






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-8-22 01:45| 查看数: 44| 评论数: 0|

In the green hills of central Bosnia and Herzegovina,在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(简称波黑)中部的青山上,

Halim Zukic has recreated a nature park in the form of one of Vincent van Gogh's most famous paintings, The Starry Night.哈利姆·祖基奇以文森特·梵高最著名的画作之一《星空》的形式重建了一个自然公园。

Zukic is from the town of Visoko.祖基奇来自维索科镇。

He decided to create a park after buying some land and a small house in a nearby village 20 years ago.20年前,他在附近的一个村庄购买了一些土地和一栋小房子后,决定建造一个公园。

But he had no clear idea of what the park should look like.但他对这个公园应该建成什么样子没有明确的想法。

Then he saw tractors moving among fields of tall grass six years ago.六年前,他看到拖拉机在高高的草丛中行驶。

He also saw that the tractors made circular shapes in the earth.他还看到拖拉机在地上弄出圆形形状。

This reminded him of similar shapes in Van Gogh's painting.这让他想起了梵高画作中类似的形状。

"From that moment, I was no longer in doubt," Zukic told Reuters news agency.“从那一刻起,我就不再疑惑不决了,”祖基奇告诉路透社。

But his effort took him time, money, and a lot of work.但他这一举动耗费了他的时间、金钱和大量工作。

To match the painting, Zukic brought in 130,000 lavender plants in six colors.为了与《星空》这幅画作相匹配,祖基奇引进了13万株6种颜色的熏衣草植株。

Plants known for their aromas and medicinal uses were also planted.还种植了以芳香和药用价值而闻名的植物。

These include sage, echinacea, wormwood and chamomile.其中包括鼠尾草、紫锥菊、艾草和洋甘菊。

Together, they form colorful circles and help recreate the appearance of Van Gogh's painting.它们一起形成色彩缤纷的圆圈,帮助重现梵高画作的外观。

Zukic also planted more trees and created 13 small lakes using water from the area.祖基奇还种植了更多树木,并利用该地区的水建造了13个小湖泊。

Zukic did the work to form the land into the same shape as the painting by himself.祖基奇独自完成了将那片土地塑造成与《星空》画作相同形状的工作。

He said recreating the painting has helped him better understand artists and the creative problems they face.他说,重现这幅画作帮助他更好地了解艺术家及其面临的创作问题。

"This is the largest representation of The Starry Night, and the result of 20 years of dreams, of living those dreams to make them real," he said.他说:“这是《星空》的最大表现物,也是20年梦想的结果,让这些梦想成真。”

The park is 10 hectares in size.这个公园是10公顷的规模。

Zukic said it will show art programs and promote central Bosnia's cultural heritage.祖基奇表示,该公园将展示艺术项目并推广波黑中部的文化遗产。

Zukic also wants the park to offer visitors a place to rest and think.祖基奇还希望这个公园能为游客提供一个休息和思考的地方。

Van Gogh was born in 1853 in the Netherlands and died in 1890 in France.梵高1853年出生于荷兰,1890年去世于法国。


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