






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-9-12 01:15| 查看数: 34| 评论数: 0|

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health and Lifestyle report.这是VOA慢速英语的《健康与生活方式》报告。

Becky Litvintchouk did not think she would be able to finish the many tasks needed to start her own business.贝基·利特文楚克认为她无法完成创业所需的许多任务。

She has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.她患有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)。

It affects every part of her life and hurts her ability to focus on one thing at a time.这影响了她生活的方方面面,伤害了她一次只专注于一件事的能力。

So, two years ago, she turned to artificial intelligence, or AI.因此,两年前,她转向人工智能(AI)寻求帮助。

She uses an app called Claude.她使用一个名为Claude的应用程序。

It helps her decide which contracts are the best for her cleaning-wipes business, GetDirty.它帮助她决定哪些合同最适合她的清洁湿巾公司GetDirty。

Using the app means she does not need to read each contract, word for word.使用该应用程序意味着她不需要逐字阅读每份合同。

She also created business plans by telling the generative AI bot what her goals were.她还通过告诉生成式AI机器人她的目标是什么来制定商业计划。

It then created steps for her to reach them.然后,它为她制定一步一步的计划帮她完成目标。

"It's been just massively instrumental.“它起到了巨大的作用。

I probably would not be where I am today," Litvintchouk said of using AI.我可能不会达到今天的水平,”利特文楚克谈到使用AI时说道。

People with ADHD experience difficulties with focusing, organizing and controlling urges.患有多动症的人在集中注意力、组织和控制冲动方面遇到困难。

Experts say generative AI tools can help them finish tasks more quickly.专家表示,生成式AI工具可以帮助他们更快地完成任务。

However, they also warn that such tools should not replace traditional treatments for ADHD.然而,他们也警告说,此类工具不应取代ADHD的传统治疗方法。

Some experts also have concerns about possibly using AI too much.一些专家还担心可能过度使用AI。

They also worry about privacy risks.他们还担心隐私风险。

John Mitchell is an associate professor at Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina.约翰·米切尔是北卡罗来纳州杜克大学医学院的副教授。

He said that AI apps should be used as "one tool in a toolbox."他说,AI应用程序应该被用作“工具箱中的一个工具。”

AI should not take the place of traditional treatments, such as developing organizational skills or taking medications.AI不应该取代传统治疗方法,例如培养组织技能或服用药物。

He compared using AI to help ADHD with swimming and staying alive in the water.他将使用AI来帮助ADHD比喻成游泳和在水中求生。

"If you're kind of treading water in your job and AI's a life preserver, well, that's great you're staying above water."“将工作中遇到的问题比喻成涉水,那AI就是救生圈,可以帮助你浮出水面。”

But, he added, "you still don't know how to swim."但是,他补充道,“你仍然不知道如何游泳。”

Litvintchouk, a married mother of four living in New York City, dropped out of high school and left the workforce.利特文楚克是一位已婚的四个孩子的母亲,住在纽约市,高中辍学,离开了工作岗位。

Research shows that these things are more likely to happen to people with ADHD.研究表明,这些事情更有可能发生在ADHD身上。

Aside from helping with her business, she uses ChatGPT to help with food shopping.除了帮助她的业务外,她还使用ChatGPT帮助购物食品。

Food shopping and meal planning are tasks that can be difficult for people with ADHD because these tasks require organizational skills.对于ADHD来说,购买食品和膳食计划是很困难的任务,因为这些任务需要组织技能。

After sharing her method with another mom with ADHD, she decided more people needed to know about it.在与另一位患有ADHD的妈妈分享了她的方法后,她决定让更多的人了解它。

She started making videos on TikTok about the AI tools she uses to help with her ADHD struggles.她开始在TikTok上制作视频,介绍她用来帮助治疗ADHD的AI工具。

Generative AI tools can help people with ADHD break down big tasks into smaller, more doable steps.生成式AI工具可以帮助ADHD将大任务分解成更小、更可行的步骤。

Chatbots can offer advice for specific things and make people feel like they are talking with a real person.聊天机器人可以为特定事情提供建议,让人们感觉自己在与真人交谈。

Some AI apps can also help with reminders and productivity.一些AI应用程序还可以帮助提高提醒和生产力。

Software engineer Bram de Buyser said he created Goblin.tools with his neurodivergent friends in mind.软件工程师布拉姆·德·比瑟表示,他创建Goblin.tools时考虑到了他那些大脑功能异于常人的朋友。

The tool's most popular feature is the "magic to-do."该工具最受欢迎的功能是“神奇待办事项”。

A user can enter a task and the bot will create a to-do list.用户可以输入任务,机器人将创建待办事项列表。

It can even break down large items on the list into smaller tasks.它甚至可以将列表上的大项目分解为更小的任务。

"I'm not trying to build a cure," de Buyser said,“我并不是想找到一种治疗方法,”德·比瑟说,

"but something that helps them out (for) two minutes out of the day that they would otherwise struggle with."“但一些东西可以帮助他们度过一天中的两分钟,否则他们会遇到困难。”

Russell Fulmer is a professor at Husson University in the northeastern state of Maine.拉塞尔·富尔默是缅因州东北部胡森大学的教授。

He described the research around AI and ADHD as "inconclusive."他将围绕AI和ADHD的研究描述为“不确定”。

In other words, the results of its usefulness are still not known.换句话说,其有用性的结果仍然未知。

Experts say they see how AI can have a positive effect on the lives of people with anxiety and ADHD.专家表示,他们看到AI如何对焦虑症和ADHD患者的生活产生积极影响。

But, Fulmer said, such tools may not work well for everyone, including people of color with ADHD.但是,富尔默说,这些工具可能并不适合所有人,包括患有ADHD的有色人种。

He pointed to chatbot responses that have been racist and unfair toward certain groups of people at times.他指出,聊天机器人的回应有时带有种族主义色彩,对某些群体不公平。

Software engineer de Buyser said that using AI chatbots as a personal assistant has a big upside: They are never tired and never sleep.软件工程师德·比瑟表示,使用AI聊天机器人作为个人助理有一个很大的好处:它们永远不累,也永远不睡觉。

The downside?缺点?

They also create privacy issues.它们还会造成隐私问题。

When you give an AI chatbot your personal information, emails, calendar and personal writings, you are giving it to a big company, he warned.他警告说,当你把你的个人信息、电子邮件、日历和个人写作交给AI聊天机器人时,你就把这些信息交给了一家大公司。

And that's the Health and Lifestyle report.以上就是本期《健康与生活方式》报告的全部内容。

I'm Anna Matteo.我是安娜·马特奥。

And I'm Andrew Smith.我是安德鲁·史密斯。


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