a car accident. He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cliff-hanger.<br/><br/>· Fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑<br/>等同于work against the clock<br/><br/>If you don’t fight the clock to enrich yourself, you will surely be lagged behind soon.<br/><br/>· A clotheshorse讲究穿戴的人<br/><br/>rincess Diana was a real clotheshorse. It’s hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes.<br/><br/>· Get hot under the collar发怒,怒气冲天<br/>Make someone hot under the collar<br/><br/>He got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.<br/><br/>· Come through with flying colors干得出色,大获成功<br/><br/>In the 13th Asian Games, Chinese athletic team came through with flying colors<br/><br/>· Show (reveal) one’s true colors原形毕露<br/><br/>He always appears polite and gentle. But his quarrelling with others in dirty words show his true colors.<br/><br/>· Come up with找出,想出,弄出,提出<br/>等同于to produce, to find out, to think out<br/><br/>After three days’of deep thinking, the manager came up with an idea of promoting the products.<br/><br/>· Jump to conclusions仓促的下结论<br/><br/>Being a teacher, he shouldn’t jump to conclusions that a student is not worth teaching simply because he fails one exam.<br/><br/>· To one’s heart’s content心满意足<br/><br/>Today is weekend. The lights won’t go off after 11 o’clock. We can chat to our heart’s content.<br/><br/>此外该语还有“随心所欲”的意思<br/>Mary loves keeping diary. She can express her emotion to her heart’s content.<br/><br/>· Lose one’s cool沉不住气<br/>反义词keep one’s cool<br/><br/>In the boxing match. Tyson lost his cool and bit Hollyfield’s ear.<br/><br/>· Play it cool不露声色,沉着冷静<br/><br/>Sampras, the No. 1 tennis player in the world, always plays it cool when he wins in the match.<br/><br/>· e rotten to the core坏透了、烂透了<br/><br/>Keep away from that boy. He is rotten to the core.<br/><br/>· cut corners偷工减料、走捷径、图省事、节约<br/><br/>Student is a serious thing. You can't expect to cut corners.<br/><br/>cut corners并不是都是贬义的,还表示节约,节省<br/>With only $100 left, he had to cut corners to make his journey back home.<br/><br/>· have a crush on someone迷恋某人<br/><br/>Some teenager girls got a crush on the film star<br/><br/>· be a far cry from...与……相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距)<br/><br/>Though Dick has tried hard, it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him.<br/><br/>· chew the cud好好琢磨琢磨<br/><br/>I don't want to jump to conclusions, I have to chew the cud on it for a few days.<br/><br/>· be cut out for...天生适合于……(用于否定句中)<br/><br/>Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept it. You know, I'm not cut for a manager.<br/><br/>· be completely in the dark一无所知,仍蒙在鼓里<br/>keep someone in the dark; be left (kept) in the dark<br/><br/>He is a dictator. Though I'm the production manager, I'm completely in the dark as what to do next.<br/><br/>· a blind date初次约会<br/><br/>James was too excited to have dinner. He was having a blind date with Sue in the evening.<br/><br/>· have seen better days今非昔比<br/><br/>Look at our dean, He has seen better days.<br/><br/>· be out of one's depth力所不及<br/><br/>Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford, but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major.<br/><br/>· give someone a dose of his own medicine以其人之道还制其人之身<br/><br/>On April Fool's Day, my classmates made me an April Fool. Next year, I'll give him a dose of his own medicine.<br/><br/>· a drop in the bucket沧海一粟<br/><br/>He has suffered a lot in his life. Losing his job this time was only a drop in the bucket.<br/><br/>· play dumb with someone装聋作哑<br/><br/>It's no use playing dumb with teachers. They know very well their students.<br/>· be down in dumps垂头丧气,深情沮丧<br/><br/>I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today.<br/><br/>· make the dust fly干得很起劲<br/><br/>Many volunteers are helping in the Olympic Games. They are making the dust fly without getting pay.<br/><br/>· go easy on...酌情处理……;节约使用……;对……手下留情<br/><br/>I hope the teacher will go easy on me. Otherwise, I'll have no chance to pass the exam.<br/><br/>当介词on的后面跟得是something的时候,此语用来是“节约使用”或“小心对待”<br/>Go easy on salt. We have to save some for the next meal.<br/><br/>· egg someone on to do something怂恿,鼓动某人干某事<br/><br/>Haven't you seen him through? He can help you nothing but egg you on to do illegal things.<br/><br/>· rub elbows with someone和某人没有很深的交情<br/><br/>I suppose Jack doesn't know me well. We have only rubbed elbows with other for several times.<br/><br/>· be at the end of one's tether山穷水尽<br/><br/>Mark feels worried because he can't write any new books. He is afraid that he is at the end of his tether.<br/><br/>· be at one's wits' end不知如何是好<br/><br/>My boy is such a mischief-maker. I am at my wits' end with him.<br/><br/>· be at loose ends心里没有着落<br/><br/>Many old people feel at loose ends after their retirement.<br/><br/>· make both ends meet收支平衡<br/><br/>The newly-wed couple found it hard to make both ends meet.<br/><br/>· be green with envy羡慕极了<br/><br/>Don't be green with envy. He deserves the prize, since he has spent a whole month on that paper.<br/><br/>· be of the essence绝对不可少,关键的<br/><br/>As for study, diligence is of the essence.<br/><br/>· a poor apology for...蹩脚货,名不副实<br/><br/>That travel agency was first-class, but it offered a poor apology for its service<br/><br/>· make an exhibition of oneself出洋相<br/><br/>如果表示总出洋相可以在exhibition一词前加上形容词, regular<br/>She is a bit insane. She always makes a regular exhibition of herself by raging at almost everybody.<br/><br/>· keep an eye open密切注视<br/><br/>Keep an eye open for anyone who arouses your suspicion.<br/><br/>· see eye to eye with...与……意见一致<br/><br/>Though they are twins, they never see eye to eye with each other on anything.<br/><br/>· turn a blind eye on装做没看见<br/><br/>It is not right for teachers to turn a blind eye to those who cheat in the exam.<br/><br/>· feast one's eyes on...观赏……,一饱眼福<br/><br/>Yesterday we went to a fashion show. We really feasted our eyes on beauties and fancy clothes.<br/><br/>· have a face would stop a clock奇丑无比<br/><br/>The old lady has a face that would stop a clock, but she is the helpful person I have ever met.<br/><br/>· keep a straight face板着脸<br/><br/>He likes telling jokes . But always keeps a straight face when others are shaking their sides with laughter.<br/><br/>· be fed up with...对……烦透了<br/><br/>My roommates are too noisy. I'm really fed up with them.<br/><br/>· fall for...迷恋上……<br/><br/>She fell for that guy simply because he behaved quite differently from others.<br/><br/>· be riding for a fall自讨苦吃<br/><br/>That big country is riding for a fall if it keeps interfering with others'' internal affairs.<br/><br/>· play fast and loose with...敷衍了事,不正经干<br/><br/>You are not clever enough to play fast and loose with Susan.<br/><br/>· play favorites with...对……有偏心眼<br/><br/>The girl isn't on good terms with her parents. They play favorites with her little brother.<br/><br/>· put out a feeler to do...试探……的反应<br/><br/>The chairman put out a feeler to see people's reactions to his election speech.<br/><br/>· be dead on one's feet筋疲力尽<br/><br/>Our boss regards us his slaves. Everyday after work.<br/><br/></p>


laniya 发表于 2006-6-20 11:03:08
<p>122——181 <br/><br/>· have one's heart set on...一心想要……<br/><br/>Once he had his heart set on something, he'll accept no turning-back.<br/><br/>· one's heart in one's mouth吓得要命<br/><br/>My heart was in my mouth when I heart someone tapping on my window one raining night.<br/>have one's heart in one's mouth; with one's heart in one's mouth<br/><br/>· not have the heart to do something不忍心去做<br/><br/>How can you have the heart to kill my pet?<br/><br/>· take something to heart往心里去/认真接受意见等<br/><br/>Tom decided to take his father's words to heart and wash his hands off smoking.<br/><br/>· be in the seventh heaven高心极了<br/><br/>Mary was in seventh heaven when she finally came to Paris, the center of fashion.<br/><br/>· move heaven and earth想尽一切办法<br/><br/>Believe me. I promise to move heaven and earth to help you.<br/><br/>· cool one's heels等的双脚发凉,久等<br/><br/>Let's meet at the gallery at 7 o'clock. Come at 7 sharp. Don't make me cool my heels.<br/><br/>· take to one's heels逃走<br/><br/>The naughty boy took to his heels after he should 'trick-or-treat'.<br/><br/>· shoot from the hip信口开河<br/><br/>Don't take Jay's words to heart. He shouldn't have shot from the hip.<br/><br/>· by hook or by crook千方百计得,不择手段得<br/><br/>He rose to that position by hook or by crook.<br/><br/>· blow hot and cold出尔反尔,喜怒无常<br/><br/>Do you think he'll support you? He is the type who blows hot and cold.<br/><br/>· make it hot for...刁难某人<br/><br/>Out section manager is a woman. Our general manager always looks down upon her and makes everything hot for her.<br/><br/>· have the lots for someone迷恋某人<br/><br/>You have to stop her. She has the lots for a married man.<br/><br/>· bring down the house博得满堂喝彩<br/><br/>The first-prize winner of the speech contest has brought down the house for several times.<br/><br/>· be over the hump已度过难关<br/><br/>The Asian financial crises has almost paralyzed Asian economy. But we are over the hump now.<br/><br/>· have a hunch that...预感到……<br/><br/>I have a hunch that the bear market will be over soon.<br/><br/>· be hunky-dory挺不错的<br/><br/>A: How do you like the food here? B: Hunky-dory.<br/><br/>· skate on thin ice如履薄冰,冒风险<br/><br/>We are skating on thin ice if we continue killing wild animals.<br/><br/>· toy with the idea of...心里盘算要……<br/><br/>She's toying within the idea of marring a foreigner.<br/><br/>· no ifs, ands and buts不要找任何的理由和借口<br/><br/>A: You know I could have done it well, but... B: No ifs, ands and buts. Tell me if you want to save your job.<br/><br/>· give someone an inch and he'll take a mile得寸进尺<br/><br/>Give my roommate an inch and he'll take a mile. Last time, I offered him some candies. Today, he asked for an ice-cream.<br/><br/>· have many irons in the fire同时有很多要紧的事要做<br/><br/>Although he was out of job, he still wrote to his parents saying he had many irons in the fire.<br/><br/>· be in a jam陷入困境<br/>get in a jam<br/><br/>You've got to help me. I'm in a jam. May car refused to work on my way to office.<br/><br/>· jaywalk横穿马路<br/><br/>It is dangerous to jaywalk.<br/><br/>· in a jiffy不大一会儿<br/>=in a moment, right away. at once<br/><br/>I'll be with you in a jiffy.<br/><br/>· have ( a case of ) the jitters忐忑不安<br/><br/>The new teacher had a case of jitters when he first stood in front of the class.<br/><br/>· keep up with the Joneses与别人比阔,与别人攀比<br/><br/>He likes keeping up with the Joneses.<br/><br/>· get a kick out of doing something从……得到很大的乐趣<br/><br/>He gets a kick put of racing.<br/><br/>· take kindly to something/someone愿意接受<br/><br/>Don't you feel that people in the lab don't take kindly to a nosy reporter?<br/><br/>· kill someone with kindness好得让人受不了<br/><br/>The old lady almost killed me with kindness when I lived at her home.<br/><br/>· parade one's knowledge买弄学问<br/><br/>He is a well-learned man, bit he never parades his knowledge.<br/><br/>· be at large逍遥法外(也可以形容动物不受约束)<br/><br/>The murderer was still at large. The victim's parents was determined to find enough evidence to sue him to court.<br/><br/>· rest on one's laurels故步自封,吃老本<br/><br/>You are sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels.<br/><br/>· turn over a new leaf洗心革面<br/><br/>The juvenile delinquent promised that he would turn over a new leaf if he could be given lenient punishment.<br/><br/>· have a hollow leg(喝酒)海量<br/><br/>The best man has a hollow leg. He drinks a lot instead of the bridegroom.<br/><br/>· pull someone's leg开某人的玩笑<br/><br/>Never ever pull his leg. He is a man without a sense of humor. He takes everything seriously.<br/><br/>· keep someone at arm's length与某人保持距离<br/><br/>My boss is my uncle. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, I'd better keep him at arm's length in company.<br/><br/>· let someone down使某人失望<br/><br/>Joe really let me down by having broken his promises for several times.<br/><br/>· can't for the life of one怎么……也不行<br/><br/>I thought I could recite my speech backwards, but when I stood in front of the audience, I couldn't for the life of me remember what to say.<br/><br/>· air one's linen in public家丑外扬<br/><br/>The wife was often beaten by her husband, but she never told others. She didn't want to air her linen in public.<br/><br/>· keep a stiff upper lip意志坚定,坚强不屈<br/><br/>One failure means nothing. You've got to keep a stiff upper lip.<br/>· be at loggerheads with...互不相让<br/><br/>The two parties were at loggerheads with each other over the new tax policy.<br/><br/>· a born loser一事无成者<br/><br/>Nobody is a born loser. All you need is perseverance.<br/><br/>· louse up something把某事搞得一团糟<br/><br/>He let the cat out of the bag, which loused up the whole deal.<br/><br/>· not do...for love or money死也不会……<br/><br/>Stop trying. I won't betray my friend for love or money.<br/><br/>· feel a lump in one's throat心里感到很难受<br/><br/>I felt a lump in my throat on hearing her story of fighting with the deadly disease.<br/><br/>· make do with...用……凑合<br/><br/>We are too tired to cook. We can make do with two bags of instant noodles.<br/><br/>· the man in the street普通的人,老百姓<br/><br/>The interview with the man in the street shows that 90% of them are satisfied with the TV fro grams.<br/><br/>· be one's own man不受他人支配,自己管自己<br/><br/>Our monitor is not easy to cope with. He is much his own man.<br/><br/>· steal a march on someone抢在他人前面,暗渡陈仓<br/><br/>We stole a march on our rivals by reducing 5% of our price and got back our market.<br/><br/>meat and drink精神寄托<br/><br/>To some old people, raising pets is their meat and drink.<br/><br/>· be at the mercy of受……支配<br/><br/>When you get this kind of disease, your life is at the mercy of God.<br/><br/>· blow someone's mind把某人搞得晕晕乎乎<br/><br/>Readers had rather high opinion of his new book, which blew his mind.<br/><br/>· have a good mind to do something很想去干某事<br/><br/>When I see young and robust men elbow their way onto the bus, I have a good mind to smack them.<br/><br/>· have a one-track mind死脑筋,一根筋<br/><br/>Mark has a one-track mind. All he cares is earning money.<br/><br/>· mind one's own affairs少管闲事<br/><br/>You are nothing but an old gossip! Can't you only mind your own affair?<br/><br/>· weigh on someone's mind心事重重<br/><br/>The failure of signing the contract has been weighing on his mind. He couldn't sleep at night.<br/><br/>· be of two minds拿不定主意<br/><br/>Jill was of two minds as whether to spend the money on books or on clothes.<br/><br/>· have money to burn有花不完的钱<br/><br/>The new rich has money to burn.<br/><br/>· once in a blue moon千载难逢<br/><br/>Our boss is a miser. He gives us a treat only once in a blue moon.<br/><br/>182——241 <br/><br/>· be down in the mouth垂头丧气<br/><br/>Sandra was down in the mouth because she didn't make the appointment.<br/><br/>· keep mum about something对某事保持沉默<br/><br/>The high official kept mum about his scandal.<br/><br/>· face the music承担责任,甘受责备<br/><br/>You are caught stealing. You have to face the music.<br/><br/>· hit the nail on the head说到点子上<br/><br/>I like to discuss with Helen. She always hits the nail on the head.<br/><br/>· call someone names辱骂某人<br/><br/>The neighbors keep dropping litter in front of her door. She couldn't bear it any more and call them names.<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 19:42:00编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-6-20 11:04:27
<p>疯狂口语表示法500例(三)</p><p>242——285 <br/><br/><br/>· the black sheep of the family有辱门楣的人<br/>He lost everything in gabling and was called the black sheep of the family by this relatives.<br/><br/>· take a shine to someone一见就中意<br/>She is an animal-lover. She takes a shine to whatever animal she meets.<br/><br/>· give someone the shirt off one's back为某人慷慨解囊,毫不吝啬的接济某人<br/>He works in the charity organization and strongly believes that he who gives others the shirt off his back will be blessed by the God.<br/><br/>· lose one's shirt输得精光<br/>The man didn't leave Las Vegas until he lost his shirt.<br/><br/>· know where the shoe pinches知道问题所在<br/>A wise leader should be one who knows where the shoe pinches and knows what to do with it.<br/><br/>· a shot in the dark瞎猜<br/>I didn't know which button was for TV. I pushed one, and TV was turned on. It was mere a shot in the dark.<br/><br/>· give someone the cold shoulder冷待某人<br/>I hate going to expensive hotels. The receptionist always gives me the cold shoulder when she sees my plain clothes.<br/><br/>· steal the show喧宾夺主<br/>Cinderalla stole the show in the Prince's party.<br/><br/>· side with someone与某人站在一起,支持某人<br/>I'm your friend, but I'm afraid I won't side with you on that issue.<br/><br/>· have a memory like a sieve记性太差<br/>I think a computer notebook will be of great help for me, since I've got a memory like a sieve.<br/><br/>· out of clear blue sky意料不到<br/>Yesterday, out of a clear blue sky, My landlady gave me a one-day notice, asking me to move out.<br/><br/>· .make a slip of the tongue说走嘴<br/>The class burst into laughter when the teacher made a slip of the tongue. He meant to say "Good morning" to students, but he said "Good afternoon".<br/><br/>· be on the sly办事狡猾<br/>The boy was smoking in the corner when his father caught him on the sly.<br/><br/>· for a song以级低的价钱,廉价地<br/>I got the rare edition of the book for a song in the flea market.<br/><br/>· sound someone out试探某人的意见<br/>Have you sounded the principal out on postponing the final examination?<br/><br/>· call a spade a spade有什么就说什么<br/>We are good friends. Call a spade a spade. Don't tell me in a round-about way.<br/><br/>· spick and span干干净净<br/>The housewife always keeps her kitchen spick and span.<br/><br/>· go for a spin出去兜风<br/>The city dwellers like going for a spin to the country on weekends.<br/><br/>· spine-chilling令人毛骨悚然<br/>He likes horrible films. Those spine-chilling pictures to us are pleasant to his eyes.<br/><br/>· The spirit is willing; but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足<br/>A: How many times have you tried quitting smoking? B: It's not that the spirit is not willing, but that the flesh is weak.<br/><br/>· win one's spurs受到奖赏<br/>She won her spurs as a popular writer immediately after her first book became a best-seller.<br/><br/>· put the squeeze on someone对某人施加压力<br/>The new situation is putting the squeeze on all companies engaged in this business.<br/><br/>· stand up to someone与某人大胆对抗<br/>The soldier stood up to the officer and was place in confinement.<br/><br/>· thank one's lucky stars感到万幸<br/>I should thank your lucky stars that you missed the plane which crashed into the sea.<br/><br/>· get off to a flying start来了开门红<br/>Our kindergarten got off to a flying start by having 100 children to sign up in the first month.<br/><br/>· go steady with someone 与异性稳步发展关系<br/>Mary and Tim got married after going steady with each other for two years.<br/><br/>· watch one's step当心<br/>You're better watch your step when you go out with John. He is a trouble-maker.<br/><br/>· a stick-in the-mud老古董<br/>He is a stick=in-the-mud and will never invest his money in stock.<br/><br/>· be a stickler吹毛皮的人<br/>I don't like to go to her home. She is a stickler for neatness.<br/><br/>· turn someone's stomach令人作呕<br/>Her sweet voice turned my stomach.<br/><br/>· fall between two stools鸡飞蛋打<br/>Tying to straddle two boats, he took up two jobs with two salaries. At last, unable to do either well.<br/><br/>· weather the storm度过难关<br/>The wooden house weathered the storm.<br/><br/>· harp on the same old string老调重弹<br/>He really gets on my nerves. He always harps on the same old string by promising us a paid holiday., but he never keeps it.<br/><br/>· have someone dancing on a string任意摆布某人<br/>Betty is a housewife and no income. Her husband has her dancing on a string.<br/><br/>· pull strings for someone为某人走后门,幕后操作<br/>In the material world, money pulls the strings.<br/><br/>· be stuck on someone迷恋上某人<br/>Tom was stuck on the girl at the first meeting although it was a blind date.<br/><br/>· to sweet-talk someone into (out of ) doing...甜言蜜语地让某人做(不做)……<br/>The accountant sweet-talked the boss out of checking her account.<br/><br/>· be in full swing达到高潮,全面展开<br/>China has opened its door to the outside world for twenty years. Reforms in every walks of life are in full swing.<br/><br/>· be asleep at the switch玩忽职守<br/>The goal-keeper was asleep at the switch and let the rival team goal at the last minute.<br/><br/>· suit...to a T对……再适合不过了<br/>This new job suits me to a T.<br/><br/>· turn the tables扭转局势<br/>Don't worry, your husband knows how to turn the tables and crack down on those guys.<br/><br/>· drink someone under the table把某人灌醉<br/>He has a hollow leg. He can drink all of us here under the table.<br/><br/>· keep tabs on something/someone掌握情况,密切关注<br/><br/>He has subscribed ten newspapers in order to keep tabs on the new developments in market management.<br/><br/>· keep someone down a notch挫某人的傲气<br/><br/>The monitor likes to order us around. He needs to be kept down a notch.<br/><br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 19:43:42编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-6-20 11:04:51
<p><font size="2">286——300 <br/><br/>· Take it out on someone拿别人出气<br/>The boy was reprimanded by his father. He took it out on his ball.<br/><br/>· An old wives’ tale无稽之谈<br/>Do you think the existence of life on Mars is an old wives’tale?<br/><br/>· Be the talk of the town满城风雨<br/>The death of the Princess Diana has been the talk of the town.<br/><br/>· Leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth给人留下坏印象<br/>Once I went to a famous university. But the untidy campus left a bad taste in my mouth.<br/><br/>· Crocodile tears假惺惺的眼泪<br/>Some of my business partners came to comfort me when I lost almost everything in one bad deal.<br/><br/>· Lose one’s temper发脾气<br/>You don’t have to lose your temper about trifle things.<br/><br/>· Through thick and thin有甘也有苦<br/>The couple have gone through thick and thin for many years.<br/><br/>· Have another think coming大错特错<br/>If you think I’m easily taken in, you are having another think coming.<br/><br/>· Thin-skinned神经过敏<br/>She is so thin-skinned that, whenever we talk about something in a low voice, she will think we are referring to her.<br/><br/>· Jump down someone’s throat严厉训斥某人<br/>The boy saved a girl from the river and went back home. Seeing him all through, his mother jumped down his throat.<br/><br/>· Stick out like a sore thumb特别扎眼<br/>I hate my big nose. It sticks out like a sore thumb.<br/><br/>· Be all thumbs笨手笨脚<br/>I just learned to type. I was all thumbs.<br/><br/>· Turn thumbs down on…不赞成……,反对……<br/>The boss turned thumbs down on the new on promotion scheme.<br/><br/>· Twiddle one’s thumbs无所事事<br/>Why do we have to work overtime while people in PR department are twiddling their thumbs?<br/><br/>· Beat someone’s time with someone勾引别人的女朋友<br/>He is strange. He doesn't go steady with any girl, but enjoys beating others’ time with their girlfriend.<br/><br/>301——315 <br/><br/>· On the tip of someone’s tongue就早嘴边上<br/>A man in black came to ask about my son’s whereabouts. My words were on the tip of someone’s tongue when I found the man had a gun inside his pocket.<br/><br/>· Hold one’s tongue保持沉默<br/>I can no longer hold my tongue when I see so many wild animals have become extinct.<br/><br/>· Keep a civil tongue in one’s head说话有礼貌<br/>A child is taught to keep a civil tongue in his head when he is small.<br/><br/>· Blow one’s top勃然大怒<br/>My neighbor blew his top when he saw his hedges were cut by someone.<br/><br/>· Carry a torch for someone单方想念某人<br/>Though Jane has been engaged with Mr. Hall, Jimmy still carries a torch for her.<br/><br/>· Have the Midas touch有生财的运气,手气好<br/>You’d better find Rogers as you stock broker. He has the Midas touch.<br/><br/>· Be touch and go万分危险<br/>The patient is out of danger now, but it was touch and go for a while.<br/><br/>· Throw in the towel认输<br/>She tried to save their marriage by talking her husband out of taking drugs. But she finally threw in the towel.<br/><br/>· Have the inside track for something处于有利的地位<br/>I’m an Art student. I don’t have the inside track for applying for that job.<br/><br/>· Keep track of someone/something掌握……的情况<br/>He is keeping track of all my old friends.<br/><br/>· Be on a gravy train走运,有赚钱的机会<br/>You will be on a gravy train if you can get that antique. It is worth more money than it is offered.<br/><br/>· Have a mind like a steel trap头脑特别快<br/>He has a mind like a steel trap. He can remember a new word even if he meets it once.<br/><br/>· Bark up the wrong tree弄错目标<br/>The detective has been following the man for a week. But it turns out that he has barked up the wrong tree.<br/><br/>· Be too quick on the trigger操之过急,行动过于仓促<br/>You are always too quick on the trigger. You jump into his throat before he can explain.<br/><br/>· Ask for trouble自找麻烦<br/>Are you asking for trouble by challenging the emphasis on qualities education. You are asking for trouble if you cheat in the exam.</font><br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 19:45:14编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-6-20 11:06:48
<font size="2">316——330 <br/><br/>· blow one’s own trumpet自吹自擂<br/>If you want to sell more, you should learn to blow your own trumpet.<br/><br/>· Not give someone a tumble不理睬某人<br/>Though Jackson has asked May to marry him for many times, she just won’t give him a tumble.<br/><br/>· Talk turkey打开天窗说亮话<br/>Let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. I’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest.<br/><br/>· Not say uncle拒不认错,不服输<br/>I don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone.<br/><br/>· Take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同<br/>Teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities.<br/><br/>· Walk all over someone任意欺负某人<br/>My neighbor walked all over me. He left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. I decided to fight back.<br/><br/>· Drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路<br/>He hates learning foreign languages. But the challenging situation drives him to the wall. He decides to go to an evening class.<br/><br/>· Drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱<br/>Would you please turn down that Rap music? It has driven me up the wall.<br/><br/>· Be in hot water陷入困境<br/>I’m sorry I can’t lend you money. I myself am in hot water.<br/><br/>· Like water off a duck’s back满不在乎,不起作用<br/>I can do nothing about him. Criticism rolls off like water off a duck’s back. It goes into his one ear and comes out of the other.<br/><br/>· Meet one’s Waterloo惨败<br/>The famous lawyer met his Waterloo at the hands of a fledgling lawyer.<br/><br/>· Fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼<br/>Don’t tell him that we need that material badly, He is good at fishing in troubled waters and will take advantage of it.<br/><br/>· Make waves兴风作浪<br/>Everything went smoothly in her wedding ceremony, when her formal boyfriend came to make waves by drinking the bridegroom under the table.<br/><br/>· Have a way with something/someone有应付……的办法<br/>She will make a good teacher. She seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy.<br/><br/>· Pave the way for…为……铺平道路<br/>Donation from every walks of life has paved the way for the Hope Project to proceed.<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/>(待续)</font><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 19:46:46编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-6-20 11:07:10

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 19:33:41编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 19:48:26
lovetrace 发表于 2006-7-5 11:19:47
jessie 发表于 2006-7-5 21:10:24
<p>laniya ,谢谢!<br/>应该还有的,对吗??</p>
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