






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-3 19:48| 查看数: 35| 评论数: 0|

When we're stressed out, many of us turn to junk food for solace. But new CU Boulder research suggests this strategy may backfire.


The study found that in animals, a high-fat diet disrupts resident gut bacteria, alters behavior and, through a complex pathway connecting the gut to the brain, influences brain chemicals in ways that fuel anxiety.


"Everyone knows that these are not healthy foods, but we tend to think about them strictly in terms of a little weight gain," said lead author Christopher Lowry, a professor of integrative physiology at CU Boulder. "If you understand that they also impact your brain in a way that can promote anxiety, that makes the stakes even higher."


In a previous study, the team found that rats fed a high-fat diet consisting primarily of saturated fat showed increases in neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior.


While evidence is mixed, some human studies have also shown that replacing a high-fat, high-sugar, ultra-processed diet with a healthier one can reduce depression and anxiety.


Lowry stresses that not all fats are bad, and that healthy fats like those found in fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds can be anti-inflammatory and good for the brain.


But his research in animals suggests that exposure to an ultra-high-fat diet consisting of predominantly saturated fats, particularly at a young age, could both boost anxiety in the short-term and prime the brain to be more prone to it in the future.

但对动物的研究表明,摄入以饱和脂肪为主的超高脂肪食物,尤其是在年轻的时候, 既可以在短期内加剧焦虑,也可以使大脑在未来更容易产生焦虑。


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