






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2023-2-12 21:01| 查看数: 130| 评论数: 0|

International airline Emirates says it successfully flew a Boeing 777 on a test flight with one engine running on a mixture of "sustainable" fuel.国际航空公司阿联酋航空公司表示,该公司成功地试飞了一架波音777飞机,其中一个引擎使用了一种“可持续”燃料的混合物。

The test flight took place Monday and lasted about an hour.试飞于周一进行,持续了大约一个小时。

The Emirates plane took off from Dubai International Airport and then headed out into the Persian Gulf before returning to the airport.这架阿联酋航空公司的飞机从迪拜国际机场起飞,然后飞往波斯湾,之后返回机场。

The Boeing 777 aircraft was powered by two General Electric engines.这架波音777飞机由两台通用电气发动机提供动力。

One engine ran on the sustainable mixture.其中一台发动机使用的是可持续混合燃料。

The other was powered by traditional airplane fuel to ensure safety.另一台使用传统的飞机燃料,以确保安全。

Emirates' chief operating officer, Adel al-Redha, called the successful test flight "a milestone moment for Emirates and a positive step for our industry."阿联酋航空首席运营官阿德尔·雷达(Adel al-Redha)称此次成功试飞是“阿联酋航空的里程碑时刻,也是我们行业的积极一步”。

He said the step demonstrated the airline's desire to deal with one of the industry's biggest problems, carbon pollution releases related to air travel.他说,这一举措表明,该航空公司希望解决该行业最大的问题之一,即与航空旅行相关的碳污染排放。

Emirates is a state-owned airline operated by the United Arab Emirates (or UAE).阿联酋航空是阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)经营的国有航空公司。

The UAE is a collection of seven emirates also known individually as sheikdoms.阿联酋是七个酋长国的集合,也被称为酋长国。

The ruler of one of the emirates, Dubai, is Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.酋长穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆是酋长国之一迪拜的统治者。

He described the sustainable fuel used for the flight as a mix "that mirrored the qualities of jet fuel." The mixture included fuel provided by Neste, a Finnish company, and U.S.-based fuel maker Virent.他将此次飞行使用的可持续燃料描述为“反映了航空燃料质量”的混合燃料。混合燃料里有芬兰Neste公司和美国燃料制造商Virent提供的燃料。

Virent says it uses plant-based sugars to make the compounds needed for sustainable jet fuel.Virent表示,他们使用植物基糖来制造可持续航空燃料所需的化合物

Neste's fuel is made from vegetable oils and animal fats.Neste的燃料是由植物油和动物脂肪制成的。

Those fuels cut the release of heat-trapping carbon dioxide burned off by engines in flight.这些燃料减少了发动机在飞行过程中燃烧的二氧化碳的释放。

Airline flights release only one-sixth the amount of carbon dioxide produced by cars and trucks, the Washington-based World Resources Institute reports.总部设在华盛顿的世界资源研究所报告称,航空公司航班排放的二氧化碳仅为汽车和卡车的六分之一。

However, airplanes are used by far fewer people per day than road vehicles.然而,每天使用飞机的人数远远少于公路车辆。

This means flying has a higher per-capita release of carbon emissions.这意味着飞行的人均碳排放量更高。

Airplane and engine manufacturers have been designing more environmentally-friendly versions in recent years.近年来,飞机和发动机制造商一直在设计更环保的机型。

The general goal is to produce less-polluting engines to reduce fuel emissions in an effort to help limit the effects of climate change.总体目标是生产污染较少的发动机,以减少燃料排放,以帮助限制气候变化的影响。

But the measures have also helped cut operating costs related to fuel.但这些措施也有助于降低与燃料相关的运营成本。

Emirates, for example, used more than 5 metric tons of jet fuel last year alone.以阿联酋航空为例,仅去年一年就使用了超过5公吨的航空燃油。

This amounted to about $3.7 billion of Emirates' $17 billion in yearly operating costs.在阿联酋航空每年170亿美元的运营成本中,这就用掉约37亿美元。

Experts have noted that fuels considered sustainable can be three times or more the cost of traditional jet fuel.专家们指出,被认为可持续的燃料的成本可能是传统航空燃料的三倍或更多。

This added cost is likely to be passed onto flyers if sustainable fuels became more commonly used across the industry.如果可持续燃料在整个行业得到更广泛的使用,这一增加的成本可能会转嫁到乘客上。

It was not immediately clear how much the fuel used in the Emirates' test on Monday cost per barrel.目前尚不清楚阿联酋航空周一测试中使用的燃料每桶成本是多少。

The average jet fuel cost at the end of last week was $146 a barrel, energy company S&P Global Platts reported.能源公司标普全球普氏(S&P Global Platts)报告称,上周末航空燃油平均成本为每桶146美元。

The UAE is a major oil producer and exporter.阿联酋是主要的石油生产国和出口国。

It is set to host the next United Nations climate negotiations, known as COP28, beginning in November.它将主办11月开始的下一次联合国气候谈判,即COP28。

The UAE has already been criticized by environmental activists for nominating the head of Abu Dhabi's state oil company to lead the U.N. negotiations.阿联酋已经因提名阿布扎比国有石油公司的负责人领导联合国谈判而受到环保活动人士的批评。

I'm Bryan Lynn.布莱恩·林恩报道。


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