





ferly's diary

发布者: ferly | 发布时间: 2006-6-24 16:35| 查看数: 97865| 评论数: 235|



ferly 发表于 2006-6-24 18:22:47
<p>lesson 139&nbsp;&nbsp; Is that you,John?</p><p>Is that you, John?</p><p>yes,speaking.</p><p>Tell Marry&nbsp;we'll be late for dinner this evening.</p><p>I'm afraid I don't understand.</p><p>Hasn't Marry told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. I said I would be at your hourse at six o'clock. but the boss wants me to&nbsp;do some extra work. I'll have to stay at the office. I don't know when I'll finish.Oh, by the way, my wife wants to know if Marry needs any help.</p><p>I don't know what you are talking about.</p><p>That is John Smith, isn't you?</p><p>yes, I'm John Smith.</p><p>You are John Smith, the engineer, aren't you?</p><p>That's right.</p><p>You work for the Overseas Engineering Company,don't you?</p><p>No,I don't. I'm John Smith the telephone engineer and I'm repairing your telephone line.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-24 18:27:25编辑过]

ferly 发表于 2006-6-25 09:14:55
david 发表于 2006-6-25 09:25:12
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>ferly</i>在2006-6-25 9:14:55的发言:</b><br/><p>本来是一二册一起的,现在二册越学越难理解了.特别是学到六十几课以后,感觉吃力.二册,本来要背下来的.现在发现是徒劳.如果背了还不懂,不如不背,浪费时间.先读熟它.主要先把一册背下来.弄懂再来学二册吧.</p></div><p>我建议你不妨学几遍,开始一遍就当熟悉课文,我个人的感觉是每学一边都有新的收获,所以第一遍不要指望能全部掌握,那样只会让你学不下去的。</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-6-26 10:45:05
<p>lesson 141&nbsp;&nbsp; Sally's first train ride</p><p>Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a Children's party. I decided to take her by train. She was very excited ,because she had never travelled on a train before. She sat near the window and asked questions about anything she saw. Suddenly, a middle-age lady got up the train and sat opposite Sally. "Hello, little girl.' she said. Sally did not answer , but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat, and a large, funny hat. After the train had left the station, she opened her handbag and took to her power compact. She began to make her face. 'Why are you doing that?' Sally asked. 'To make myself beautiful' the lady answered. She put away her compact and smile kindly. 'But you are still ugly'Sally said.&nbsp; Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>写完了.回头再看看,有好几个地方都错了. 自己把它改过来.呵呵.</p>:lol
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-26 10:52:17编辑过]

ferly 发表于 2006-6-26 10:54:45
ferly 发表于 2006-6-26 23:49:47
<p>&nbsp;lesson 135&nbsp;&nbsp; The latest repot</p><p>Are you really going to retire, miss Marsh?</p><p>I may. but I can't make up my mind. I'll have to ask my future husbend. He won't let me make another film.</p><p>Your future husbend, miss Marsh?</p><p>Yes. Let me introduce him to you. His name is Carlote. We are going to get married next week.</p><p>Look, Liz! Here's another report about Karen Marsh. Listen:'Karen Marsh, the lastest.'</p><p>At her London hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might ritire. She said she could not make up her mind. She said she would have to ask her future husbend. She said her future husbend would not let her make another film.</p><p>Then she introduced us to Carlote and told us they would get married next week.</p><p>That's sensational news! isn't it, Kite?</p><p>It certanily is!</p><p>He will be her sixth husbend!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-6-28 00:53:22
<p>book 2&nbsp; lesson 68 persistent</p><p>I crossed the street to ovoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do.&nbsp;No matter how busy you are he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way&nbsp;of preventing him from following me at around all morning.</p><p>"hello, Nigel." I said.Fancy meeting you here.</p><p>'hello, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning--until I saw you. You are not busy doing anything, are you?</p><p>"No, not at all" I answered. I'm going to......</p><p>Would you mind my coming with you? he said, before I had finished my speaking.</p><p>Not at all. I lied. 'but I'm going to the dentist.</p><p>Then i'll come with you, he answered. "there's always plenty to read in the waiting room.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-6-28 08:46:53
<p>book1 lesson 143 A walk through the woods</p><p>I live in a very old town which was surrounded by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot. On sundays,&nbsp;hundreds of&nbsp;people come from (the) city to see our town and to walk through the woods.Visitors&nbsp;(have been)&nbsp;asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter basket&nbsp;(have been)&nbsp;placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.</p><p>Last wednesday, I went to for a walk in the woods. What I saw made me very sad. I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators. Litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with piecesof paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.Among the rubbish, I found a sign whith said: anyone who leaves litter in these will be prosecuted.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em04][em04][em04]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-29 16:13:36编辑过]

redwheat 发表于 2006-6-29 06:42:48
[em17][em17][em17]Very good! Cheers!
redwheat 发表于 2006-6-29 06:44:29
<p>Because of your hardworking, I send u 8 goldcoins. haha. Try your best!</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-6-29 16:20:19
ooh! you send 8 goldcoins to me!!!! I'm very exciting!! Thanks for your encouraging!I'll try my best.^-^

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-10 7:50:56编辑过]

redwheat 发表于 2006-6-29 19:32:48
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>ferly</i>在2006-6-29 16:20:19的发言:</b><br/>ooh! you send 8 goldcoin to me!!!! I'm very exciting!! Thanks for your encouraging!I'll try my best.^-^</div><p>goldcoins, 应该是复数,明白?嘿嘿。</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-6-30 00:25:50
<p>oh, I got it. thanks for your correct,redwheat.</p><p>Lesson 137 A pleasant dream</p><p>Are you doing the football pools, Brain?</p><p>Yes, I've nearly finished, Julie.I'm sure we will win something this week.</p><p>You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?</p><p>If I win a lot of money, I will by you a mink coat.</p><p>I don't want a mink coat.I want to see the world.</p><p>All right.If we win a lot of money, we will travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels.Then we'll return home and buy a big house in our country. We will have a beautiful garden and...</p><p>but if we spend all that money, we will be poor again. what will do then?</p><p>If we spend all the money we will try and win the football pools again.</p><p>It's a pleasant dream, but everything depends on 'if'!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em07][em07][em31][em33][em33]
ferly 发表于 2006-6-30 08:21:52
<p>I'll see&nbsp;the coin&nbsp;is&nbsp;waving to me~~~~~~<img src="https://www.enfamily.cn/Skins/Default/emot/em33.gif" align="middle" border="0" alt=""/><img src="https://www.enfamily.cn/Skins/Default/emot/em33.gif" align="middle" border="0" alt=""/></p><p>Lesson 133 sensational news</p><p>Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh?</p><p>Yes,I have.</p><p>Are you going to make a another film?</p><p>No,I'm not. I'm going to retire. I feel very tired. I&nbsp;don't want&nbsp;make another film for a long time.</p><p>Let's buy a newspaper, Liz. </p><p>Listen to&nbsp;this! Karen Marsh, sensational news!by our reporter Alan Jones.</p><p>Karen Marsh arrived&nbsp;at London Airport today. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. She had just made a new film. She said she wasn't going to make another film. She said she was going to retire. She told reporter she felt very tired and didn't want to&nbsp;make another film for a long time.</p><p>I wonder why!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
redwheat 发表于 2006-6-30 23:03:30
<p>haha, what a lovely little girl you are</p><p>Give you two goldcoins&nbsp;now.haha.</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-1 02:41:13
<p>thank you redwheat. I'll try my best.........</p><p>book1 lesson 1 Excuse me</p><p>Excuse me!</p><p>yes?</p><p>Is this your handbag?</p><p>ardon?</p><p>Is this your handbag?</p><p>yes, it is.</p><p>Thank you very much.</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-1 02:50:45
<p>book 1 lesson3 Sorry sir</p><p>My coat and my umbrella, please.</p><p>This is my ticket.</p><p>Thank you, sir.</p><p>Number five.</p><p>Here&nbsp;is your coat and your umbrella.</p><p>This is not my umbrella.</p><p>Sorry sir.</p><p>Is this your umbrella?</p><p>No, it isn't.</p><p>Is this it?</p><p>Yes, it is.</p><p>Thank you very much.</p><p>&nbsp;写这个出来没有一点成就感。</p>[em03][em03][em03][em03][em03]
redwheat 发表于 2006-7-1 07:02:05
ferly 发表于 2006-7-2 23:47:01
<p>坚持!!</p><p>lesson 5 nice to meet you</p><p>Good morning.</p><p>Good morning, Mr. Blake.</p><p>This is Miss&nbsp;Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French.</p><p>Sophie, this is Hans. He is German. nice to meet you.</p><p>And this is&nbsp;Naoko. She is Japanese.Nice to meet you.</p><p>And this is Chang-woo. He's Korean.Nice to meet you.</p><p>And this is Luming. He is Chinese. Nice to meet you.</p><p>And this is Xiaohui. She is Chinese too. Nice to meet you.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>这课就是几个国家还有人名。</p><p>Sophie Dopont&nbsp;&nbsp;Blake&nbsp; Hans&nbsp;&nbsp;Chang-woo Naoko</p><p>French&nbsp; Korean&nbsp; German&nbsp; Japanese Chanese</p>
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