






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-1 19:00| 查看数: 32| 评论数: 0|

A Stanford physics PhD graduate has been selected to work as a grass-roots civil servant in rural China, an unusual career step that has attracted widespread attention.斯坦福大学物理学博士毕业生考取中国农村基层公务员,这一不同寻常的职业选择,引发了广泛关注。

On Sunday evening, the civil servant bureau of Suzhou, a city in the southwestern province of Anhui, published its second intake of recruits for the year.上周日晚,位于安徽省西南部的宿州市公务员局公布了今年第二批招聘人员名单。

Among the 330 new employees who will join the city's public service workforce is Su Zhen, the only new hire with a doctorate.在即将加入该市公共服务队伍的330名新员工中,苏朕是唯一一位拥有博士学位的新人。

While other candidates attended little-known colleges and vocational schools in China, Su graduated from a leading American institution ranked third in the Best Global Universities list.与其他候选人不同,他们大多来自一些不太知名的学院和职业学校, 而苏朕则毕业于美国一所顶尖大学,该大学在全球最佳大学排名中位列第三。

Of the six candidates competing with him for the same position, Su came first in the written test, interview and final score, according to Suzhou authorities.据苏州市政府部门介绍,在与他一同竞争同一职位的六名候选人中,苏朕在笔试、面试和总成绩中都名列第一。He will not be working in a city, but instead will be in a rural town. The list shows he applied for the post of township basic affairs management in Lingbi, a county of nearly 1 million people in northern Anhui province that comes under the jurisdiction of Suzhou. According to the recruitment notice published in January, two people would be recruited to work in towns in Lingbi county.然而,他的工作地点并不是在城市,而是一个农村小镇。名单显示,他申请的是安徽省北部隶属宿州灵璧县乡镇机关基层事务管理职位,灵璧县人口近百万。根据今年1月发布的招聘通知,灵璧县计划招聘两人到乡镇工作。

The job description includes public service, rural revitalisation and the promotion of social civility, which usually refers to encouraging decent behaviour and eliminating outmoded rural customs, such as extravagant funerals.该职位的职责包括公共服务、乡村振兴以及促进社会文明。一般来说,是指鼓励文明行为,消除落后农村习俗,如葬礼上的铺张浪费。


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