





《六人行》第一季 1

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-6-26 09:40| 查看数: 46420| 评论数: 5|

101 Pilot  试播

Scene Plot 剧情简介

    Six friends in their twenties pursue careers, love and happiness in New York City while relying on each other for support.

    “落跑新娘”Rachel跑进Central Perk,六个好朋友的故事就此拉开帷幕...




Scene 1 第一幕
(The Intercom buzzes.)

Chandler: Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound.
Paul: Ah..It's ah…it's Paul.
Monica: Oh, God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in.
Joey: Who's Paul?
Ross: Paul the wine guy?
Monica: Maybe.
Joey: Wait a minute, your "not a real date" is with Paul, the wine guy?
Ross: He finally asked you out?
Monica: Yes....
Chandler: It's a dear diary moment.
Monica: Rach, Rach, I can cancel.
Rachel: Oh, God, no...no...
Monica: Ross, are you okay? Do you want me to stay?
Ross: That'd be good.
Monica: Really?
Ross: No, go on! It's Paul, the wine guy!
Phoebe: What does he mean? Does he sell it, drink it, or he just complaints a lot?

Somthing about Scene 1

1. Rachel was sad about her running off the wedding, and Ross was also not happy about his wife leaving him. But the intercom buzzes. The intercom in Chinese means 对讲机.

    Then Chandler went to the intercom making a joke. He pretends to talk to the guy and tell him not to make the sound the intercom makes by saying: "Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound." Everybody knows that all the people who want to get into the room have to press the button and the intercom always buzzes like that. In fact what Chandler says really embarrassed Paul.

2. Monica seems to be very excited about her date, so she said, "buzz him in". Now we see the word "buzz" again, it means to open the door for Paul by pressing the button on the intercom which makes the buzz noise. So next time you tell your friend to open the door to welcome your guest, try "buzz him in, or buzz her in, or buzz them in"

3. Now, Paul the wine guys seems to be the person everybody knows about, or at least, Monica must have talked a lot about him. So, Joey asked, is he Paul the wine guy. The wine guy seems to be a name they have fixed on him in the past conversation about Paul. So then Ross asked, so he finally asked you out? ask someone out, means to invite someone on a romantic date. This is usually something like a beginning of a relationship.

4. Obviously Monica was very happy about it and admitted. Chandler, as sarcastic as always, says, It's a dear diary moment. Dear diary, is the usual term girls in the English speaking countries put as the first line when they write their journal or diary. Something Chinese would put like, 今天…blah blah blah. So what Chandler meant was that it will become a memorable moment, something to remember by Monica since she has been looking forward to it for a long time.

5. Monica is a caring person. She knows that both Ross and Rachel need someone to be with, so she told Rachel that she could cancel the date, and asked Ross if he really needs her. Ross joked, but then he says "Go on." Go on here means come on just go, so he is encouraging Monica to go on the date.

6.Now, phoebe asked a very funny question: "What does he mean? Does he sell it? Drink it? Or he just complaints a lot?" we know, the Wine guy, he can be somehow related to the wine. So, what does he do about it? Does he sell the wine? Or drink the wine? And now here, a person is wine-y means that person who complaints and talks all the time to the extent that every body around him/her gets very annoyed. Phoebe is so quick to ask such funny question about all the possibilities Paul's name may have.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-26 9:41:45编辑过]


david 发表于 2006-6-26 09:43:17


Scene 2 第二幕 

Ross: So, Rachel, what are you up to tonight?
Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon...so nothing.
Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon...No! no! although Aruba. This time of year? Talk about your big lizards. Anyway...if you don't feel being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me to put together my new furniture.
Chandler: Yes, we're very excited about it.
Rachel: Thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here. It's been a long day.
Ross: Oh sure, okay sure. Pheebs, you wanna help?
Pheobe: Oh I wish I could, but I don't want to.

Somthing about Scene 2

1. Ross asks Rachel what her plan is for the night. He says, "What are you up to tonight? " being up to something can either mean wanting to do something, or having something planed, or just simply, doing something. So I guess what Ross says can be roughly translated as, "so, Rachel, what are you doing tonight?"

2. Rachel was being humorous, she was scheduled to have her honeymoon, in Chinese we call it 蜜月。

3. She says, "I was kinda supposed to..." be supposed to do something means to be scheduled to do something. We can also say, we are supposed to have class in the morning. We are supposed to read this book before the professor test on it. So , suppose to do something.

4. Now the next term we are going to learn today is head for. head for is a very useful term you can use it instead of going to. It means the same thing. So, when Rachel says that she is supposed to head for Aruba on her honeymoon, she maybe feeling very sad, so Ross wants to comfort her, but he doesn't do a really good job…and the only bad thing about the honeymoon place is the lizard, which no one would pay attention to when they are enjoying the beach and sunshine.

5. At a second try, Ross wants to invite Rachel to his place with his furniture, but Rachel says no. She says that she is just going to hang out there, at Monica's place. Hang out means stay and probably doing nothing productive but being there.

6. Now after that, Pheobe cracks the joke again, when Ross asks her if she wants to help, she says "I wish I could but I don't want to." When we usually reject someone, we would use the phrase, "I wish I could, but ..." The thing after but can be an excuse like, we have something else planned, but just by saying "I don't want to", does not really follow the first part, if we try to translate it into Chinese, it may sound something like this :“我真的很希望能去,可是我不想去” '

david 发表于 2006-6-26 09:44:20

After class Exercises for 101 课后练习

Multiple Choices

(1) What is an intercom?

a. inter-communication  b. commercial online  c. something you need to talk to the visitors to your apartment  d. a website name

(2) What marks as the beginning of a relationship in America? How would you put it in one phrase?

a. flowers  b. one asking the other out   c. a phone call   d. ambiguous text message

(3) In the first conversation, what does the name “wine guy” suggests to Phoebe?

a. he sells wine  b. he drinks wine  c. he complaints a lot d all of the above

(4) What would you usually say when you politely reject someone?

a. no, I don't want to  b. I really wish I could but I don't want to  c. I don't know, I will see  d. I really wish I could but I have other plans already

(5) "being up to" means what?

a. going to/wanting to do something  b. wake up in the morning  c going up stairs  d. get a promotion


Answer Keys: c, b, d, d, a

wangtyj 发表于 2006-11-7 18:00:16

curiousbaby 发表于 2006-11-12 22:55:32
真的很感谢 !

loverrayray 发表于 2006-12-4 13:28:15
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