






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-7 23:27| 查看数: 95| 评论数: 0|

A mysterious rising structure has been discovered in a rural desert area in the western American state of Nevada.在美国西部内华达州的一个乡村沙漠地区发现了一个神秘的上升结构。

The tall, pillar-shaped object is being described as a monolith.这个高大的柱状物体被描述为一块巨石。

Images suggest it is made of metallic material and its surface is reflective.图像显示它由金属材料制成,表面具有反射性。

The object recently drew attention when the Las Vegas police department published a photo and message about the structure on the social media service X.最近,拉斯维加斯警察局在社交媒体服务X上发布了一张有关该建筑的照片和信息,引起了人们的关注。

It read: "We see a lot of weird things when people go hiking like not being prepared for the weather, not bringing enough water... but check this out!"上面写道:“人们在徒步旅行时看到很多奇怪的事情,比如没有为天气做好准备,没有带足够的水……但看看这个!”

Officers recently saw the monolith while carrying out a search and rescue operation.官员们最近在进行搜救行动时看到了这块巨石。

The area is about one hour north of Las Vegas.该地区位于拉斯维加斯以北约一小时车程的地方。

It is popular with hikers.它很受徒步旅行者的欢迎。

The area is part of Nevada's large Desert National Wildlife Refuge.该地区是内华达州大型沙漠国家野生动物保护区的一部分。

Bighorn sheep and desert tortoises can be found there.在那里可以找到大角羊和沙漠龟。

The monolith was put in an area with mountain peaks up to 2,100 meters high.巨石被放置在一个峰值高达2100米的地区。

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told The Associated Press (AP) that its members were trying to learn more about the monolith.美国鱼类和野生动物管理局告诉美联社,其成员正试图更多地了解这块巨石。

Images included with the X message showed the structure standing tall against a bright blue sky, with distant views of the Las Vegas valley.X上发布的消息包含的图像显示,这座建筑矗立在明亮的蓝天下,远处可以看到拉斯维加斯山谷。

Many observers noted on social media the monolith looked like an object that appeared in Stanley Kubrick's famous science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey.许多观察人士在社交媒体上指出,这块巨石看起来就像斯坦利·库布里克著名科幻电影《2001太空漫游》中出现的物体。

The mysterious structure is the latest object to appear in recent years in different places around the U.S. and Europe.这个神秘的结构是近年来在美国和欧洲不同地方出现的最新物体。

The first one to receive wide media attention was discovered in the Utah desert in late 2020.第一个受到媒体广泛关注的结构是2020年底在犹他州沙漠发现的。

Others have been discovered in California and in the nations of Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Britain.其他结构则在加利福尼亚州以及加拿大、荷兰、波兰、罗马尼亚和英国等国发现。

All the structures disappeared about as quickly as they appeared.所有结构消失的速度和出现的速度一样快。

Placing the objects is a violation of a U.S. law that protects federal lands.这些物品的放置违反了保护联邦土地的美国法律。

The monolith found in Utah in 2020 stood about 3.6 meters tall, the AP reported.据美联社报道,2020年在犹他州发现的巨石高约3.6米。

It was placed in rock in an area so remote that local officials decided not to immediately inform the public.它被放置在一个偏远地区的岩石上,以至于当地官员决定不立即通知公众。

The officials feared people would get lost trying to find it.官员们担心人们在寻找它的过程中会迷路。

But many people were successful in finding it.但很多人都成功找到了它。

Fish and Wildlife officials said that during the search, visitors to the area flattened plants with vehicles and left behind human waste.鱼类和野生动物官员表示,在搜索过程中,前往该地区的游客用车辆夷平了植物,并留下了人类排泄物。

Two men known for doing extreme sports in Utah later said that kind of damage persuaded them to go to the area late at night and tear the structure down and remove it.犹他州两名以极限运动闻名的男子后来表示,这种破坏程度促使他们在深夜前往该地区,将建筑拆除。

This time, officials at the Fish and Wildlife Service are worried about similar harms from visitors.这一次,鱼类和野生动物管理局的官员担心游客会造成类似的伤害。

Nevada's Desert National Wildlife Refuge is the largest wildlife refuge outside of Alaska.内华达州的沙漠国家野生动物保护区是阿拉斯加以外最大的野生动物保护区。

Christa Weise oversees refuge operations.克里斯塔·韦斯负责监督避难所的运作。

She said, "People might come looking for it and be coming with inappropriate vehicles or driving where they shouldn't, trampling plants."她说:“人们可能会开着不合适的车来找它,或者在不该开的地方开车,践踏植物。”

The Nevada monolith has produced many different opinions by people on social media.内华达州的巨石在社交媒体上引起了人们许多不同的看法。

One X user, publishing under the name @NWK1WAYS, simply declared: "Clearly Aliens!"一名X用户以@NWK1WAYS的名义发帖称:“显然是外星人!”

Another user, @cdharris19, expressed disbelief that the mysterious placers had struck again.另一位用户@cdharris19对神秘的陨石再次袭击表示难以置信。

"Are we really gonna do this whole thing again?" the user asked.“我们真的要再做一遍吗?”该用户问道。

"Just remove the trash, find who dumped it, and fine them."“只要把垃圾移走,找到是谁倾倒的,然后对他们处以罚款。"

I'm Bryan Lynn.布莱恩·林恩报道。


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