






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-6-22 12:55| 查看数: 9841| 评论数: 0|

<p>第四拿手好戏:感谢-美好人生的添加剂 </p><p><br/>1. Thank you for everything. /Thank you very much indeed. <br/>2. I appreciate it /your help very much. <br/>3. I don't know how to thank you enough. <br/>4. It's kind of you to say that. <br/>5. You've been a great help /very helpful. <br/>6. Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me. <br/>7. I hope I can repay you for it. <br/>8. You've been very thoughtful. <br/>9. I appreciate your consideration. <br/>10. Thank you very much, but I guess I'd better do it myself. <br/>11. Thank you /Thanks for trying (your best). <br/>12. Thank you anyway /all the same /for asking. <br/>13. I'm most /very /extremely /tremendously /awfully /terribly grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. <br/>潇洒回答:Sure. /You're most welcome. /Don't mention it. /It was nothing. /It was my pleasure. /Think nothing of it. /That's all right. /any time. /Don't worry about it . /Forget it. /You bet. </p><p>额外拿手好戏:同意、肯定和鼓励-生活的策略 </p><p><br/>1. I do /completely /strongly agree (very much). <br/>2. That's /You're absolutely right. <br/>3. I think exactly the same way. <br/>4. That sounds like a good idea. <br/>5. I'm with you on that matter. <br/>6. I see your point /what you mean, <br/>7. That's understandable. <br/>8. It was all worth it. <br/>9. You said it. /You can say that again. <br/>10. You hit it /the nail right on the head. <br/>11. You have every reason to be proud of it. <br/>12. You're pretty close. <br/>13. That would be fine /great. <br/>14. That figures! That sounds reasonable. <br/>15. Whatever you decide is all right with me. <br/>16. That's it. That will do. <br/>17. I'll say. That's what it is. <br/>18. I suppose so. No doubt about it. <br/>19. You can put it that way. <br/>20. That's just what I think. /I take the same view. <br/>21. I'm afraid you're right. /I have to agree with you. <br/>22. Come on, you can do that. /I bet you can make it. <br/>23. You have nothing to worry about. <br/>24. Never say die. It's a piece of cake. <br/>25. You never know what you can do till you try. <br/>26. You will come up with the right answer. <br/>27. It is not as difficult as it looks. <br/>28. You've got lots of time to improve your English. <br/>29. Take your medicine like a man. <br/>30. Well, that's life, isn't it? /I know how you fell.</p>


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