





中国第一季度iPhone出货量暴跌19% 为2020年以来最糟表现

发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-9-17 00:12| 查看数: 31| 评论数: 0|

Apple's smartphone shipments in China tumbled 19 percent in the first quarter of the year, the worst performance since 2020, as its dominance in the high-end segment came under pressure from Huawei's new product launches, market data showed.

市场数据显示,苹果智能手机在中国第一季度的出货量暴跌19%,这是自2020年以来最糟糕的表现, 市场数据显示,随着华为发布新产品,苹果在高端市场的主导地位受到冲击。

Apple's share in the world's biggest smartphone market fell to 15.7 percent in the first quarter from 19.7 percent a year earlier. That put it almost level with Huawei, which saw sales jump 70 percent, according to research firm Counterpoint.

根据市场调研机构Counterpoint的数据,苹果在全球最大智能手机市场的份额从一年前的19.7%下降到第一季度的15.7%, 几乎与华为持平,后者的销量飙升了70%。

Apple lost its crown as the biggest smartphone seller in China to rival Vivo, sliding to third place in the quarter, followed by Huawei, whose market share jumped to 15.5 percent from 9.3 percent a year earlier. Honor, a mass-market brand spun out of Huawei, was in second place.

苹果失去了中国最大智能手机销售商的桂冠,被竞争对手Vivo超越,滑落到第三位,而华为则紧随其后, 其市场份额从一年前的9.3%跃升至15.5%。从华为独立出来的大众市场品牌荣耀则位居第二。

"Huawei's comeback has directly impacted Apple in the premium segment," said Counterpoint analyst Ivan Lam. "Besides, the replacement demand for Apple has been slightly subdued compared to previous years."

Counterpoint分析师Ivan Lam表示:“华为的回归直接冲击了苹果在高端市场的地位。此外,与往年相比,苹果的换机需求略有下降。”

"For the second quarter, the possibility of new color options combined with aggressive sales initiatives could bring the brand back into positive territory," Lam said, adding it is seeing slow but steady improvement in weekly iPhone sales.

“对于第二季度, 新颜色选项与积极的销售举措相结合的可能性可能会使该品牌重回正增长区间,”Lam表示, 并补充说,iPhone的周销量正在缓慢但稳步上升。

Throughout the first quarter, Apple launched campaigns to entice consumers with discounts, including subsidizing certain iPhone models by as much as 1,300 yuan ($180).

在第一季度期间,苹果推出了一系列促销活动,以折扣吸引消费者, 包括对某些iPhone型号补贴高达1300元人民币(180美元)。

Many smartphone reviewers on Chinese social media have been openly criticizing recent iPhones for their slow charging speed, overheating and lack of many local functionalities widely available on cheaper competitors.

中国社交媒体上的评论区中充斥着对新款iPhone的吐槽:充电速度慢、 手机过热,以及缺少许多平民机普遍具备的本地功能。

Huawei last week released its Pura 70 series of high-end phones after launching the Mate 60 series in August. The Mate 60 was seen as a comeback for the Chinese firm in the high-end market, with analysts describing the launch as a triumph for the company over U.S. sanctions.

继8月份发布Mate 60系列之后,华为上周发布了Pura 70系列高端手机。Mate 60 被视为华为在高端市场的一次回归, 分析人士将此次发布描述为公司克服美国制裁的一次胜利。

Canadian research firm TechInsights expects overall shipments in China this year to top 50 million units, including 10 million for the Pura 70 series. That would make Huawei the No. 1 seller with a 19 percent market share, up from 12 percent in 2023.

加拿大研究公司TechInsights预计,今年中国智能手机整体出货量将超过5000万台, 其中包括Pura 70系列的1000万台。这将使华为成为第一大销售商, 市场份额达到19%,高于2023年的12%。

In the first quarter, China's smartphone market grew 1.5 percent, marking the second consecutive quarter of positive growth, according to Counterpoint.

Counterpoint的数据显示,第一季度中国智能手机市场增长了1.5%, 这是连续第二个季度实现正增长。


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