






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-9 02:21| 查看数: 100| 评论数: 0|

Slouching is traditionally considered to be a "bad" posture — with some claiming it will damage your spine and cause pain.


The great news is that in the past two decades, there's been a plethora of rigorous clinical studies conducted which have concluded that there's no relationship between slouching and spinal pain. There's also no evidence that people who slouch are more likely to suffer with back or neck pain compared to non-slouchers.

好消息是,过去二十年来, 大量严谨的临床研究得出结论称,坐姿懒散和脊柱疼痛之间没有关系。没有证据证明,坐姿懒散的人相比坐姿不懒散的人更容易背痛、脖子痛。

There's also no clear evidence that slouching while sitting at your desk or while using your phone causes damage to the spine. Even the UK government's latest guidance on working with screens puts less emphasis on an idealised posture at the workstation.


Instead, they emphasise the importance of adopting comfortable positions, varying your positions, avoiding awkward positions (such as flexing or arching your back or neck) and including regular breaks from your static posture throughout the day. All of these tips will help reduce the risk of developing pain and muscle fatigue.

相反,这一指导意见强调,要采用舒适的坐姿, 不时地变换姿势,避免不自然的坐姿(比如弯曲或拱起背部或颈部),并在一天当中定期活动一下,不要长时间保持静态坐姿不动。所有这些建议都有助于减少身体疼痛和肌肉疲劳的风险。


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