






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-26 17:31| 查看数: 37| 评论数: 0|

Greek officials recently announced the discovery of a 4,000-year-old stone building on the island of Crete.希腊官员最近宣布在克里特岛发现了一座有4000年历史的石头建筑。

The historical find could block progress on a big airport project.这一历史发现可能会阻碍一个大型机场项目的进展。

Greece's Culture Ministry said recently that the structure is unlike any other from Crete's ancient Minoan civilization.希腊文化部最近表示,这座建筑不同于克里特岛古米诺斯文明的任何其他建筑。

The Culture Ministry described the find as "extremely interesting".希腊文化部称这一发现“极其有趣”。

Crete's Minoan civilization is famous for its complex palaces, colorful art, and mysterious writing system.克里特岛的米诺斯文明以其复杂的宫殿、丰富多彩的艺术和神秘的文字系统而闻名。

The whole structure is about 1,800-square-meters in area.整个建筑面积约1800平方米。

When seen from above, the structure looks like a big automobile wheel.从上方看,该建筑看起来像一个大的汽车车轮。

Archaeologists found it during a recent dig.考古学家在最近的一次挖掘中发现了它。

The structure is in an area chosen as the site for a new radar station.该建筑位于一个新雷达站的选址区域。

The radar station is to serve a new airport being built near the town of Kastelli.该雷达站将为卡斯泰利镇附近正在建设的新机场提供服务。

The new airport is designed to serve up to 18 million travelers each year.这个新机场的设计目标是每年可为多达1800万旅客提供服务。

Officials say it will open in 2027.官员们表示,它将于2027年运营。

Archaeologists continue to dig at the site and are studying the remains.考古学家继续在现场挖掘,并正在研究该遗迹。

They do not yet know what the hilltop structure was for.他们还不知道这座山顶建筑的用途。

Experts say it could have a traditional or religious purpose.专家表示,它可能有传统或宗教目的。

Surrounded by eight stone walls as tall as 1.7 meters high, the inner structure is divided into smaller, connected spaces.由八堵高达1.7米的石墙环绕,其内部结构被划分成更小的相连空间。

The ministry's statement said the structure did not appear to have been a place where people lived.希腊文化部的声明称,该建筑似乎不是人们居住的地方。

The finds from inside it include a large quantity of animal bones.该建筑内部的发现包括大量的动物骨头。

The statement also said the size, design, and building quality required labor, specialized knowledge, and a strong central administration.该声明还表示,这座建筑物的规模、设计和建筑质量需要劳动力、专业知识和强大的中央管理。

The structure was likely a communal building that stood out in the entire area, officials said.官员们说,这座建筑很可能是一座在整个地区都很显眼的公共建筑。

Culture Minister Lina Mendoni promised that the find would be preserved while a different site would be found for the radar station.文化部长莉娜·门多尼承诺,这一发现将得到保护,同时将为该雷达站找到一个不同的选址地。

"We all understand the value and importance of cultural heritage," she said.“我们都明白文化遗产的价值和重要性,”她说。

"It's possible to go ahead with the airport," she said, "and protect the ancient objects as well."她说:“修建机场并保护这些古代文物是有可能做到的。”

The ministry said the building was probably made around the time Crete's first palaces were being built - including at Knossos and Phaistos.希腊文化部表示,这座建筑可能是在克里特岛第一批宫殿建造的时候建造而成,第一批宫殿包括克诺索斯和费斯托斯的建筑。

Greece's rich cultural history often results in conflicts of interest during building projects.希腊丰富的文化历史经常导致建筑项目中发生利益冲突。

At the end of the last century, remains of an ancient hilltop settlement were dug up and then destroyed during building work for Athens International Airport.上世纪末,一个古老的山顶定居点遗迹被挖掘出来,然后在雅典国际机场的建设工作中被摧毁。

So far, at least another 35 archaeological sites have been uncovered during work on the new Kastelli airport and its road connections, the ministry said.希腊文化部表示,到目前为止,在新的卡斯泰利机场及其道路连接工作中,至少还有另外35个考古遗址被发现。

I'm John Russell.约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


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