






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-9 18:26| 查看数: 98| 评论数: 0|

“你为什么不回到故乡去看看呢?”——这是 “寻根游” 背后的理念。这一最新旅游趋势是基于越来越多的人希望通过研究他们的DNA来了解自己的过去,追寻祖先的足迹。许多人选择追景溯源,以追寻家族史为目的,访问他们的祖先曾经生活过的地方。 介绍 “寻根游”。

Vocabulary: family trees & holidays 词汇:家谱和假期

Everyone loves a holiday! A little time off for some much-needed R & R can be exactly the thing to rejuvenate and refresh. That said, if you're struggling to think of your next destination then look no further. Don't waste time debating, let your blood decide.

Everybody has a lineage. Recently, finding out more about our family origins has become popular. By the start of 2019, 26 million people had taken an ancestry DNA test at home, according to a report by MIT Technology Review. They believe by 2021 this number will have risen to 100 million.

This trend has been noticed by opportunistic travel operators. Some are looking to provide a service that both allows people to trace their heritage - by literally going back to their roots - and travel to the destinations where their ancestors originated from.

Airbnb, an online lodging marketplace, recently partnered with 23andMe, a DNA testing and analysis company, to offer recommendations that encourage travellers to walk in the footsteps of their forefathers. And they aren't the only ones.

The Shelbourne hotel in Dublin has its own 'genealogy butler'. Hellen Kelly offers consultations to help guests trace their Irish line of descent using official records. This allows them to 'fill in the blanks of their Irish ancestry', she told Good Morning America.

The Conte Club, a luxury travel company, offers custom itineraries based on DNA tests. 'These experiences are about delving deeper into who we really are,' says Conte Club CEO Rebecca Fielding in an article in the Condé Nast Traveller. 'It might be the most meaningful trip we can take.'

So next time you think of going on vacation, why not take a DNA test first? Once you know how far your family has come, take the time to holiday back.


time off 休息,休假

R & R 休息放松(rest and relaxation 的缩写)

rejuvenate 使人恢复精神、活力

refresh 使人恢复,消除疲劳

destination 目的地

blood 血液

lineage 血统,世系

ancestry 祖先

travel operator 旅行社

heritage 遗产

roots 根

originate 始于,来自

walk in the footsteps 追随……脚步

forefathers 祖先

genealogy 家谱学,家系

trace 查明……源头,追溯

line of descent 同一血统的后代

fill in the blanks 填补空白

itinerary 旅程,旅行计划

delve 探索


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How many people are expected to have home-tested their DNA by 2021?

2. What kind of service are opportunistic travel operators looking to provide?

3. What is Hellen Kelly's official title at the Shelbourne hotel?

4. What does a consultation with Hellen Kelly allow guests to do?

5. What does Rebecca Fielding say about the importance of this kind of trip?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. The last 3 weeks finishing this project were intense! I think I need some _______.

time of             R & R               blood              trip

2. "Let's go! We have a very full _______ and we can't be late," said the tour guide.

destination       heritage           itinerary          trip

3. Latin is part of many European languages' common _______.

blood               heritage           trace               blanks

4. I wonder how many families can _______ their family line back 1000 years.

rejuvenate       refresh             originate          trace

5. He was born in England, but his _______ comes from Latin America.

blood               roots                forefathers      descent


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How many people are expected to have home-tested their DNA by 2021?

MIT Technology review believe it will be 100 million people.

2. What kind of service are opportunistic travel operators looking to provide?

A service that allows people to trace their heritage and travel to the destinations their ancestors originated from.

3. What is Hellen Kelly's official title at the Shelbourne hotel?

Hellen Kelly is a 'genealogy butler'.

4. What does a consultation with Hellen Kelly allow guests to do?

It allows them to trace their Irish line of descent and fill in the blanks of their Irish ancestry.

5. What does Rebecca Fielding say about the importance of this kind of trip?

She says 'it might be the most meaningful trip we can take.'

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. The last 3 weeks finishing this project were intense! I think I need some R & R.

2. "Let's go! We have a very full itinerary and we can't be late," said the tour guide.

3. Latin is part of many European languages' common heritage.

4. I wonder how many families can trace their family line back 1000 years.

5. He was born in England, but his blood comes from Latin America.


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