





[转帖]Happiest day of the year is June 23

发布者: Fancy-Teng | 发布时间: 2006-6-27 09:45| 查看数: 5604| 评论数: 1|

<span lang="EN-US"><p>Feeling more happy than usual this particular Friday? You should be, according to a scholar in seasonal disorders at a British university.</p><p>Cliff Arnall of Cardiff University has analysed such factors as outdoor activities, nature, social interaction, childhood memories, temperature and holidays -- data gathered over a period of 15 years in interviews with 3,000 people around the world. </p><p>His conclusion: June 23 is the happiest day of the year. </p><p>"eople across borders experience happiness when they meet with friends and family and establish close social relationships," the University of Cardiff academic said. "We need some close emotional ties." </p><p>He used what he considers a "simple equation" to reach his conclusion -- O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He. </p><p>O stands for outdoor activities, N for nature, S for social interaction, Cpm for childhood summers and positive memories, T for temperature and He for holidays and looking forward to time off. </p><p>Arnall has already figured out the saddest day of the year. It was January 23 -- a Monday. "Surprise, surprise", he <font color="#808000">quipped</font>.</p><p>上周五这一天,你是否感到要比平常快乐呢?从英国一所大学的学者进行的季节性情绪失调研究来看,你的答案应该是肯定的。</p><p>加的夫大学的克里夫·阿诺尔对户外活动、自然、社会交往、童年记忆、温度和假期等因素进行了研究分析。他在15年间访问了世界各地的3000个人收集了研究所需的数据。 </p><p>通过分析,他得出结论:6月23日是这一年中最快乐的一天。 </p><p>这位加的夫大学教授说:“世界各地的人们在和朋友、家人相见,以及与他人建立了密切的社会关系时,都会感到愉快。人们需要某些密切的情感联系。” </p><p>他的结论来自一个他所谓的“简单公式”:O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He。 </p><p>其中,O代表户外活动,N代表自然,S指社会交往,Cpm指童年时的夏日和美好回忆,T代表温度,He代表假期以及对假期的期待。 </p><p>阿诺尔还曾用公式计算出这一年中最郁闷的一天,结论是1月23日,一个星期一。他打趣地说:“奇事,实在是奇事。”<br/><br/><br/>(英语点津姗姗编辑)</p></span>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-27 9:50:52编辑过]


海伦 发表于 2006-6-28 12:24:33
funny .................
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