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And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.


People around the world share many things in common.世界各地的人们有很多共同点。

But we are also different from each other.但我们也彼此不同。

Not only do we look, think, and act differently, but we also like different things.我们不仅外表、思维和行为不同,喜欢的事物也不同。

Even identical twins may look the same but are very different individuals.即使是同卵双胞胎,他们可能看起来一样,但却是截然不同的个体。

On today's program, we will look at a few expressions to describe how no person is exactly the same as another.在今天的节目中,我们将了解一些表达来描述没有人与另一个人完全相同。

The first expression involves trash and treasure.第一个表达涉及“垃圾”和“宝藏”。

When we say one person's trash is another person's treasure,当我们说一个人的垃圾是另一个人的宝藏时,

we mean that something that one person may consider worthless could be highly prized or valued by someone else.我们的意思是,一个人认为毫无价值的东西可能会被其他人高度珍视或重视。

Let's hear an example of how to use this expression:让我们听一个如何使用这个表达的例子:

I really don't understand the appeal of Jackson Pollock's paintings.我真的不理解杰克逊·波洛克画作有什么吸引力。

To me, they look like a team of monkeys painted them!对我来说,它们看起来就像一队猴子画的!

I love Pollock's paintings.我超爱波洛克的画作。

I see something new every time I look at them.每次看到它们,我都会有新收获。

Well, I guess it's true what they say, one person's trash is another person's treasure.好吧,我想人们说的没错,甲之砒霜,乙之蜜糖。

Now, rubbish and garbage mean the same as trash.现在,“ rubbish”和“garbage”的意思和“trash”一样。

But, in this expression, we use trash because the "tr" in trash and treasure makes the expression sound more natural.但是,在这个表达中,我们使用“trash”,因为“trash”和“treasure”中的“tr”使这个表达听起来更自然。

It just sounds better.只是听起来更顺耳。

And, sometimes, we use the word "man" in place of "person" such as one man's trash is another man's treasure.有时,我们用“man”这个词来代替“person”,例如“one man's trash is another man's treasure”。

Again it is just easier to say.再说一次,这样更顺口。

Another expression with a similar meaning is different strokes for different folks.另一个具有相似含义的表达是人各有所好。

This also means that different things appeal to different people.这也意味着不同事物吸引不同的人。

But as a set expression, we do not say "different strokes for different people".但作为一个固定表达,我们不会说“different strokes for different people”。(不会用people代替folks)

That just doesn't sound right.那样听起来不太对。

Different strokes for different folks can also mean that people live in different ways and value different things.“Different strokes for different folks”也可以指人们以不同的方式生活,重视不同的事物。

For example, a perfect evening for my friend is to go out and dance all night long.例如,对我的朋友来说,一个完美的夜晚就是出去跳舞,跳一整夜。

For me, a perfect evening is to stay at home with a book and a cup of tea.对我来说,一个完美的夜晚就是待在家里看书、喝杯茶。

Neither is a better way to spend the evening.这两种方式都不是度过夜晚的更好方式。

So, we should not judge.所以,我们不应该评判。

Or in other words, different strokes for different folks.或者换句话说,人各有所好。

When we want to say that we are all different and we like different things without judgment, we can also use the following expressions:当我们想表达大家各不相同,喜欢不同的东西而不加评判时,我们也可以用下面的表达:

It takes all kinds to make the world go round.世界因为有各种各样的人而丰富多彩。

It takes all kinds.需要各种各样的事物存在。

To each his own or to each her own.各花入各眼。

Whatever floats your boat.随你高兴,随你便。

They all mean … whatever makes you happy!它们的意思都是……只要能让你开心就好!

And all of these expressions have the same general meaning: We are all different and unique.所有这些表达都具有相同的一般含义:我们都各不相同,独一无二。

And that's the end of this Words and Their Stories.本期《词汇掌故》节目到这里就要结束了。

Until next time, I'm Anna Matteo.下期节目再见,安娜·马特奥为您播报。


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