





红包 Chinese red envelopes

发布者: xkai2000 | 发布时间: 2024-2-3 21:56| 查看数: 198| 评论数: 0|

Traditionally, Chinese people give red envelopes filled with money, known as hongbao, to friends and relatives during Chinese New Year celebrations. [Photo by Liu Junfeng/For China Daily]

Talk about giving & receiving red envelopes


A: 小时候每到过年我都特别开心!

xiǎo shí hou měi dào guò nián wǒ dōu tè bié kāi xīn!

In my childhood, I was always very happy during the spring festival!

B: 我也是!因为长辈们会给我很多压岁钱!

wǒ yě shì! yīn wèi zhǎng bèi men huì gěi wǒ hěn duō yā suì qián!

Me too! Because the elders would give me lots of lucky money!

A: 没错,现在我还很喜欢在微信里抢红包呢!

méi cuò, xiàn zài wǒ hái hěn xǐ huān zài wēi xìn lǐ qiǎng hóng bāo ne!

Yes, I still like to grab the red envelopes through Wechat now!

B: 哈哈,现在长大了,轮到我们发红包了!

hā hā, xiàn zài zhǎng dà le, lún dào wǒ men fā hóng bāo le!

Haha, we've grown up now, so it's our turn to send the red envelopes!

Parents in Fuzhou, Fujian province, receive digital hongbao from their son. [Photo/Xinhua]

Words & Expressions:

【小时候】xiǎo shí hou: childhood

【每】měi: every, each

【过年】guò nián: celebrate the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)

【特别】tè bié: special

【开心】kāi xīn: happy

【长辈】zhǎng bèi: elder, senior

【压岁钱】yā suì qián: money given to children as a lunar new year gift

【现在】xiàn zài: now

【抢】qiǎng: grab

【红包】hóng bāo: red envelope

【长大】zhǎng dà: grow up

【轮到】lún dào: one's turn

【发】fā: send

来源:China Plus



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