





ferly's diary

发布者: ferly | 发布时间: 2006-6-24 16:35| 查看数: 97869| 评论数: 233|


ferly 发表于 2006-7-3 00:15:56
<p>book 1 lesson 7 Are you a teacher?</p><p>I'm a new student. My name is Robert.</p><p>Nice to meet you. My name is Sophie.</p><p>Are you French?</p><p>Yes, I am&nbsp;. Are you French too?</p><p>No. I'm not. </p><p>What nationality are you?</p><p>I'm Italian. Are you a teacher?</p><p>No. I'm not. </p><p>What's your job?</p><p>I'm a keyboard operator.</p><p>What's your job?</p><p>I'm an engineer.</p><p>[em03][em03][em06]</p><p>nationality nationality keyboard operator keyboard operator&nbsp; engineer engineer</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-3 15:25:03
<p>[em03]Lesson 121 The man in a hat</p><p>I bought two expensive dictionaries books here half an hour ago. But I forgot to take them with me.</p><p>Who served you, sir?</p><p>The lady who is standing behind the counter.</p><p>Which books did you buy?</p><p>The books which are on the counter.</p><p>Did you serve this gentlman half an hour ago,Caroline?</p><p>I can't remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat.</p><p>Have you&nbsp;got a hat, sir?</p><p>Yes, I&nbsp;have.</p><p>Would you put it on,please.&nbsp;</p><p>All right.</p><p>Is this the man&nbsp;that you served,Caroline?</p><p>Yes. I recognize him now.</p><p>new word;customer customer forget(forgot, forgotten) manager manager serve serve recognize recognize</p><p>counter counter gentlman gentlman remember dictionary-dictionaries</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em03][em03][em03][em03][em03][em03][em03]
ferly 发表于 2006-7-6 07:49:34
<p>今天要向72课进军.</p><p><font color="#4822dd" size="3">book2 lesson 72 the car called 'bluebird'</font></p><p><font color="#4822dd" size="3">The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his fater, he was driving a car called Bluebird.</font></p><p>&nbsp;</p>:lol:lol:lol:lol
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-6 17:12:16编辑过]

ferly 发表于 2006-7-8 00:10:17
<p>lesson 9&nbsp; how are you today?</p><p>Hello, Helen</p><p>Hi, Steven.</p><p>How are you today?</p><p>I'm very well, thank you. and you?</p><p>I'm fine. thanks.</p><p>How is Tony?</p><p>He is fine. thanks. How is Emma?</p><p>She's very well, too,Helen.&nbsp;Thank you.</p><p>Nice to meet you.</p><p>Nice to meet you too, steven.</p><p>Goodbey!</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-9 18:16:03
<p>book2&nbsp; lesson 74&nbsp;&nbsp; Out of the limelight</p><p>An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got out. Dressed&nbsp;in dark glasses and old clothes.They had taken speical precautions so that no one should recognize them. But as they soon discovered, disguises can some times be too perfact.</p><p>'This is a wonderful place for a picnic,'said Gloria Gream.</p><p>'It couldn't be better,Gloria,' Brinksley Meers agreed. 'No newspaper men, no film fans! Why don't we come more ofen?'</p><p>Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some tress. When they had all made themselves comfortable, a stranger appered. He looked&nbsp; very angry.</p><p>'Now you get out of here, all of you!' He shouted. 'I'm sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says "No Camping"&nbsp; In case you can't read!'</p><p>'Look, sheriff,said Rockwall, Don't be too hard on us. I'm Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves.</p><p>Oh, is it?' said the sheriff with a sneer. 'well,I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam. Now you get out here fast!'</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>I find it's easier than before. haha........</p>[em07][em07][em07][em07]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-9 18:29:42编辑过]

ferly 发表于 2006-7-10 00:51:03
<p>book 1&nbsp;lesson11&nbsp; &nbsp;Is this your shirt?</p><p>Whose shirt is that?</p><p>Is this your shirt, Dave?</p><p>No, sir.</p><p>It's not my shirt.</p><p>This is my shirt.</p><p>My shirt is blue.</p><p>Is this&nbsp; shirt Tim's?</p><p>arhaps it is, sir.</p><p>Tim!</p><p>yes,sir?</p><p>is this your shirt?</p><p>yes,sir.</p><p>Here you are.Catch!</p><p>Thank you sir.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
SunnyAngel 发表于 2006-7-10 01:04:53
Well done!Diligence leads to success!
ferly 发表于 2006-7-13 07:56:10
<p>aha, sunnyangel, thanks for your encouraging.</p><p>I know if I keep on it I will succeed.</p>[em07][em07][em07][em07]
ferly 发表于 2006-7-13 08:01:20
<p>book1&nbsp; Lesson13&nbsp; A new dress</p><p>What colour's your new dress?</p><p>It's green.</p><p>Come upstairs and see it.</p><p>Thank you.</p><p>Look! here it is.</p><p>That's&nbsp;a nice dress, It's very smart.</p><p>My hat is new, too.</p><p>What colour is it?</p><p>It's the same colour. It's green,too.</p><p>That's a lovely hat!</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-13 08:07:09
<p>book1 Lesson15 Your passports,please.</p><p>Are you Swedish?</p><p>No, we are not. we are Danish.</p><p>Are you friends Danish too?</p><p>No, they aren't. They are Norwegian.</p><p>Your passports, please.</p><p>here they are.</p><p>Are these your cases?</p><p>No, they aren't. our cases are brown. Here they are.</p><p>Are you tourists?</p><p>yes, we are.</p><p>Are your friends tourists too?</p><p>Yes, they are.</p><p>That's fine.</p><p>Thank you very much.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-13 08:22:55
<p>Book1 lesson15 How do you do?</p><p>Come and meet our employees, Mr.Richards.</p><p>Thank you, Jackson.</p><p>This is Nicola Grey and this is Claire Talor.</p><p>How do you do? Those women are very hard-working.</p><p>What are their jobs?</p><p>They're keyboard operators.</p><p>This is Michael Baker and this is Jeremy Short.</p><p>How do you do? they aren't very busy! What are their jobs?</p><p>They are sales reps. They are very lazy.</p><p>Who is this young man?</p><p>This is&nbsp;Jim. He is our office assistant.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-13 08:33:49
<p>book1 lesson 19&nbsp; Tired and thirsty.</p><p>What's the matter, children.</p><p>We are tired...and thirsty, Mum.</p><p>Sit down here.</p><p>Are you all right now?</p><p>No, we aren't.</p><p>Look! There's an ice cream man.</p><p>Tow ice creams please.</p><p>Here you are, children.</p><p>Thanks&nbsp;Mum.</p><p>These ice creams are&nbsp;nice.</p><p>Are you all right now?</p><p>Yes, we are. thank you!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>终于把这几课补上来了,昨天默写的课文,还有昨天发的练习题, 还有我昨天的400大洋..........啊,惨.</p><p>终于补回来了.这几课.发练习题去啦.....今天要是再不见了.我就............</p>[em03][em03][em03]
ferly 发表于 2006-7-14 08:27:29
<p>redwheat,下次再奖金币时奖多几个吧.嘿嘿..........</p><p>book1&nbsp; lesson21&nbsp; which book?</p><p>Give me that book please, Jane.</p><p>Which book?</p><p>This one?</p><p>No, not that one.&nbsp; The red one.</p><p>This one?</p><p>yes.please.</p><p>Here you are.</p><p>Thank you.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em33][em33][em33][em33][em33][em33][em33]
ferly 发表于 2006-7-15 00:23:45
<p>book1 lesson 23&nbsp; which glasses?</p><p>Give me some glasses please, Jane.</p><p>Which glasses?</p><p>These glasses?</p><p>No, not those.</p><p>The ones on the shelf.</p><p>These?</p><p>Yes, please.</p><p>Here you are.</p><p>thanks.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>redwheat,[em33][em33][em33] this coins&nbsp;were waving to me again.</p>[em33][em33]
ferly 发表于 2006-7-15 09:43:46
?????so faint!!!! I don't know what you mean.[em06]
Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-7-15 10:23:35
ferly 发表于 2006-7-15 10:47:43
<p>哈哈,姐姐,来到我这里了,fancy meeting you here!!!</p><p>这句话里面有你的名字,所以我记得特别清楚啊.呵呵.</p><p>你学新二,学到哪里了?你也可以在这里开一个贴,来默写你所学的课文啊.呵呵.一起加油啊!!!</p>:lol:lol:lol
ferly 发表于 2006-7-15 10:47:43
<p>哈哈,姐姐,来到我这里了,fancy meeting you here!!!</p><p>这句话里面有你的名字,所以我记得特别清楚啊.呵呵.</p><p>你学新二,学到哪里了?你也可以在这里开一个贴,来默写你所学的课文啊.呵呵.一起加油啊!!!</p>:lol:lol:lol
kitty 发表于 2006-7-16 11:21:59
ferly 你写得可真快啊!眼看就要追上我了..我得加油啊!哈哈....
kitty 发表于 2006-7-16 11:21:59
ferly 你写得可真快啊!眼看就要追上我了..我得加油啊!哈哈....
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