





[讨论]which marriage would you prefer ?

发布者: Rita娜 | 发布时间: 2006-6-29 14:50| 查看数: 14884| 评论数: 19|

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ee11c2" size="3">It is really a very common question and thus it is widely seen in our daily lives, when you fall in love with one while he/she doesn't love you, when he/she loves you while you don't love him/her, but you have to choose one from it , which one would you prefer? we know this is just an imagination, so just speak out your opinion and give your precious reasons. Join us right away !<br/></font>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-29 14:53:25编辑过]

单选投票, 共有 9 人参与投票

距结束还有: 3341 天8 小时24 分钟



puppy 发表于 2006-6-29 15:25:00
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">Rita, </font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't whether I would choose either of the option your gave us for I have little love experience in my university<span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">&nbsp;</span>and work now.&nbsp; And I never believe some so called one sight love and romantic story between two people without the basis of family, work and children which is considered much more important than romantic feeling of a couple.&nbsp; If reluctant to make a choice, well, I would never chase after a girl if she shows little interest in my, lols~</font></p>[em10]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-4 8:23:55编辑过]

christlulu 发表于 2006-6-29 16:07:27
i choose the second one although it seems to be a selfish choice.
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-30 10:25:45
Lulu,human being are selfish with born,hehe ,butI choose the second one for I am selfish too, lol~~,just as someone said,he will marry a girl who loves him for the hope of girl's love,he believed that the girl may love him one day,&nbsp;hehe
zoe 发表于 2006-6-30 15:28:25
I chose the first one when I had&nbsp;joined&nbsp;to discuss this question long time ago. Now I also&nbsp;keep on&nbsp;my answer. To my mind, anybody has her "Mr. right" or his "princess" and will be found one day.
Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-7-3 10:47:45
i chose the second one.
fairy 发表于 2006-7-3 12:50:00
what a pity ,i don't want to marry
sunnyniceway 发表于 2006-7-3 15:06:09

marriage is a state of our life

i think every one who want to love or to be loved should be has marriage.
sunnyniceway 发表于 2006-7-3 15:08:19


i want to know your reason,can you talk about with me ?
happyelva 发表于 2006-7-3 16:05:41
I choose the second one ,because I think if I married a man who doesn't love me ,after marriage I will be very unhappy ,and I can't get his love,can't get his careness,and so on.
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-4 08:11:46
How can u avoid marriage in ur life , my girl ????
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-4 08:14:46
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>sunnyniceway</i>在2006-7-3 15:06:09的发言:</b><br/>i think every one who want to love or to be loved should be has marriage.</div><p>hi,&nbsp; sunnyniceway, this is the second time we me t&nbsp; here , i wanna make some correction for there's a little mistake in ur sentence .</p><p><font color="#ff0000">i think every one who wants  to love or to be loved should have a marriage.</font></p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-4 08:16:36
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>happyelva</i>在2006-7-3 16:05:41的发言:</b><br/>I choose the second one ,because I think if I married a man who doesn't love me ,after marriage I will be very unhappy ,and I can't get his love,can't get his careness,and so on.</div><p></p>but i heard that it is a happy feeling when you love someone other than be loved by someone , so how can you explain it to us ???
cooby 发表于 2006-7-6 19:04:36
I choose the first one,because I always believe in that my love will someday make it ture that she also loves me!
lullaby 发表于 2006-7-6 21:08:47
<p>I'd rather married with&nbsp;a man who we&nbsp;loves each other.</p><p>Although I didn't have any experience on marrige in the past.But I know love is the basic section for marrige.It's like a building,love is the groundwork underside it.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-6 21:10:37编辑过]

Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-7 10:36:05
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>cooby</i>在2006-7-6 19:04:36的发言:</b><br/>I choose the first one,because I always believe in that my love will someday make it ture that she also loves me!</div><p>it is good to be self-confident , cooby </p>
suki 发表于 2006-7-7 16:48:53
me too would choose the second one, for my selfishness[em04], for the one who don't loves&nbsp; you won't treat you as you want, but the one loving you may treat you as treasure, you will be the happy one, though you don't love him...how sad is this [em19]
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-12 15:42:28
But "it is a happy thing to love "and how can you comprehend it ??
kevin 发表于 2006-7-12 16:11:13
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-12 17:40:41
loving someone is happy , to be loved is happy , both love and be loved is happy .......
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