






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-23 03:38| 查看数: 129| 评论数: 0|

对于追求时尚的人来说,有一种选择比买新衣服更省钱,那就是淘二手古着。另一方面,如果你在意 “快时尚” 给气候变化造成的影响,那么旧衣新穿也许更适合你。听  讨论为什么有越来越多的人对二手古着青睐有加。

词汇:fashion 时尚

Do you take care about what you wear? Some people are very fashion-conscious, carefully selecting the clothes they buy and how they dress. Fashionistas always want to be seen in the latest designergear. But that trend is changing as retro or vintage clothing is becoming a popular and often cheaper alternative.

Of course, ‘vintage’ clothing is really second-hand clothing, worn before but given a new lease of life. The fashion industry has rebranded this stuff to make it look trendy and possibly give it a higher price tag. Whereas we may have seen an old faded pair of jeans or a gingham-patterned dress sold at a jumble sale, now there are boutique and pop-up shops dedicated to the stuff. And in the UK, one supermarket chain has started selling second-hand clothes in some of its stores under the brand, Preloved Vintage Wholesale. Its managing director Steve Lynam told the BBC:  “The more people that buy into the circular economy and shop vintage and retro, the bigger impact we will have on climate change.”

Certainly, buying vintage does prolong the life of clothing. It cuts down on waste and helps to reduce the environmental damage caused by manufacturing new clothes. It’s also led to the rise of retro-fashion – items that your mum or dad wore decades ago that now look ‘cool’ again! It’s a big thing with younger people and has been helped by the rise of platforms like Depop and Vinted, which sell ‘worn’ clothes online. Ianina Lucca from Depop told the BBC: “The new generation is… looking to make choices that reduce their impact on the environment, with 77% of Gen Z saying that their biggest environmental concern being that they want their choices to reduce waste.”

Another popular way of buying old clothes is in a vintage kilo sale. People pick what they want and then pay according to weight rather than per item. Some items are upcycled – re-modelled or re-worked by adding embroidery, patches and other additions. But however these second-hand clothes are worn or re-designed, the sustainability of vintage fashion means it’s here to stay for some time to come.词汇表

fashion-conscious 讲究时髦的,有时尚意识的

fashionista 时尚达人

designer 出自著名设计师的

gear 衣服

retro 复古的

vintage 古着的,复古二手的

second-hand 二手的

a new lease of life 旧衣服的 “新生命”

rebrand 重塑形象,重新包装

trendy 新潮的,时尚的

price tag 标价

faded 褪色的

gingham-patterned 方格布图案的

boutique 时装精品店

pop-up shop 快闪店

circular economy 循环经济

manufacture 制造,生产

upcycle 升级改造

embroidery 刺绣图案

sustainability 可持续性测验与练习

1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What is possibly a cheaper option than buying brand new clothes?

2. Who has rebranded second-hand clothes to make them look fashionable again?

3. How can buying pre-worn clothes help reduce climate change?

4. True or false? Your mum or dad may have worn the same style of clothing that is being sold as vintage clothing now.

5. How is the cost of clothing bought at a vintage kilo sale calculated?2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. On holiday, I left my expensive _______ sunglasses on the beach!

rebranded                    designer                       boutique                    embroidery

2. I’ve repaired and cleaned my old bike and given it a _______.

new lease of life           new leased of life         new life of lease        new lease and life

3. It’s my birthday, so I’m going for dinner at that _______ restaurant in the town centre.

fashionista                    upcycled                       trendy                        second-hand

4. The _______ industry has done a lot to cut down on its environmental impact.

manufacturers              manufacturing              manufactures             manufactured

5. I heard there is a new _______ clothing store in the city centre. Do you want to go and check out if they sell any nice second-hand dresses?

price tag                        gear                              rebranding                 vintage答案

1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What is possibly a cheaper option than buying brand new clothes?

Buying retro or vintage clothing is an often cheaper alternative.

2. Who has rebranded second-hand clothes to make them look fashionable again?

The fashion industry has rebranded second-hand clothing to make it look trendy and possibly give it a higher price tag.

3. How can buying pre-worn clothes help reduce climate change?

Buying vintage prolongs the life of clothing. It cuts down on waste and helps to  reduce the environmental damage caused by manufacturing new clothes.

4. True or false? Your mum or dad may have worn the same style of clothing that is being sold as vintage clothing now.

True. Items that your mum or dad wore decades ago now look 'cool' again!

5. How is the cost of clothing bought at a vintage kilo sale calculated?

People pick what they want and then pay according to weight rather than per item.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. On holiday, I left my expensive designer sunglasses on the beach!

2. I’ve repaired and cleaned my old bike and given it a new lease of life.

3. It’s my birthday, so I’m going for dinner at that trendy restaurant in the town centre.

4. The manufacturing industry has done a lot to cut down on its environmental impact.

5. I heard there is a new vintage clothing store in the city centre. Do you want to go and check out if they sell any nice second-hand dresses?


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