





[转帖]Sweden's Ship of Dreams Sets Sail for Guangzhou

发布者: fairy | 发布时间: 2006-7-3 17:22| 查看数: 5623| 评论数: 1|

<p align="justify">Everything old is new again, for Swedish East Indiaman G&ouml;heborg&nbsp;- a full-scale model of&nbsp;the sailing ship which plied its trade between Sweden and China on the 18th Century Maritime Silk Route. Construction took ten years to complete and cost 350 million Swedish knoners. The vessel's hull was hand-built from century-old timber. <br/><br/></p><p align="center"><img height="369" alt="" src="http://www.lifeofguangzhou.com//node_10/node_36/node_88/img/2006/06/26/11513120644513_3.jpg" width="466" style="WIDTH: 466px; HEIGHT: 369px;"/><br/><br/><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000"><font color="#0000ff">East Indiaman</font> </font>G&ouml;theborg<br/></font></p><p align="justify">On October 2, 2005, the ship left Sweden for a 2 year epic voyage, retracing&nbsp;the historical trade route to China.&nbsp;On the way, &nbsp;G&ouml;heborg has had&nbsp;stopovers at Cadiz, Spain; Recife, Brazil; Cape Town, South Africa; Fremantle, Australia and Jakarta, Indonesia. Now she's on her way to Guangzhou for a hugely anticipated month-long stay&nbsp;before heading for&nbsp;Shanghai&nbsp;toward the end of&nbsp;August.&nbsp;On her return trip, the G&ouml;heborg will&nbsp;call in at&nbsp;Hong Kong, Singapore, Mauritius, Port Elizabeth and&nbsp;Cape Town in Africa, Ascension Island, the Azores Islands in&nbsportugal, then&nbsp;London&nbsp;before finally returning to home city Gothenburg in September 2007, where she will moor at her new berth centrally located in the city. <br/></p><p align="center"><img height="309" alt="" src="http://www.lifeofguangzhou.com//node_10/node_36/node_88/img/2006/06/26/11513120644513_4.bmp" width="407" style="WIDTH: 407px; HEIGHT: 309px;"/><br/><br/><font color="#0000ff">East Indiaman<font color="#000000"> </font>G&ouml;theborg</font></p><p align="justify"><br/><strong>G&ouml;theborg to Arrive in Guangzhou on July 18</strong> <br/><br/>As you'd expect, the East Indiaman's visit - the first in two hundred years - is causing a flurry of preparations in Guangzhou.&nbsp;Director of Guangzhou Tourism Bureau Li Wenyao, says that between&nbsp;July 23 to August 15,&nbsp;citizens and tourists in Guangzhou will be able to board the G&ouml;theborg for around&nbsp;RMB 30 per person. <br/><br/>The CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee and Guangzhou Municipal Government have formed a special committee to make arrangements for the vessel's visit. Sweden's consulate&nbsp;will also be organizing a number of events, along with&nbsp;joint Sino-Swedish international exchange activities, involving both public and private sectors. Watch this space!&nbsp;<br/><br/><br/><strong>Charming Sailors on the Maritime Silk Road</strong> <br/><br/>Two winners of the "Charming Sailors" contest - Zhangjie, a student of South China University of Technology and Wu Junyi, sales representive&nbsp;at Schenker International (Guangzhou) Limited - are on board the ship on&nbsp;its&nbsp;Jakarta-Guangzhou leg for 22 days. <br/><br/>Until July 18, the two will serve as sailors along with two journalists from <em>Guangzhou Daily</em>. Its a great opportunity to learn first-hand about Swedish customs and narrow the cultural and economic distance between the two countries. <br/><br/></p><p align="center"><img alt="" src="http://www.lifeofguangzhou.com//node_10/node_36/node_88/img/2006/06/26/11513120644513_1.jpg"/><br/><br/><font color="#0000ff">Two "Charming Sailors" (left)&nbsp;meet two reporters (right)&nbsp;<br/>from <em>Guangzhou Daily</em> on board <em>G&ouml;theborg</em>.</font></p><p align="justify"><br/>The "Charming Sailor" Competition began in April, testing&nbsp;contestants' mastery&nbsp;of Maritime Silk Road history, Guangzhou culture and geography. Fluent English was a must and - just in case - they had to know how to swim! <br/><br/></p><p align="center"><img alt="" src="http://www.lifeofguangzhou.com//node_10/node_36/node_88/img/2006/06/26/11513120644513_2.jpg"/><br/><br/><font color="#0000ff">News Conference&nbsp;for Charming Sailors on the Maritime Silk Road competition. <br/><em>Guangzhou Daily</em> Press Group President Dai Yuqing (&nbsp;Center )&nbsp; and <br/>Swedish Consuls-General Mr Ulf Sormark ( Second from the Right ) were present.<br/></font></p><p align="justify"><br/><strong>Swedish Royal Couple Visits Guangzhou</strong> <br/><br/>His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia will be on board the ship G&ouml;theborg when the ship will arrive in China on 18 July 2006. Its&nbsp;the first time the Swedish royal couple have visited China.&nbsp;<br/><br/>They're expected to board the ship before the final leg of&nbsp;its voyage on 18 July to Nansha in the Pearl River Delta. After a welcoming ceremony the same&nbsp;day, the ship will be piloted and escorted further up the Pearl River to Guangzhou, where she will arrive at the Zho Tou zui port on 21 July. <br/><br/>In conjunction with the arrival of the ship G&ouml;theborg a number of activities and events will take place in the presence of Swedish officials and representatives of Swedish trade and industry. <br/><br/>The Royal couple will participate in these and other programs in Nansha and Guangzhou. A visit to Beijing is also planned. <br/><br/><br/><strong>Events Schedule</strong><br/><br/>A variety of cultural, economic, trade and tourism events will be staged during the vessel's stay in Guangzhou. Between July 18 and August 19, local authorities will stage weekly events&nbsp;on different themes: <br/><br/><table height="10" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="500" summary="" border="1"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Week one</strong></td><td><strong>&nbsp;Century-long Trade in Retrospect Week<br/></strong></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;July 20 </td><td>&nbsp;Dragon Boat Contest <br/></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;July 20</td><td>&nbsp;G&ouml;theborg Guangzhou's Night </td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;July 20 - August 15&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;G&ouml;theborg Exhibition </td></tr><tr><td><strong>Week two</strong></td><td>&nbsp;<strong>History&nbsp;and Culture Week</strong></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;August 1 </td><td>&nbsp;Foundation Ceremony fo Martime Silk Road Commemorative Square and&nbsp; G&ouml;heborg's Visit Guangzhou&nbsp;Monument <br/></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;August 1 </td><td>&nbsp;G&ouml;theborg Century Banquet</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Week three </strong></td><td><strong>&nbsp;Chinese and Swedish Interaction Week</strong></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;August 6</td><td>&nbsp;Commemoration of Chinese and Swedish Athletes</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;August 12</td><td>&nbsp;Day of Blue Sea Hand-in-Hand Youth </td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;<strong>Week four</strong> </td><td><strong>&nbsp;Sino-Swedish Friendship Week</strong></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;August 18 </td><td>&nbsp;Huangpu Oceanic Culture Festival<br/></td></tr></tbody></table><br/>A&nbsp;cultural extravaganza is in store, to be staged jointly by Guangzhou and Sweden. <br/><br/>Over 200 reporters from more than 30 countries are expected to cover the events.</p>


laniya 发表于 2006-7-7 01:39:06
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