





Contest Between a Master and a Disciple

发布者: cc.gu | 发布时间: 2006-6-30 11:56| 查看数: 5303| 评论数: 2|

Once upon a time, a man named Zhang Mu, learned drawing from an old painter. A few years later, he was praised by whoever saw his picture. Zhang Mu though he could paints as well as his teacher. One day he suggested there be a contest between them. The teacher thought for a while, and then decided: “The picture should be covered with towels and we’ll let the people judge.” Zhang Mu said: “Fine.”<br/>The two began drawing. When they had finished, they invited their neighbors to be the judges. The student uncovered his picture first and every one looked in admiration. A vivid and beautiful rose was on the picture. He felt conceited at hearing their praise and said. “Teacher, it’s your turn.” “Please.” The neighbors focused their eyes on the towel which covered the teacher’s painting. At this moment, Zhang Mu extended his hand to take the towel, but he drew his hand back as if he was stung by a wasp. Turning around, he knelt at his teacher’s feet. “Yours is much better.”<br/>The teacher helped the student up, and took up his own painting. When he showed it to people around, all were shocked.<br/>


海伦 发表于 2006-6-30 12:26:07
CC,you didn't sent this to us..........
fairy 发表于 2006-7-3 15:12:03
<p>his teacher is so great ,haha,in China ,we have "青出于蓝胜于蓝"but the student is too conceited about his drawing </p><p>haha,i can learn that"be conceited about "</p><p>hey ,lincy ,i hope you can go on write some massages about this </p>
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