






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-22 23:50| 查看数: 57| 评论数: 0|


▲Vehicles await loading to be transported at a terminal of Yantai Port in Shandong province on June 24. China exported 2.93 million vehicles in the first half of this year, up 25.3 percent year-on-year, according to the General Administration of Customs. ZHU ZHENG/XINHUA

市场观察人士和企业界人士7月18日表示,尽管外部挑战仍然存在,但中国的支持性政策和外贸的持续提质将助推中国全年经济增长。China's supportive policies and ongoing quality upgrades in foreign trade are set to bolster economic growth throughout the year despite lingering external challenges, market watchers and business leaders said on Thursday.

日前召开的中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议提出,要进一步深化改革和继续扩大开放,包括深化贸易领域的改革。They made the comments as the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China vowed to further deepen reform, including in the trade sector, and continue to expand opening-up.

7月15日至18日举行的中共二十届三中全会在闭幕后发布的公报提出,中国“要稳步扩大制度型开放,深化外贸体制改革,深化外商投资和对外投资管理体制改革,优化区域开放布局,完善推进高质量共建‘一带一路’机制。”According to a communique released on Thursday after the conclusion of the session, which started on Monday, China will "steadily expand opening-up, deepen foreign trade structural reform, further reform the management systems for inward and outward investment, improve planning for regional opening-up, and refine the mechanisms for high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative".

国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部研究员赵福军表示,近年来,贸易保护主义、地缘政治冲突、竞争加剧等因素促使国内制造商提高自身产品的技术含量。Zhao Fujun, a foreign trade researcher at the Beijing-based Development Research Center of the State Council, said that in recent years, protectionist moves, geopolitical rivalries and intense competition have pushed domestic manufacturers to upgrade the technical content of their products.

植根于欧洲、在70个国家和地区拥有上万名员工的毕博咨询公司的国际业务主管马蒂亚斯·洛比奇指出,为了提高竞争力、化解风险,许多中国制造商还在匈牙利和越南等国家投资新建了工厂和库房。Many of them have also invested in new plants and warehouses in countries like Hungary and Vietnam to enhance competitiveness and mitigate risks, said Matthias Loebich, leader for international business at BearingPoint, a European consultancy with more than 10,000 employees in 70 countries and regions.

海关总署发布的数据显示,今年上半年我国外贸规模再创新高,货物贸易进出口总值同比增长6.1%,达到21.17万亿元。China set a record for foreign trade in the first half of the year, achieving a year-on-year increase of 6.1 percent, reaching 21.17 trillion yuan ($2.92 trillion), data from the General Administration of Customs showed.

中国人民大学经济研究所联席所长毛振华表示,随着发达国家从服务消费为主转变为实物消费需求增加,今年下半年中国的出口贸易将会继续增长。As developed countries are shifting from services spending to increased demand for goods, China's exports will continue to grow in the second half, said Mao Zhenhua, co-director of the Institute of Economic Research at Renmin University of China in Beijing.

毛振华指出,技术全球化趋势也有利于中国高附加值产品的出口。Mao said that the upward global trend in technology will also benefit exports of China's high value-added products.

由于对中国市场充满信心,总部在美国的物流服务供应商联邦快递6月底开通了从山东青岛和福建厦门至美国的两条全新国际货运航线。Upbeat about the Chinese market, United States-based logistics services provider FedEx launched two new cargo flights to the US from Qingdao, Shandong province, and Xiamen, Fujian province, in late June.

联邦快递高级副总裁许宝燕表示,此次开通的全新国际货运航线,是联邦快递积极响应中国外贸增长需求,深化与当地市场合作的顺势之举。"This is a proactive move to meet the growing demand of China's foreign trade and to deepen cooperation with the local market," said Koh Poh-Yian, senior vice-president of FedEx.


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