






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-6-22 12:29| 查看数: 11575| 评论数: 3|

PART 3:INTERMEDIATE DIALOGUES中级对话<br/>  如果你把前一部分最基本的初级对话都掌握了的话,那就开始下一步的跋涉——进军中级对话吧.具有中级英语水平的人,也就具备了中级交流的能力,这一部分的对话涉及生活、工作和学习的点点滴滴,有发生在老朋友之间的,有同学之间、亲友之间的,有发生在同事之间的,也有上下级之间的,但不论场景如何变化,它们的共同点就是――交流<br/><br/>  I Can’t Believe My Eyes 我简直不能相信眼前的事实<br/>  A: I can’t believe my eyes! 我简直不能相信眼前的事实!<br/>  B: Well, if it isn’t Mike Li!这不是迈克·李吗!<br/>  A: Jim Wang! It’s nice to see you again! It’s been a long time.吉姆·王!见到你真是太高兴了!好久不见了。<br/>  B: You know, Mike, I’ve been meaning to call you for a long time. I’m so glad I ran into you today.迈克,你知道吗,很久以来我一直想给你打电话。真高兴今天能遇到你。<br/>  A: Me, too. How have you been doing?我也一样。你最近好吗?<br/>  B: Super. How about yourself?很好。你呢?<br/>  A: Pretty good. I can’t complain.不错,没什么可抱怨的<br/>  B: So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go abroad to study, weren’t you?快说来听听,我上一次见到你的时候,你正准备去出国留学呢,是不是?<br/>  A: Yes, I guess I was. But as it turned out, I changed my mind. I decided not to go after all.是,我想是的。但现在有了变化,我最终还是决定不去了<br/>  B: Oh, really? But if I remember correctly, you were intent on going to California. Whatever made you change your mind? I thought you were accepted to Stanford.<br/>  哦,是吗?如果我没记错的话,你当时是要去加利福尼亚。是什么使你改变主意的?我记得你是被斯坦福大学录取了<br/>  A: Well, it’s a long story, and I don’t want to bore you with all the details. But what it boils down to is that I decided that going to Stanford wasn’t a very good idea. I decided to go to Beijing University instead. I want to save my money and start my own business after graduation.说来话长。那些细节我就不赘述了。最后的结果是,我觉得去斯坦福读书不太明智。我打算去北大。这样,把钱省下来,毕业后可以自己开一家公司<br/>  B: Really? That’s very interesting.是吗?那很有趣嘛<br/>  A: And how about you? The last time we talked, didn’t you tell me you were going to open your own restaurant and hotel?你怎么样?上次我们聊的时候,你不是说要自己开个酒店吗?<br/>  B: That’s right. I was. But things turned out differently than I expected.<br/>  对呀,是有这么回事。但结果却和我预想的大不相同<br/>  A: But you seemed so determined to do that. What happened?可是你当时是决心很大的,发生了什么事呢?<br/>  B: Well, it’s very complicated, and I’m sure you don’t want to know all the details. But as it turned out, I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn’t for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead.说来复杂。我知道你不愿意听详细的个中原由。但结果却是,我觉得自己开饭店并不适合我,所以就决定留在原来的工作岗位<br/>  A: Well, a lot sure has happened since we last saw each other.是啊,从上次见面以来,真是发生了很多事<br/>  B: You can say that again! You know, we should try to stay in touch.你说得对!我们应该尽量保持联系<br/>  A: Yes, we should. Let’s have lunch together sometime soon.的确应该如此。我们最近找时间吃个午饭吧<br/>  B: That’s a good idea. I’ll call you.这主意不错。我到时候给你打电话<br/>  A: OK. Take care now.好吧,多保重<br/>  B: You, too.你也是<br/>


laniya 发表于 2006-6-22 12:30:44
口语要素<br/>  大家会发现,对话里面出现最多的是精彩的“口语要素”,其实,日常对话都是这些零零碎碎的“口语要素”组成的!一部英文电影又何尝不是成千上万“口语要素”的集合呢<br/>  ★ I can’t believe my eyes! 我简直不能相信眼前的事实!<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * I can’t believe my ears! 真是让人难以置信!<br/>  * I can’t believe what I saw! 我不相信我的眼睛!<br/>  ★ It’s nice to see you again! 又见到你真是太高兴了!<br/>  ★ It’s been a long time. 好久不见了。<br/>  ★ I’m so glad I ran into you today. 真高兴今天能遇到你。<br/>  ★ How have you been doing? 你最近好吗?<br/>  ★ How about yourself? 你呢?过得好吗?<br/>  ★ Pretty good./ Super. / I can’t complain. 很好。/棒极了。/没什么可抱怨的。【经典回答】<br/>  ★ I changed my mind. 我改变了主意。<br/>  ★ I decided not to go after all. 我最终还是决定不去了。<br/>  ★ Whatever made you change your mind? 是什么使你改变主意的? <br/>  It’s a long story. 说来话长。<br/>  You can say that again! 你说得对!<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * You said it! 你说对了!<br/>  * I’ll say! 你说得对!<br/>  * You’re right! 你说得对!<br/>  ★ I don’t want to bore you with all the details. 那些细节我就不赘述了。<br/>  ★ I decided to go to Beijing University instead. 我最后决定去北大读书。<br/>  ★ Really? 是吗?<br/>  That’s very interesting. 那很有趣嘛。<br/>  And how about you? 你怎么样?<br/>  ★ What happened? 发生了什么事呢?<br/>  ★ We should try to stay in touch. 我们应该尽量保持联系。<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * We should keep in touch. 我们应该保持联系。<br/>  * We should contact each other more often. 我们应该多多联系。<br/>  * We should keep each other informed. 我们应该保持联系。<br/>  * We should get together more often. 我们应该多多联系。<br/>  Let’s have lunch together sometime soon. 我们最近找时间吃个午饭吧。<br/>  【疯狂提示】这是一个典型的结束此类谈话的方式。如果有一个外国人到谈话的末尾对你说出这句话,要谨记两点:第一,不要追问确切的“一起吃午饭”的时间,第二,不要苦苦地等待那顿“不花钱的午餐”。如果对方出于诚意,他会这样说:Let’s have lunch together next Monday, OK?<br/>  That’s a good idea. 这主意不错。<br/>  ★ I’ll call you. 我到时候给你打电话。<br/>  ★ Take care now. 多保重。<br/>  超级短语<br/>  run into 碰到,遇到,邂逅<br/>  turn out 结果<br/>  after all 最终;毕竟<br/>  be intent on 决心要做;对某事专心致志<br/>  boil down to 等于;归结为<br/>  a lot sure has happened 变化很大<br/>  stay in touch 保持联系<br/>  超级句型:<br/>  Well, if it isn’t somebody!哟,这不是某某某吗!<br/>  Well, if it isn’t Mike Li!<br/>  这不是迈克·李吗!<br/>  【疯狂提示】这是一个引起谈话的重要句型,也是扯闲话的经典开端!<br/>  ② What it boils down to 简单说来<br/>  What it boils down to is that I decided that going to Stanford wasn’t a very good idea. 简单说来,我觉得去斯坦福读书不太明智。<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * The matter of fact is that going to Stanford wasn’t a very good idea.事实是,我觉得去斯坦福读书不太明智。<br/>  * As it turned out, going to Stanford wasn’t a very good idea.最后的结果是,我觉得去斯坦福读书不太明智。 <br/>  ③ I’ve been meaning to 很久以来我一直想……<br/>  I’ve been meaning to call you for a long time.很久以来我一直想给你打电话。<br/>  【疯狂提示】这是一个掩盖粗心、健忘及忙昏了头等等过失的最好的遮羞布!这是一个既体贴又体面但又不失虚伪的句型。一定要掌握它!<br/>  ④ You seemed so determined to 你好像决心很大……<br/>  You seemed so determined to do that.你当时是决心很大的<br/>  ⑤ If I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话<br/>  If I remember correctly, you were intent on going to California.如果我没记错的话,你当时是要去加利福尼亚。<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * If I remember correctly, you were intent on becoming a pilot.<br/>  如果我没记错的话,你当时想当个飞行员。<br/>  ⑥ I thought 我原以为<br/>  I thought you were accepted to Stanford.我记得你是被斯坦福大学录取了。<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * I thought you were married.我原以为你结婚了呢<br/>  语法点滴<br/>  过去进行时:表示过去正在进行的动作<br/>  ★ So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go to abroad to study, weren’t you?快说来听听,我上一次见到你的时候,你正准备去出国留学呢,是不是?<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * Last time I saw you, you were planning to become a musician.上次我见你的时候,你正准备搞音乐呢。<br/>  一般过去时:表示过去发生的事情<br/>  ★ As it turned out, I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn’t for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead.结果是,我觉得自己开饭店并不适合我。所以就决定留在原来的工作岗位<br/>  ★ That’s right. I was.对呀。是有这么回事<br/>  ★ I thought you were accepted to Stanford.我记得你是被斯坦福大学录取了。<br/>  举一反三:<br/>  * I thought you said you were going to take the boss’s place.我以为你是说你要接替老板的职位呢。<br/>  精彩句子<br/>  ★ I want to save my money and start my own business after graduation.<br/>  我想把钱省下来,毕业后可以自己开一家公司<br/>  ★ It’s very complicated, and I’m sure you don’t want to know all the details. 说来复杂。我知道你不愿意听详细的个中原由<br/>  A lot sure has happened since we last saw each other. 从上次见面以来,我们都有不少变化。<br/>  发音精华<br/>  [i:] believe, seem, mean <br/>  [ei] complain, change, detail, save, graduation, complicated, stay<br/>  [ai] time, mind, decide, idea, try<br/>  [e] remember, correctly, intent, instead, restaurant, expect <br/>  李阳老师的话:与其囫囵吞枣,不如精雕细琢。将一段对话一步一步地消化掉,才是真正地掌握。这段话值得学习一个月。其实,一段对话中潜藏着巨大的宝藏!<br/>  2. You Worry Too Much 你想的太多了<br/>  A: Hi, Jim.你好,吉姆<br/>  B: What’s wrong? You look upset about something.怎么回事?你看上去有点不安<br/>  A: You know … I’m getting a little worried about our English teacher. She should have shown up for class by now. It’s not like her to be late.你知道,我有点担心我们的英语老师。她现在该到了。迟到可不是她的作风<br/>  B: I wouldn’t be concerned. She must have gotten stuck in traffic. Traffic has been terrible lately.我不担心。她肯定是遇上塞车了,最近交通不太顺畅<br/>  A: I don’t know. She might have … but then again, I’m not so sure. I’m afraid something must have happened. I just have a bad feeling that she’s in trouble.<br/>  我也说不清楚。她可能……我也不知道。我担心发生了什么事。我有一种预感,她遇到麻烦了<br/>  B: Oh, come on now. Don’t jump to conclusions. I’m positive she’ll show up for class soon. You worry too much.噢,别瞎想了。不要妄下结论。她很快就会来上课的。你想的太多了。<br/>  A: I can’t help it. It’s just my nature.我就是忍不住,这是我的天性<br/>  B: Look, there’s Dr. Lee now. See, I told you not to worry.看,那不是李教授吗。我告诉过你不要担心嘛。<br/>  A: I’m so relieved! I guess you’re right. I need to relax and not worry so much.这我就放心了。我想你是对的。我应该放松点,不要那么紧张兮兮<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ What’s wrong?怎么回事?<br/>  ★ It’s not like her to be late. 迟到可不是她的一贯做法。<br/>  ★ She must have gotten stuck in traffic. 她肯定是遇上塞车了。<br/>  ★ Don’t jump to conclusions. 不要妄下结论。<br/>  ★ You worry too much. 你想的太多了。<br/>  ★ I can’t help it. 我就是忍不住。<br/>  ★ It’s just my nature. 这是我的天性。<br/>  ★ I’m so relieved! 这我就放心了。<br/>  ★ I guess you’re right. 我想你是对的。<br/>  3. Thanks for Filling Me In 谢谢你让我知道<br/>  A: This seat taken?这儿有人坐吗?<br/>  B: No, go ahead, be my guest. I haven’t seen you before. Are you new in engineering?没人,坐吧,请随便。我从没见过你。你是工程系新来的吧?<br/>  A: Yeah, I just switched my major from computer science——too much math! I couldn’t take the pressure.对。我刚换了专业,学计算机专业要学太多的数学!我受不了那压力。<br/>  B: Well, don’t expect it to be any better here! What’s your name, anyway?<br/>  工程系也好不到哪儿去!哦,你叫什么名字?<br/>  A: Sam. What’s yours?山姆。你呢?<br/>  B: Ben Jones, but everybody calls me “BJ”本·琼斯,但人们都叫我BJ<br/>  A: BJ, huh? Well, I’m not going to tell you what my nickname is! Oh, here comes the professor. What’s his name, anyway? Scarey, or something like that?<br/>  BJ,对吧?我不会告诉你我的外号的!哦,教授来了!他叫什么来着?“斯凯瑞”?还是什么?<br/>  B: James Kerry. But we call him “Big Jim” because he’s so short.<br/>  詹姆斯·凯瑞。但是我们都叫他“大吉姆”,因为他太矮了。<br/>  A: To his face?当着他的面叫他?<br/>  B: No. Are you kidding? He has a bad temper. I know he wouldn’t think it was funny. I think it’s really funny. He is a little guy. He’s not a bad teacher though.不。谁敢呀?他脾气很坏的。他才不会觉得这有趣呢。我觉得实在好笑。他个子不高,但是个不错的老师<br/>  A: Well, that’s good to know. Thanks for filling me in.谢谢你让我知道这些,这对我很有用。<br/>  B: Anytime.别客气。<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ Go ahead. 向前。/尽管去做。<br/>  ★ Don’t expect it to be any better here! 这儿也好不到哪儿去!<br/>  ★ To his face? 当着他的面?<br/>  ★ That’s good to know. 这可是个好消息。<br/>  ★ Thanks for filling me in. 谢谢你让我知道。<br/>  ★ Anytime. 别客气。<br/>  4.I Can’t Help You Out 我帮不上你的忙<br/>  A: Hello.您好。<br/>  B: Hello, Tom. This is Don. How are you?你好,汤姆。我是丹。你怎么样?<br/>  A: Oh, hi, Don. Just great. How have you been?哦,你好,丹。我很好。你呢?<br/>  B: Fine. Listen, Jerry and I wanted to go to a movie tomorrow night, but we don’t have a way to get there. If you drive, we’ll buy the tickets, How about it?<br/>  很好。我和杰瑞准备明天晚上去看电影,但是没有车,如果你能开车带我们去,你的电影票我们包了,这个主意怎么样?<br/>  A: Well, it sounds like fun, but actually I’ve really got a lot of homework to do.好像是不错,但是我有好多作业要做。<br/>  B: Oh, come on, Tom. It’ll be fun. It’s only a few hours. It’ll help you relax. You’ll study better!哦,别这样,汤姆。我们会很开心的,就那么几个小时,你也正好放松一下。这会帮你更好地学习。<br/>  A: I really can’t. I’ve got an English exam on Monday and a book report due on Tuesday that I’m really getting nervous about. I don’t think I’d enjoy it much. But thanks a lot for thinking of me. Sorry I can’t help you out.<br/>  我真的不能去。我星期一有个英语考试,星期二要交一篇读书报告,这使我很紧张。我看电影也看不到心上。但是谢谢你们还想着我。抱歉我实在是帮不了这个忙。<br/>  B: Oh, don’t worry about it. Maybe next time. Good luck on your exam. We’ll be thinking of you!那好,没关系。下次吧。祝你考试顺利。我们会想着你的!<br/>  A: Thanks. See you.谢谢。再见。<br/>  B: Ok, Bye.好的,再见。<br/>  
laniya 发表于 2006-6-22 12:33:57
<p>口语要素<br/>  ★ How are you? 你好吗?<br/>  ★ How have you been? 你过得好吗?<br/>  It sounds like fun. 好像是不错。<br/>  Actually I’ve really got a lot of homework to do.我有好多作业要做。<br/>  ★ Thanks a lot for thinking of me. 谢谢你们还想着我。<br/>  ★ Sorry I can’t help you out. 抱歉,我实在是帮不了这个忙。<br/>  5.Thank You Very Much for Inviting Us 谢谢你的盛情邀请<br/>  A: Excuse me, Kim? It’s getting late, so I’m afraid we’ll have to be leaving.<br/>  对不起,金姆,时间不早了,我想我们该走了。<br/>  B: Oh, so early? It seems like you just got here!哦,这么快就走啊?你们好像才来呀!<br/>  A: Well, I’ve got to get up and drive to the airport for an eight o’clock plane tomorrow. We’ve really had a wonderful time, Kim. Thank you very much for inviting us.我明天早上要开车去机场赶8点钟的飞机。我们今晚在这里玩得很开心,金姆。谢谢你的盛情邀请。<br/>  B: Say, Sara, why don’t we meet downtown for lunch some day next week? We could talk more then.喂,莎拉,我们何不下周找个时间在城里一起吃顿午饭?那时我们可以多聊一聊。<br/>  A: I’d love to!好啊!<br/>  B: I’ve heard the Hilton has delicious seafood.我听说希尔顿的海鲜不错。<br/>  A: Oh! That sounds wonderful. I love seafood.噢!太好了,我喜欢吃海鲜<br/>  B: I’ll give you a call later on and we can decide the time.我回头给你电话再确定时间。<br/>  A: Well, it’s been a fantastic evening. Again, thank you very much.好的,我们今晚过得很愉快。再次感谢你。<br/>  B: It was my pleasure having you.你的到来是我的荣幸。<br/>  A: I’ll look forward to your phone call.我会等你电话的。<br/>  B: Thanks again. Good night.再次感谢,晚安<br/>  A: Good night.晚安。<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ I’m afraid we’ll have to be leaving. 我想我该走了。<br/>  ★ It seems like you just got here? 你好像才来呀!<br/>  ★ Thank you very much for inviting us. 谢谢你的盛情邀请。<br/>  ★ I’d love to! 好啊!<br/>  ★ That sounds wonderful. 太好了。<br/>  ★ It was my pleasure having you. 你的到来是我的荣幸。<br/>  6.Why Are You Mad at Me你为什么生我的气<br/>  A: Hi, What’s new?嗨,最近怎么样?<br/>  B: Nothing.没事。<br/>  A: What’s your problem? Why are you mad at me?你这是怎么了?你为什么跟我生气?<br/>  B: What did you have to go and do that for?你为什么要那样做呢?<br/>  A: Do what?做什么?<br/>  B: You know what I’m talking about. Why did you go tell Mrs. Lee how much money I’m going to make? Now she’ll go and tell the whole world!你知道我在说什么。你为什么要到李小姐那去说我要挣多少钱?全世界的人都会知道了!<br/>  A: Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it mattered.噢,对不起。我以为这不要紧的。<br/>  B: It does matter. You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money!怎么会不要紧!你是知道她的,她会告诉所有的人和他们的兄弟!现在全城的人都要向我借钱了!<br/>  A: Well, I apologize. I guess I wasn’t thinking. I got all excited.我向你道歉。我当时没想到这个。我只顾高兴了<br/>  B: Oh well, it’s done now. I guess it doesn’t matter than much, anyway. They were bound to find out eventually. Everybody in this town’s always interested in gossip.那好吧,反正事情已经发生了。我想这毕竟也没什么大不了。大家最终也会知道的。这个镇上所有的人都喜欢扯闲话。<br/>  A: You know, it is a lot of money for a first job…你想,你的第一个工作就挣这么多钱也的确……<br/>  B: You think I’ll be able to buy a BMW?你以为我能买一辆宝马车吗?<br/>  A: Well, I think you’d better wait and see how much is left after Uncle Sam gets his share!不过,你最好还是看看等纳完税之后还有多少剩余吧!<br/>  A: Actually everybody is really impressed.其实所有的人都很羡慕呢。<br/>  B: I guess it’s not a big deal after all.我觉得这也没什么大不了的。<br/>  A: Any way, I am really sorry. Next time I’ll think before I speak.不管怎样,我感到实在是不好意思。下次说话一定注意。<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ What’s new? 最近怎么样?<br/>  ★ What’s your problem? 你这是怎么了? <br/>  ★ You know what I’m talking about. 你知道我在说什么。<br/>  ★ I didn’t think it mattered. 我想这不要紧。<br/>  ★ I got all excited. 我只顾高兴了。<br/>  ★ I guess it’s not a big deal after all. 我觉得这也没什么大不了的。<br/>  ★ Next time I’ll think before I speak. 下次说话一定注意。<br/>  7.I Can’t Wait to Go 我等不及要去<br/>  A: Hi, Kim. Long time no see.嗨,金姆,好久不见了。<br/>  B: I know. I just got back from Tokyo. 是啊。我刚从东京回来<br/>  A: I know you travel a lot. I wonder have you by any chance ever been to Beijing?<br/>  我知道你经常去旅行。我想知道你有没有机会去过北京?<br/>  B: Yes, I have. Actually, I used to live there. Why?去过。我以前还在那里住过呢。为什么问这个?<br/>  A: I’m going there with my family for a vacation next month. Can you tell me what it’s like there?我下个月要和家人到那里度假。你能不能告诉我那里怎么样?<br/>  B: Well-uh... it’s a very exciting place. As a matter of fact, it’s probably one of the most exciting places I know.这个嘛,那是个激动人心的地方。实际上,那可能是我所知道的最令人向往的地方了。<br/>  A: How about the weather… and the people?那里天气怎样……人怎么样?<br/>  B: The weather at this time of year is usually cool, and in my opinion, the people there are very friendly.那里现在的天气通常会很凉爽,我认为,那里的人很友好<br/>  A: It sounds like a wonderful place.这么说那是个非常棒的地方<br/>  B: It is. I’m sure you’ll have a good time there.确实是。你在那里肯定会度过一段美好的时光<br/>  A: I can’t wait to go.我都等不及了<br/>  B: Be sure to send me a postcard and take lots of pictures.别忘了给我寄张明信片来,多拍一些照片<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ Long time no see. 好久不见了。<br/>  ★ I used to live there. 我以前住在那里。<br/>  ★ Can you tell me what it’s like there? 你能不能告诉我那里怎么样?<br/>  ★ It sounds like a wonderful place. 这么说那是个非常棒的地方。<br/>  ★ I’m sure you’ll have a good time there 你在那里肯定会度过一段美好的时光<br/>  ★ I can’t wait to go. 我都等不及了。<br/>  ★ Be sure to send me a postcard and take lots of pictures.别忘了给我寄张明信片来,多拍一些照片。<br/>  8.Are You Enjoying Your Stay Here 你喜欢呆在这里吗<br/>  A: Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed. Is this your first visit to America?谢谢你抽时间来面试。这是你第一次来美国吗?<br/>  B: No, this is my second visit. I first came to America in July 1999. That time I was here on vacation——just sightseeing, but during that trip I decided that I would come to the United States and study English.不,这是第二次。我第一次来是在1999年7月。那次只是观光旅游,但是在旅游的过程中我下定决心一定要来美国学习英语。<br/>  A: How long will you be here for this time?你这次来要呆多久?<br/>  B: I arrived in January and I’ll stay until December, 2002.我今年1月份来的,将于2002年12月离开。<br/>  A: Are you enjoying your stay here?你喜欢呆在这里吗?<br/>  B: Yes and no. Some things are much better than I expected but other things are not so good. I enjoy my lessons very much but I sometimes find it difficult to practice my oral English. American people are very kind but it seems they don’t have time to talk with people from abroad.喜欢也不喜欢。有些事情比我想象中的要好,但有些却不尽人意。我很喜欢所上的课程,但是有时候说英语有困难。美国人很友好,但是看来他们没有时间和一个外国人讲英语。<br/>  A: Are you learning English for any particular reason?你学英语有没有什么特别的原因?<br/>  B: Yes. At home in China I work in advertising and many of the words we use are English, so I want to understand English better because that will help my job.<br/>  有。在中国我是做广告的,有很多情况下要用到英语,所以我想提高英语水平,把工作做得更好。<br/>  A: Did you learn English at home in China before you came to study English here?<br/>  你来这里之前在中国学过英语吗?<br/>  B: Sure. When I was a student in China I studied English for six years. But that was a long time ago and in the meantime I forgot all my grammar. So before I came to America I went to English classes for two hours each week for six months. Now I study 20 hours each week and sometimes I have an extra lesson.<br/>  学过。我在中国上学的时候学了6年英语。但那是很久以前的事了,语法也早就全忘光了。在来美国之前我每周去上两个小时的英语课,一共上了半年。现在我每周学20个小时的英语,有时候还会更多。<br/>  9.Welcome to Li Yang Crazy English Company欢迎到李阳疯狂英语公司来<br/>  A: Hello. Welcome to Li Yang Crazy English Company你好。欢迎你到李阳疯狂英语公司来。<br/>  B: Hello. And Good morning. I’m George Chen.你好,早上好。我是乔治·陈。<br/>  A: Nice to meet you George. I’m glad you’ll be working for us. We’re like a big family here. We all work together as a team.乔治,很高兴见到你,我很高兴你能到我们这里来工作,我们这就像是一个大家庭,所有的人工作在一起,就像一个团队<br/>  B: That’s great. I’m eager to start.太好了。我都等不及要开始工作了<br/>  A: Well, let me tell you about some of our policies and practices here.好的,那我就把这里的规章制度先跟你说一下。<br/>  B: All right. That will be a big help. I’m fresh out of college.好的。那会对我帮助很大。我刚从学校毕业<br/>  A: We requite all our employees to arrive for work on time and we insist that they keep their lunch hours to a reasonable length.我们要求员工准时到岗,而且午餐的时间不要过长<br/>  B: I understand. That seems easy to follow.我明白,这很容易做到<br/>  A: Employee character is very important to us. We expect everyone here at LYCE to be industrious, cooperative, honest and open-minded.员工性格很重要。我们希望李阳疯狂英语公司的的员工勤奋、协作、诚实、开明<br/>  B: I’m very glad to hear that. I think I possess all of those qualities.<br/>  很高兴听到这些。上述素质我都具备。<br/>  A: We also try to do the best we can for our employees. We feel obligated to provide a safe working environment, and we make every effort to listen to our employees’ concerns.我们也努力为员工创造最好的条件。我们有责任为员工提供一个安全可靠的工作环境,我们也聆听员工们的呼声<br/>  B: That’s very admirable. That’s also one of the reasons I wanted to work here.<br/>  那好极了。这也是我想到这里工作的原因之一<br/>  A: Now, perhaps you have some questions. Is there any additional information I can provide?现在你可能有些问题要问吧。你还想了解些什么呢?<br/>  B: Yes,As a matter of fact. I have a few questions.是的,我有好几个问题要问呢<br/>  A: Certainly. Go ahead!尽管问吧!<br/>  B: Will I be required to have a medical examination before I start work?我开始上班之前要不要进行体格检查?<br/>  A: Yes, definitely. But the company will cover the expense.是的,一定要体检。但是公司会出这笔钱。 <br/>  B: And would I have to go through special training or preparations for the job?<br/>  我要不要通过一些特殊的岗前培训?<br/>  A: Yes, you would. Our company believes in employee training and self-improvement.是的,要参加培训。我们公司秉承员工培训和个人成长的信念<br/>  B: And would it be necessary for me to work on weekends?我在周末有没有必要加班?<br/>  A: No, that wouldn’t be necessary.不必。<br/>  B: And one more question: do employees here have to go through a probation period?<br/>  还有一个问题:这里的员工有没有试用期?<br/>  A: No, they don’t. Once you are hired you have the same rights and great privileges as other employees.没有,你一旦被录用了,就享有和其他员工一样的权利<br/>  B: I see. That’s great.我明白了。太好了。<br/>  A: Do you have any other questions?你还有别的问题吗?<br/>  B: No, I don’t think so. You’ve been so helpful.我想没有了,你帮我解决了很多疑问<br/>  A:All right. I’m glad to hear that.好的,很高兴你这么说<br/>  B:Well,I’ve probably taken up enough of your time.我占用你的时间已经够多了<br/>  A: We’ll talk again soon.我们很快会再见的。<br/>  B: I’ve enjoyed talking with you. Thank you very much.我很喜欢跟你谈话,谢谢。<br/>  A: You’re very welcome.不用客气。<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ Welcome to Li Yang Crazy English Company. 欢迎你到李阳疯狂英语公司来。<br/>  ★ Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。<br/>  ★ All right. 好的。<br/>  ★ That will be a big help. 那会对我帮助很大。<br/>  ★ I’m fresh out of college. 我刚从学校毕业。<br/>  ★ That seems easy to follow. 这很容易做到。<br/>  ★ The company will cover the expense. 公司会出这笔钱。 <br/>  ★ Would I have to go through special training or preparations for the job?我要不要通过一些特殊的岗前培训?<br/>  Do employees here have to go through a probation period? 这里的员工有没有试用期?<br/>  ★ I see. 我明白了。<br/>  ★ That’s great. 太好了。<br/>  ★ Do you have any other questions? 你还有别的问题吗?<br/>  ★ That wouldn’t be necessary. 不必。<br/>  ★ I’m glad to hear that. 很高兴你这么说。<br/>  ★ I’ve probably taken up enough of your time. 我占用你的时间已经够多的了。<br/>  ★ We’ll talk again soon. 我们很快会再见的。<br/>  ★ I’ve enjoyed talking with you.我很喜欢跟你谈话。<br/>  ★ You’re very welcome. 不用客气。<br/>  A: What do you miss most about China while you are here in America?你身在美国,最想念中国的什么?<br/>  B: I miss real Chinese food. I miss my mother’s cooking and of course I miss my whole family very much.我怀念正宗的中国菜。我怀念我妈妈做的饭。当然了,我非常想念我的家人。<br/>  口语要素<br/>  ★ Thank you for talking the time to be interviewed. 谢谢你抽时间来面试。<br/>  ★ Is this your first visit to America? 这是你第一次来美国吗?<br/>  ★ How long will you be here for this time? 你这次来要呆多久?<br/>  ★ Are you enjoying your stay here? 你喜欢呆在这里吗?<br/><br/></p>
西关伟少 发表于 2006-8-11 13:41:36
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