





Feel和Feel Like的区别

发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-27 18:09| 查看数: 129| 评论数: 0|


This week on Ask a Teacher, we answer a question from Ana in Brazil about the difference between "feel" and "feel like."本周《名师答疑》,我们回答了巴西安娜提出的关于“feel”和“feel like”之间区别的问题。

Hi guys, I've… learned a lot from VOA English.大家好,我从VOA学到了很多东西。

I'm so grateful for helping us with our difficulties on English learning.我非常感谢帮助我们解决英语学习方面的困难。

My question is about the use of the verb "to feel".我的问题是关于动词“to feel”的使用。

What's the difference between "feel" and "feel like" and other uses of this verb?“Feel”和“feel Like”与这个动词的其他用途有何区别?

And if its use is followed by a verb plus ING.如果它的使用后面是动词加上ING。

Thank you so much in advance.提前表示感谢。

Ana Lucia from Brazil来自巴西的安娜·露西亚

Thank you for writing, Ana.谢谢你的来信,安娜。

We're happy you learn a lot from Learning English.我们很高兴你从慢速英语中学到了很多东西。

And I'm happy to answer your question.我很高兴回答你的问题。

The verb "feel" has many meanings in English.动词“feel”在英语中有很多含义。

It can mean to experience an emotion:它可能意味着体验一种情绪:

I always feel thankful to my parents.我对父母总是充满了感激之情。

Or experience something in your body:或者在你的体内体验一些东西:

She felt a pain in her back.她感到背部疼痛。

"Feel" can mean to touch something:“Feel”可以意味着触摸某物:

I feel the rough sand under my feet.我感觉到脚下粗糙的沙子。

Or to describe the weather:或者描述天气:

It feels cold outside.外面感觉很冷。

"Feel" can also show an opinion:“Feel”还可以表达观点:

Do you feel strongly about the situation?你对这种情况有强烈的感受吗?

He feels sure we are right.他确信我们是对的。

"Feel like" is a phrasal verb.“Feel Like”是一个短语动词。

We often use "feel like" in a sentence to go with (someone or something) and (doing something).我们经常在句子中使用“feel like”来搭配(某人或某事)和(做某事)。

"Feel like" someone or something means that you are similar to the person or thing:“Feel like”某人或某事意味着你与这个人或某事相似:

My feet feel like blocks of ice.我的脚感觉像冰块一样。

Maria feels like her mother.玛丽亚感觉就像她的母亲。

"Feel like" doing something means that you want to do it.“Feel like”做某事意味着你想做它。

This is when the verb is often followed by –ing.这是动词后面经常跟着-ing的时候。

Jose feels like eating ice cream.何塞想吃冰淇淋。

She feels like watching a movie.她想看电影。

Sometimes, "feel like" can be used in this way without -ing:有时,“feel like”可以这样使用,而无需-ing:

Jose feels like ice cream.何塞感觉就像冰淇淋。

She feels like a movie.她感觉就像一部电影。

It is understood that he wants to eat ice cream or that she wants to watch a movie.据了解,他想吃冰淇淋,或者她想看电影。

And we also use "feel like" to show an opinion:我们还使用“feel like”来表达观点:

I feel like this isn't a good idea.我觉得这不是一个好主意。

We hope this explanation helps you, Ana.安娜,我们希望这个解释对你有帮助。

Do you have a question about American English?关于美式英语您有什么问题吗?

Send us an email at learningenglish@voanews.com.请发送电子邮件至learningenglish@voanews.com

And that's Ask a Teacher.以上就是本期《名师答疑》的全部内容!

I'm Gena Bennett.吉娜·贝内特为您播报。


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