






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-26 17:37| 查看数: 32| 评论数: 0|


Four Chinese students who recently traveled to the United States to study and participate in academic conferences suffered unwarranted harassment, interrogation and repatriation by the US side, sources said.

The four students have scientific and technical backgrounds, and two of them have research interests in artificial intelligence, the sources familiar with the matter told China Daily on the condition of anonymity.


US Customs and Border Protection officers took the four Chinese individuals to a darkened room for more than 10 hours of continuous interrogation, repeatedly questioning them with a baiting, coercive approach, the sources said.

The officers repeatedly questioned them about their personal and family information, their studies and internships in the US, whether they were members of the Communist Party of China, and whether they had cooperated with the Chinese government.

The officers "paid particular attention to political backgrounds such as CPC membership, and to scientific research backgrounds related to computers", one of the sources said.


The US side also refused to allow two of the individuals to contact their families and friends, causing one of them to be out of contact with the outside world for more than 30 hours, the source said.

In addition, without evidence or valid warrants, the US side arbitrarily seized the electronic products of one of the Chinese individuals and repatriated the other three students. How the fourth student's case was resolved was not disclosed.



The US side in recent years has conducted unwarranted harassment, interrogation and repatriation of more than 30 Chinese students majoring in computer-related fields, according to incomplete statistics.

The vast majority of them are master's or doctoral degree candidates, with more than half of them being PhD candidates, and most of them are studying in well-known universities in the US.

Their research interests cover fields such as artificial intelligence, information science, network security, electronics, software engineering and electronic information engineering.





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