





双语阅读 | 大学校园是否应该向公众开放?

发布者: 顾含爱学习 | 发布时间: 2023-8-23 10:29| 查看数: 210| 评论数: 0|

To open or not to open — that is not a question for university campuses.

Because they are public resources, university campuses should be open to the public as much as possible, according to a senior education official in Guangdong province.
因为大学校园是公共资源,所以应该尽可能地向公众开放, 广东省一位高级教育官员说。

Zhu Kongjun, Party secretary and director-general of the Guangdong Department of Education, said research and discussions were helping universities improve campus management to make campuses more accessible.
广东省教育厅党委书记、厅长朱孔军表示, 正研究讨论如何帮助大学改善校园管理,方便校园进入。

"There are indeed some problems with our campus management, but these should not become a reason for denying the public's right to visit," he said.

Zhu made his remarks when answering questions in a hotline session this week. Many local residents complained that most universities in Guangzhou continued to refuse public access even though the country had relaxed its COVID-19 policies and measures months earlier.

Responding to safety concerns, Jiang Cunyu, director of the security department of the provincial education authority, said, "If there are any problems that occur after the opening, it is not because of the opening itself but because of poor management."
在回应安全担忧时,省教育局保卫处处长江存余表示, “如果开放后出现问题,不是开放本身的问题,而是管理不善的问题。”

According to Jiang, some local universities, including Sun Yat-sen University and South China University of Technology, are now testing new reservation systems to allow visitors who have made appointments online in advance to enter their campuses soon.
江存余表示,中山大学和南方中国科技大学等一些地方大学 目前正在测试新的预订系统,让提前在网上预约的游客尽快进入校园。

Nationwide, prestigious universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University and Wuhan University, announced the resumption of public visits through online appointment systems before the summer holiday began.
全国范围内,北京大学,清华大学,上海交通大学, 浙江大学和武汉大学 宣布在暑假开始前,通过在线预约系统恢复公众访问。

Zhu Qiuli, an adviser to the Urban Research Association of South China, said universities should not be closed ivory towers as isolated universities lose their inherent meaning. "Openness or limited openness are forms of social progress," he said.
中国南方城市研究会顾问朱秋丽表示, 大学不应该是封闭的象牙塔,因为孤立的大学失去了本有的意义。“开放或有限的开放是社会进步的表现,”朱秋丽说。


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