






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-7-5 22:52| 查看数: 18039| 评论数: 8|

三月份的英语专业八级考试即将来临,为满足广大读者的要求,我们将特此推出一系列专业八级的模拟试题,供大家下载及参考。 <br/>英语专业八级考试全真模拟试卷(二)TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS GRADE EIGHT<br/>(SAMPLE)QUESTION BOOKLET<br/>APER ONE<br/>TIME LIMIT:[95 MIN.]PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION [40 min.]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response for each question on your Coloured ANSWER SHEET.SECTION A TALKQuestions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.<br/>Now Listen to the talk.<br/>1.The speaker is.<br/>A. talking about the importance of prudence. B.talking about the necessity of caution.C.talking about the significance of discernment.<br/>D.trying to inform of how to distinguish the right from the wrong.<br/>2.According to St Thomas Aquinas prudence is not<br/>A. the rudder virtue. B. steering the others.C. the virtue without which people are like someone adrift in a boat,tossed in this direction or that by the wind,the waves,and the current.<br/>D. the virtue to rock the boat.<br/>3.In this talk which word can function as a synonym for “discernment"?<br/>A.Caution. B.Prudence. C.Cleverness. D.Perception.4.What is one of the classic marks of a prudent person?<br/>A. Fully examining a situation. B. Seeking help from others.C。Reaching out to others for counsel before acting. D. Making a judgement very slowly.<br/>5.“size up" in the talk means.<br/>A.make a correct measure of B.make a considered estimate ofC.make a beautiful design of D.make a quick understanding of SECTION B CONVERSATIONQuestions 6 to l0 are based on a coversation between Mr Green and Engineer.At the end of the conversation you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.<br/>Now Listen to the conversation.<br/>6.Why did Mr.Green have a terrible fuel bill last winter?<br/>A. Because his wife overheated the house. B. Because his mother overheated the house.C。Because his wife's mother overheated the house. D.Because he overheated the house.7.In fact,people will feel very comfortable if the temperature in winter is.<br/>A.70° B.80° C.75° D.65°8.What's the most popular heating system according to the engineer?A.Every room has a heater. B.The Central room has a heater.C.A heat chamber heats air and passes the warm air through ducts and openings into rooms<br/>D.The rooms are installed with blowers or convection.<br/>9.What's the shortcoming of the small individual air conditioners?<br/>A.It's too cold for people to adapt themselves to the temperature.<br/>B.The temperature of the rooms is uncomfortable.<br/>C.The temperature of the rooms is quite uneven.<br/>D.It's difficult to install them in the rooms.<br/>10.It's important to have vapor seals on the warm side to.<br/>A.avoid gas when the air cools. B.avoid mist when the air cools.C.avoid rapor when the air cools. D.avoid moisture when the air cools. SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 11 to 12 are based on the following news from the BBC.At the end of the news item,you will be given 30 seconds to answer the two questions.<br/>Now Listen to the news.<br/>11.What's happening?<br/>A.A revolutionary NASA jet was destroyed in its first flight.<br/>B.A booster rocket veered out of control and tumbled to the ground.<br/>C.A booster rocket was destroyed after it fulfilled the task.<br/>D.A revolutionary NASA jet was destroyed after many flights.<br/>12.What's the commission of the X-43A prototype?<br/>A.To revolutionize research and develop speed. B.To revolutionize travel and shatter speed records.C.To revolutionize flight and explore outer space. D.To revolutionize exploration and increase experience.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following news from the VOA.At the end of the news item,you will be given 45 seconds to answer the three questions.<br/>Now Listen to the news.<br/>13.Wahid wanted to fire.<br/>A.a cabinet member B.the national police chief C.a lawmaker D.a Muslim scholar14.Some senior legislators accused Wahid of.<br/>A.violating the congress by embazzlement.<br/>B.violating the constitution by hiring the chief without consulting congress.<br/>C.violating the congress by firing the chief without consulting lawmakers.<br/>D.violating the constitution by firing the chief without consulting parliament.<br/>15.When did Wahid claim to fire Bimantoro?<br/>A.On Friday B.On Saturday C.On Thursday D.On Wednesday SECTION D NOTE-TAKING &amp; GAP-FILLINGIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the lecture once only.While listening to the lecture,take notes on the important points.Your notes will not be marked,but you will need them to complete a 15-minute gap-filling task on Answer Sheet One.Use the blank paper for note-taking.<br/>ART Ⅱ PROOFREADING &amp; ERROR CORRECTION [15 min.]Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO as instructed.PART Ⅲ READING COMPREHENSION [40 min.]SECTION A READING COMPREHENSION [30 min.]In this section there are six reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple choice questions.Read the passages and then mark your answer on your Coloured ANSWER SHEET.TEXT A<br/>New Development<br/>The days when the management in western companies presented gold watches to long-serving employees to thank them for loyal service are now just a memory,says the Education and Training Support Agency.In the new age of movement by employees to different jobs,recruits to the labour market can expect to change their jobs every two years and to change careers every ten years.<br/>This new development in the shape and movement the workforce throughout western business is partly a result of the way that layers of middle management are being moved,leaving more workers responsible for their own development.Having workers take responsibility for their own development might be dramatic,but it is now the norm,says the Education and Training Support Agency.“Today,not only are workers more mobile,they have to run to keep up with changes,"says the Government\|funded agency.“It is no longer enough for a worker to acquire a set of skills.Workers need the ability to react and adapt to changes."<br/>This new system is also being pushed along by the way that industry is looking to its workers to update their own skills.In the United States,some companies have contracts which require their employees to show regularly how they have kept their expertise up to date.The new term in western business which encapsulates this approach is called Capability.Capability is the title of a collection of articles published by the Education and Training Support Agency on the premise that “staying capable in a world of change requires the confidence to manage one's own learning."Dale Pearce,of the Australian\|based Pearce Consulting Group,describes capability as an ability to modify behaviour.This is supported in a keynote paper by professor John Stephenson,director of higher education for capability at Leeds University,England. Professor John Stephenson stresses the difference between capability and competence.<br/>Simply put,this difference between capability and competence is that:<br/>Capability is having the skill to deal with the unfamiliar and the unknown.<br/>Capability imagines the future and helps to bring it about.<br/>Competence is about dealing with famaliar situations and problems.<br/>rofessor John Stephenson argues that an effective way of achieving capability is to help people to take responsibility for their own educational,vocational and professional development.<br/>People preparing to enter the workforce therefore need confidence in their ability to master different working environments,a capability to routinely develop their skills and knowledge,and a commitment to continue learning,says Professor Stephenson.<br/>Contrary to the traditions of the past,employers in the west are now looking for autonomous learners as recruits,people who can develop their own continuing education beyond the school and university system.At the same time,businesses are developing the capacity for workers to undertake autonomous learning on site in the workplace,so that the skills and capability of all workers in a business continue to improve and increase.This,of course,says business theory,will also improve the productivity of the workers and therefore the profits of the company.It looks like this is a trend which is here to stay.<br/>16.Which of the following statements is not true?<br/>A.Workers in the west now expect a new job every two years.<br/>B.Workers in the west often stayed with a company all their lives.<br/>C.Workers in the west have got used to moving from one company to another at last.<br/>D.Now it seems a new trend is here,and settling down with a company for life is no longer an option for the western workforce.<br/>17.What is this new development in the shape and movement of the workforce throughout western business?<br/>A.It is the norm that workers are required of the capability to update their own skills autonomously and continually.<br/>B.Businesses are to develop the capacity for workers to undertake autonomous learning on site in the workplace.<br/>C.Workers need to master business theories which can improve the productivity and the profits of the company.<br/>D.Businesses are to train workers who are expected to deal with unfamiliar and unknown situations and problems.<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 23:35:23编辑过]


laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 22:55:31
TEXT B<br/>eople Still Craves “People's Princess"<br/>A year after her death,Princess Diana appears to be very much alive.Like Elvis,she seems destined to live forever.How she'll be perceived is yet to be determined:saint or sinner,savior or social gadfly,people's princess or royal troublemaker?<br/>She has been a bit of a savior for Britain's royal family,too.Her passing actually has polished the royals' tarnished reputation.In the last year two things have happened.Charles has taken a page from Diana and is making an effort to be a more passionate king\|in\|waiting,and Qneen Elizabeth has made efforts to become more sensitive to her subjects.A new Guardian/ICM pou finds 54% say Charles would make a good king now,up from 40% last year.Is the royal family out of touch?Those who agree dropped from 79% last year to 69% today.But most think of Diana as more Cinderella than savior.After the big wedding with a prince waiting at the end of the aisle,she transformed herself from a plump nanny to a sleek jet setter.She gave every overweight schoolgirl the precious gift of hope——that things can change for the better.Their mothers could relate to her struggles with her husband's infidelity,her inlaws,her own insecurities.It is these people who still buy the glossy magazine,sporting her photographs,and it is they who'll tune in to the many Tv specials on her life airing over the weekend.<br/>The BBC has even set up a web site for the anniversary,featuring highlights of the funeral and scenes from Diana's childhood home .The decision was made when the BBC discovered online stories about Diana were still the most popular a year after her death.(There are more Web sites on the Internet bearing her name than that of Jesus Christ.)Almost any Diana habit still makes headlines.AN-year-old Polaroid of her,taken by Lord Snowdon,caused a stir recently when it was found in a cabinet by a researcher compiling a book of Snowdon's work.And recently,a Sunday school teacher in the West Midlands,made news when she told her students Diana went to Hell because of the immoral lifestyle that she led.People magazine,which put Diana on the cover an unprecedented 43 times and published an all-Diana issue after her death,returned this week with another Diana tribute——“Diana's World:One Year Later."<br/>None of this is a surprise to Di fan and freelance writer Diane Clehane,37,of Scarsdale,N.Y.,whose Diana,The Secrets of Her Style is published Tuesday.“I've never cried over the death of a famous person before,”she says.It was difficult convincing publishers that“this was a phenomenon that was going to last,but I knew it would … I knew there were a lot of women out there like me."There are millions,of course,who will mark this first anniversary with nothing more than a shrug.They don't quite understand how this once shy schoolgirl who failed her secondary school O-level exams five times could come to command such worldwide adulation.They are still mystified by the fields of flowers that surrounded Kensington Palace following her death who brought them?And why?<br/>When one high\|ranking British diplomat,who wished not to be quoted about Diana,was asked what he was going to do to mark the first anniversary,he quickly snapped,“Oh,puleeze!"Many in Britain's better-educated elite pride themselves on not jumping on the Diana bandwagon.“There's a certain anti-Diana snobbery in intellectual circles,"Tony Walter,a sociology professor at Reading university told Reuters news service.“But if anything,I think it shows how out of touch many intellectuals are."<br/>And then there are some who are caught in the middle,not wanting to offend the princess' followers,and yet not wanting to canonize her either.The Archbishop of canterbury,Dr.George Carey,has called on his churches to mark this first anniversary of her death with special prayers.His plea is an apparent attempt to soften remarks made by the Archbishop of York,Dr.David Hope,about the dangers of a “cult of Diana."He told church members that Diana should“not be worshipped like an icon."Church of England leaders earlier this summer had urged people to“move on"from mourning Princess Diana.<br/>eople don't seem to be ready to do that.Christopher Andersen's book,The Day Diana Died,became an instant best seller,entering USA TODAY's Best\|selling Books list last week at No.8.Sales of Diana memorabilia-from decorated tubs of margarine to dolls-remain high.The money keeps rolling in,too.The Diana,Princess of Wales Fund now has ? 132.8 million in its coffers.<br/>The anniversary will mean more Diana worship,of course,although the royal family plans a private service at Balmoral and nothing more.Diana's family will mark the occasion with private ceremonies at her grave.Others are being more creative.On Monday,Catherine Jones,an artist from Vancouver,will take Diana candles—she describes them as“part Barbie,part princess and part holy Madonna"—into the Paris tunnel where Diana was killed.<br/>But it is clear some people have had quite enough,thank you very much.Take the matter of Diana's memorial garden at Kensington Palace.The plan calls for 27 acres to be turned into a flower garden in her honor.It will cost ? 16 million.Wealthy neighbors are not amused,saying the garden would attract tourists and fast\|food vendors,litter and pickpockets.They suggest,instead,a series of Diana playgrounds across England,using the old not-in-my-backgroud line of defense.<br/>Was Diana really the “people's princess"?At least one film maker is now doubting that too.In time for the first anniversary,the BBC plans to broadcast a documentary attracting what it calls the “myth" that Diana's death sparked nationwide mourning in Birtain.Colin Luke's film shows the indifference of the public,their cynicism and aggressiveness on the day of the funeral,where he says people acted more like sightseers than mourners.“A lot of the public may be fed up with the maudlin biographies about Diana,"says Luke.“The nation was not united in grief."18.According to this passage,what is the author's attitude toward how Diana should be perceived?<br/>A.She has been a bit of a savior and the mourning for the princess is on spiritual phenomenon.<br/>B.She can be thought of as Cinderella and many women will continue to cry over her death.<br/>C.She is the people's princess and she is going to be canonized for ever.<br/>D.It's to be determined as to the question of how people perceive her.<br/>19.The tone of the author is. <br/>A. humorous and relaxingB. objective and informativeC. sarcastic and indifferentD.reverential and compassionate<br/>TEXT C<br/>James Michener<br/>In his long writing life,James Michener aimed to donate at least 90 percent of what he earned from his 43 novels.He seems to have more than made his goal;at his death,in October 1997,his assets were estimated at less than US 10 million.He had given away US 117 million.Michener makes a good example for other philanthropists,not just in how much he gave,but in his style of giving.The writer worked hard at doing good,following up his donations to see how the money was used.He gave to things for which he had a passion,and he had a lot of fun in doing so.<br/>Michener was 90 when he died.He was on Fortune magazine's list of America's top 25 philanthropists-the only writer in a crowd of tycoons.Asked,shortly before his death,whether he ever wished he had his millions back,he said sure,so that he should have the pleasure of giving them away again.<br/>Too often,says Nelson Aldrich,editor of The American Benefactor,a magazine about philanthropists,the rich give without much imagination.“They give to the college they went to,and the hospital where they'll die,"Aldrich says.“And most of the rich are stingy;few give even as much as 10 percent,the traditional title.They hold on to the myth of not dipoing into capital."<br/>Michener did,in fact,give to his college-US ? 7.2 million to Swarthmore,in Pennsylvania.He called it a repayment for the US ? 2,000 basketball scholarship they gave him in 1925.As he wrote to the college president,in 1969,“Coming as I did from a family with no income at all,and with no prospects whatever,college was the narrow door that led from darkness into light."<br/>His will leaves almost everything to Swarthmore,including future royalties from his books.Michener always described himself as a foundling,born in New York City and raised by Mabel Michener,a Quaker widow,in Doylestown,Pennsylvania.She lived,he said,by taking in other people's children and other people's laundry.For his last 15 years,Michener lived modestly in Austin,Texas,where he has moved to write the 1,000-page saga Texas.Each of his big bestsellers,including Texas,Hawaii and Covenant made about US ? 5million.And there were 20 of them.What's more,he still collected royalties from the musical and movie South Pacific,which was inspired by his first book,Tales of the South Pacific,written when he was 40.<br/>Frail from kidney disease in his last years,Michener was pretty much confined to a reclining chair in a small studey,simply decorated.There were few personal possessions besides some photos of himself and his last wife,and as unframed,faded poster of Tahiti.<br/>A source of pleasure and company in those years was the Texas Centre for Writers.His largest gift,totalling US ? 64.2 million,went to the University of Texas,with US ? 18 million going to found and support the writers' centre.He got a lot back,he said—“You meet bright people,you can consult with anybody there,and there are 23 libraries on campus."<br/>Every year Michener would meet with the 10 incoming students,one by one,and he went out with them every fall to the salt Lick barbecue resaurant.He often ate at the college cafteria,centre director James Magnuson recalls.He enjoyed their barbecue chicken special.<br/>His gift to the Texas Centre included hundreds of modern American paintings worth a total of US ? 31 million.His US ? 25 million collection of Japanese prints had already been donated to Honolulu's city art gallery.His next largest gift was ? 11.5 million to two museums and the library in his hometown of Doylestown.<br/>Michener's smaller gifts also reveal a lot about where his affections lay.And they reveal that it was a very good thing to have James Michener working in your vicinity.While researching Alaska,for example,he lived in a log cabin near the tiny Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka.He used the campus library and sat and talked to students in the cafeteria.After he left,he gave the college US ? 750,000 for scholarships.After living in Houston on write Space,he endowed a college scholarship fund for the children of Nasa employees pursuing careers in science or engineering.Since 1982,73 scholarships have been given out.<br/>After writing Centennial,on the settling of the West,Michener donated US ? 50,000 to help pay for the Nebraska National Trails Museum.The University of Miami,where Michener did his research for Caribbean,got US ? 1 million for a writing programme for graduate students,especially those from the islands.Similarly,after finishing Poland,Michener established a US ? 400,000 fund to support Polish writers.Michener considered himself a professional writer,not an author;“author"struck him as a pretentious term.Like his writing,his philanthropy was intended to educate;thus this support of colleges,libraries and museums.<br/>Michener was generous to writers whose books were very different from his.For exapmle,he endowed a US ? 30,000——as-year fellowship at the University of Houston named for Donald Barthelme,a notably surreal and sophisticated fiction writer.<br/>Michener endowed eight fellowships a year for graduates of the Univeristy of Iowa Writers' Workshop,where the books produced tend to be slimmer,subtler and moodier than the typical Michener.The money was to support the young poets and novelists for a year while they struggled to get published.Frank Conroy,workshop director,remembers,“It wasn't just a case of,`here's some money,go and do good.'He was a man who knew it was not easy to do good.You have to think,and think hard,to do good."<br/>20.Which of the following is true according to the text?<br/>A.James Michener is an industrious and successful writer,and also an industrious and successful philanthropist.<br/>B.Shortly before his death,James Michener whished he had his millions back.<br/>C.James Michener graduated from the University of Texas.<br/>D.Michener gave generously to the writers whose styles were very similar to his.<br/>21.When was James Michener born?<br/>A.1990B.1907C.1908D.1905<br/>22.Which title is more appropriate to express the primary idea?<br/>A.A Generous Writer <br/>B.A Joyful Philanthropist<br/>C.A Imaginative Philanthropist<br/>D.An Unforgetable Benefactor<br/>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 22:56:41
TEXT D<br/>A New Working Revolution<br/>A silent revolution is sweeping America.According to Terri Lonier,self-styled “Lenin" of this moverment,more and more people are working outside traditional corporate structures.She says:“I believe we are witnessing the biggest change in working people's lives since the industrial revolution."<br/>More than one-sixth of America's working-age population—close to 27 million people — do not owe allegiance to a single employer.According to Link Resources,a New York-based group that gathers statistics on market trends,the number will have risen to 36.5 million by the year 2001.<br/>These people work mainly from home,selling their skills in the open marketplace.Plumbers,electricians and house painters have been doing it for years.What is strickingly new is the sheer scale of a phenomenon that straddles the social classes and promises to redefine the nature of work in the 21st century.<br/>Whether their field is marketing,sales,advertising,journalism secretarial work,banking,catering or hi-tech,more and more people are discovering that possession of a saleable skill will provide them with the opportunity to go it alone,to shape their life free of the traditional corporate grip.<br/>Terri Lonier's mission is to spread the word;her business,Working Solo Inc,dispenses advice to individuals who wish to do it alone and to big businesses eager to tap into the pool of independent talent.Lonier has published two books——Working Solo and The Working Solo Sourcebook - and she is in constant demand as a lecturer.Unlike earlier revolutionarices,she does not need a live audience.Lonier works from home in the Hudson Valley,70 miles north of New York.She reaches followers via her web site and has clients all over America,most of then a continent away in california's Silicone Valley.It is no coincidence,she says,that the new working culture began to mushroom in the late 1980s and early 1990s,when personal computers became affordable to large groups of people:“Then in the last two years we've seen remarkable growth because of the Internet,which gives people the opportunity by creating their own web pages,to set up their own instant store fronts."<br/>Dan Pink,until recently the chief speech writer for Vice President Al Gore,is a flesh-and-blood example of the capitalist New Man.A 33-year-old graduate of Yale Law School,Pink had been a resounding success at the political game in his 10 years in Washington DC.He could have expected to play a key note when Gore runs for the presidency in 2000,but,with pleasing symbolism,he chose 1997's Independence Day,the fourth of July,to forsake the power and glory of the White House for the freedom and self-sufficiency of “The Pink House".<br/>When we met over coffee at 11 o'clock one weekday morning following his resignation,Pink-sporting a loose sweater over a T-shirt-said that as a work environment the White House was probably better than the average Fortune 500 firm.“But there were still the office politics…"During a leisurely 90 minute conversation he explained:“Now,I have a better correlation between labour and reward.I make more money-twice as much as before."<br/>The new Pink works from home as a freelance journalist and occasional speech writer While writing a major article for Fast Company,a magazine dedicated to reporting new trends in business,he travelled 7000 miles around the United States,interviewing dozens of those 27 million self-employed people.He has become a leading authority on the rise of “free agents,"as he calls them.<br/>“This has happened extremely quietly.People have privately been making individual decisions;it's happened below the political and media radar screens.Yet the collective force of it is gigantic.Traditional jobs will not be the only way we organize work in the future;soon they may not even be the most common way."What beckons is a redefinition of the role of unions,of pensions and health benefits-and of politics itself.<br/>Computer technology may have provided the tools for individuals to work alone,but,according to Pink,the engine of the free agent revolution has been the fundmental change in relations between workers and employers.Until recently,employees who put up with indignities at work consoled themselves that “at least" they could count on a pay cheque to cover their mortgages,their children's educations,their retirement.Now that consolation has gone,but the curious consequence is that the successful free agent life is more secure than that of the successful employee.<br/>Lonier has reached the same conclusion as Pink.“What we have today is not job security but skills security,"she says,“Being an individual entrepreneur,you are a lot more secure because you can diversify your income.If the company decides they no longer want you,you're at ground zero.If you work independently,you have many clients;your business is more resistant to market change."<br/>23.Which of the following is more possible to be stated by Dan Pink in an interview?<br/>A.If an employer offered me two million dollars a year to read newspapers all day,I might go back to work for him.<br/>B.Even for two million dollars I don't think I'd give up what I now have.<br/>C.I can imagine a job that would lure me away from a free agent.<br/>D.Working freely is the most terrible thing that had ever happened to them,because I feel unsecure.<br/>24.According to the passage what the old working system is?<br/>A.People are to work mainly from home,selling their skills in the open marketplace.<br/>B.More than one-sixth of America's working-age population do not owe loyalty to a single employer.<br/>C.People are to seek skills security instead of job security.<br/>D.People remain in one company for one employer and count on a pay cheque to cover their mortgages,their children's educations,their retirement.<br/>25.According to Terri Lonier,we are witnessing the biggest change in working people's lives since the industrial revolution because<br/>A.personal computers become affordable to large groups of people.<br/>B.the Internet has remarkable growth.<br/>C.the workplace's regulations have been changed.<br/>D.the nature of work has the different connotation.<br/>TEXT E<br/>Mornings at Seven<br/>For several years now my newsagent has been spelling my name incorrectly.Every morning I glance hopelessly at the top right-hand corner of my newspaper and wince.There is something vaguely uplifting about seeing one's own name,one's correct name written out in blue pencil at the top of a newspaper;and there is something litterly degrading about seeing one's name carelessly distorted.I have mentioned the matter to my newsagent several times,but it makes no difference.He is a surly,militant,independent devil,a monopolist of the worst kind.<br/>He does not realise of course that his carelessness causes me endless trouble and no little embarrassment.I take my newspaper to the office,I read it on the train,and the people with whom I travel mispronounce my name because they have only the newsagent's written instruction to go on.When I fail to recognise my spoken name they look at me suspiciously —— as though I have momentarily forgotten my latest alias.<br/>I used to rub out the newsagent's blue pencillings before I left home,but modern newsprint does not stand up to modern erasers for long and my paper was always very much the worse for wear when I reached the station.For a few weeks I drafted an imaginary dog whenever I unfolded the newspaper in public.My travelling companions and office colleagues remained puzzled,however.Some of them seemed to think that I was leading a double life;the rest,that I was robbing somebody's letter-60X on my way to work.<br/>Later I tried crossing out the newsagent's mark and writing my correct name underneath it,but even this move was misinterpreted.At the office it was assumed that I made a practice of collecting discarded newspapers from the train and passing them off as my own.No one actually said as much,but action sometimes speak louder than words.<br/>Naturally,I could not tell the newsagent of all these things.He would have laughed me out of the shop.I could only repeat my earlier protest……<br/>I was at the shop early.He was standing behind the counter,and as soon as I saw him I knew that there would be some unpleasantness.Mr Higson is never at his best unshaven,in slippers atmosphere and braces,and smoking on an stomach.The little shop was heavy with the bitter-sweet odour of fresh newsprint and ink:stacks of crisp newspapers and magazines lay neatly on the counter,and Higson and the boy were making up the daily round.<br/>“Express,Mirror and Woman,"said Higson with his eye on a grubby notebook.The boy collected the newspapers,flicked the magazine between their pages and placed the folded bundle before his master.Higson bent and scrawled a name in the top right-hand corner of the Express — just to the right of the Crusader in Chains.“Times,Financial Times,Mail,"he barked.<br/>“Good morning,"I said,“Just a small point,I wonder——"<br/>Higson let his blue pencil clatter to the counter and looked up.<br/>“I thought it wouldn't be long!"he said.“Must be a week or more since you last changed your order."<br/>“I don't think——"<br/>“No use denying it,"he broke in.“All here in black and white."He licked a finger and pushed at the pages of the notebook.“Here we are,"he said.“February 14,Mail instead of Chronicle.March 14,Herald instead of Mail and cancel Telegraph for eight days.April 1,Worker for Herald.May 26,Times instead of Felegraph,Chronicle instead of Worker.July 21——"<br/>“Surely,"I said,“I've a perfect right to read which papers I like!"<br/>“You and old Topham!"he said.<br/>“What's Mr Topham to do with it?"I said.<br/>“Well he's another of 'em.Chop and change,chop and change.Must think I've nothing better to do."<br/>“As a matter of fact,"I said,“I called on quite another matter.I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that there are two L's in my name."<br/>“You gone and changed it again then?"he said.<br/>“And I should be obliged if you would spell it properly in future."<br/>“O.K.,O.K.,"he said.“Two L's,Anything else while we're about it? how about ordering the Manchester Guardian every other Friday?"<br/>“No,that's all,"I said with all the digmity I could master.<br/>“Chronicle and Graphic,"he yelled.“Come on,boy,wake up!Haven't got all day!"<br/>Half an hour later my newspaper crashed through the letter\|box.In the top right-handed corner,heavily underlined,was the word“Topham."<br/>26.The tone of this text is. <br/>A.desperate and disgusting B.depressed and grievingC.evil and curing D.embarrassing and hopeless27.According to the text the newsagent last wrote out “Topham" on the top right-handed corner of the author's paper because<br/>A.the newsagent wanted to revenge on the author's habit of frequently changing the order.<br/>B.the newsagent was intentional to punish Topham.<br/>C.the newsagent was careless and opinionated.<br/>D.the newsagent was reluctant to write the author's name in a correct way.<br/>28.Which of the following statements about the author himself is not ture?<br/>A.The author is a shy man who has never mentioned the matter to the newsagent before.<br/>B.The author has broken his newspaper in order to rub out the blue pencillings of his name.<br/>C.It was assumed that the author made a practice of collecting discarded newspaper from the train and passing them off as his own. <br/>D.The author was thought by the newsagent that this time he was going to change the order again.<br/>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 22:58:55
TEXT F<br/>McDonald's Hamburgers and the legal Claim<br/>The British Court of Appeal has cut libel damages awarded to McDonald's,the world's largest fast-food chain,against two penniless environment campaigners.<br/>In 1997,the High Court in London found that environmental campaigners Helen Steel,aged 34,and Dave Morris,44,were guilty of distributing a pamphlet containing allegations against McDonald's and their fast food and its preparation.The trial lasted three years and brought to light much evidence about the way McDonald's hamburger chain workers prepared,handled and served food,and the treatment of these workers by the American-owned company.The High Court in London awarded McDonald's damages of 60,000 pounds against the two penniless campaigners.<br/>But in 1999,three Appeal Court Judges in London decided that the two defendants found guilty of libel against McDonald's in 1997 would have the damages they have to pay to McDonald's reduced to 40,00 pounds.<br/>While upholding the libel ruling,the judges backed the defendants claim the food carries health risks and said allegations McDonald's workers suffer poor pay and conditions are “fair comment".The judges also backed a claim by the defendants that eating the company's hamburgers can cause heart disease.<br/>The claim that “If one eats enough McDonald's food,one's diet may well become high in fat……with the very real risk of heart disease,is justified,"said Lord Justice Pill,who was sitting in the Court of Appeal with Lord Justice May and Justice Keene.<br/>The appeal decision is likely to be a further embarrassment to McDonald's,whose three-year action against environmental campaigners Helen Steel,aged 34,and Dave Morris,44,generated extensive negative publicity.<br/>eter Backman,chief executive of Food Service Intelligence,a research group,said:“McDonald's is very conscious of what people say about them.They have got where they have by listening to consumers.I think their strategy will be to downplay the ruling,refute the comments,and thirdly,to do something about it."McDonald's said it welcomed the court of Appeal decision to uphold the 1997 libel ruling.<br/>The company faces another ? 200,000 legal bill for the 23-day appeal hearing.Steel and Morris were to take the case to the House of Lords and the European Court of Human Rights to appeal against the damages awarded against them.They present much of their cases themselves and any lawyer's fees are largely paid for by donations.The pair have yet to win court baking for claims that McDonald's damages the enrironment,or that there are links between its hamburgers,cancer and food poisoning.<br/>The fast\|food chain has not yet recovered a penny for its original libel award from the defendants,who are refusing to hand over any money.<br/>29.McDonald's charged the two environment campaigners with.<br/>A.bribery and theftB.embezzlement and appropriateC.libel and defamationD.robbery and arson<br/>30.The two defendants were<br/>A.found guilty of false written or printed statements about McDonald's and expected to pay 40,000 pounds to McDonald's in 1997.<br/>B.backed by some judges who also agreed that the food carried health risks and McDonald's workers suffered poor pay and worked under worse conditions.<br/>C.approved by the company of not paying a penny of their original damages to McDonald's.<br/>D.hoped that they would have the chance to repudiate the libel ruling.<br/>SECTION B SKIMMING &amp; SCANNING [10 min.]In this section there are seven passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions.Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your Coloured ANSWER SHEET.TEXT G<br/>First read the following question.<br/>31.The main idea of the passage is to<br/>A.Procrastination is a merit. B.Procrastination is a disease.C.Procrastination is harmful. D.Procrastination is healthy.Now read the text quickly and answer question 31. <br/>rocrastination<br/>If you still haven't given up smoking,taken up running or fixed up your diet,and have generally failed to abide by the resolutions you made last New Year,then there could be a lot more wrong with you than you think.There is more to procrastination,it turns out,than mere idleness and indiscipline.Procrastination is a disease of the mind.A sudden eruption of scientific study in recent years has yielded the news that it is a close relative of depression and attention deficit disorder;that procrastinatons tend to be besieged by feelings of low self\|esteem and are abnormally prone both to bouts of paralysing anxiety and illogical fits of resentment.The research has shown, what is more,that the illness has acquired epidemic proportions.Susan Roberts,a behavioural psychologist who has written a book called Living with Procrastination,says that about a quarter of the adult population of the United States and Canada report having severe problems with procrastination.“When we say `severs' we mean people for whom procrastination causes great discomfort and distress.We've found that such people are more hassled by daily life than others,that incidents of depression and anxiety are much higher among them than in the rest of the population."There was a time when procrastination was considered a virtue.The Romans' “procrastinate",meaning“to defer until tomorrow",was taken by them to be synonymous with judiciousness.When exactly procrastination came to be generally perceived as a vice is not known,though the first written evidence comes from a published sermon in 1682 by a certain Reverend Anthony Walker from Essex, who declared procrastination to be “sinful",“dangerous"and a “great evil".<br/>The blending of the Protestant work ethic with the onset of the Industrial Revolution and its mania for productivity,strengthened the view that procrastination equalled sloth,equalled Deadly Sin.In the Catholic Medicine and Healthnations,by contrast,believers are encouraged to confess their sins each week to a priest,who pronounces forgiveness in exchange for a penance,usually the recital of a special prayer.In the Catholic world,therefore,there is more tolerance of earthly indulgence.The philosophy of manana is as beguiling as it was in the days of St Augustine,who is famous for saying:“Make me chaste,Lord,but not yet." In a society as fiercely driven by achievement and the pursuit of wealth as the mainly Protestant United States,it is little wonder that failure to work at full steam translates into deep depression.Inevitably,in the land of opportunity,this anxiety has yielded a thriving cottage industry of experts peddling solutions. Books and specialist therapy courses abound.In exchange for ?19.95 plus postage,a Dr Jerome Murray will send out an audio\|cassette entitled“Protect your future from the thief of procrastination".Dr Murray promises that if you follow his step-by-step rules you will be empowered to “ turn self\|defeat into self\|realisation".“Since the start of the 1990s procrastination has been taken more and more seriously,"said Dr Roberts,who has been treating patients afflicted by the condition for more than 20 years.“It is now recognized as a true mental health problem and is being seen more as a psychological problem and less as a moral issue." TEXT HFirst read the following question.<br/>32.The general tone of the letter is. <br/>A.dogmatic B.impersonal C.indifferent D.persuasiveNow read the text quickly and answer question
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 22:59:43
The Importance of Applied Science<br/>My Dear Otani,To study phinology,with the idea of becoming a phinologist,scarcely seems to me a hopeful undertaking for you.Philology means a great deal,including the comparative study of languages;and it requires a very special natural gift in acquiring languages,to be of any very practical value to you.It would also require,I think,years of study in foreign universities.I am not quite sure what you mean by phinology,and what your purpose in following that course would be.You might,of course,do as many do—take the literary and phinological couse at the university.But the question,to my mind,seems to be this:“What would be the practical value of such studies afterwards?"Do you wish to become a Professor of Philology?"Do you wish to give your life to the scientific study of languages?If you do,are you quite sure you have the particular kind of talent required (for,remember, everybody cannot become a philologist any more than everybody can become a mathematician)?The truth is,I do not know enough about your circumstances and intentions and abilities to advise you well.I can only tell you in a general way what I think.<br/>I think you ought not to study what would not be of practical use to you in after\|life.I am always glad to hear of a student studying engineering,architecture,medicine(if he has the particular moral character which medicine requires),or any branch of applied science.I do not like to see all the fine boys turning to the study of law,instead of to the study of science or technology.Of course much depends upon the mathematical faculty.If you have that faculty,I would strongly advise you to direct all your studies toward a scientific profession—something really practical—engineering,architecture,electricity,chemistry,etc.If you should ask which,I could not tell you,because I do not know your own highest capacities in such directions.I would only say—“Whatever you are most sure of loving as a practical profession."<br/>Japan wants no more lawyers now;and I think the professions of literature and of teaching give small promise.What Japan needs are scientific men;and she will need more and more of them every year.Today you are fortunate;but nothing in this world is sure.Suppose you were obliged suddenly to depend entirely on your own unassisted power to make money—would it not then be necessary to do something practical?Certainly it would.And according to the rarity of your abilities would be your remuneration—your money\|making power.Even the Queen of England obliged her children to learn professions.Now scientific men are still comparatively rare in Japan.The science-classes in the colleges are small.Many students begin the study—but they find it hard for them,and give it up.Nevertheless,it is just because it is hard that it is so important and of such high value to the person who masters it.If you were my son,or brother,I would say to you,“Study science—applied science;study for a practical profession."As for languages and other subjects,you can study them whenever you please.The practical knowledge is the only important knowledge now—and your whole life will depend upon your present studies.<br/>You asked whether philology was difficult.Science is difficult—really difficult;but everything worth having in this world is difficult to get,exactly in proportion to its value.The only question,I think,should be,“What study will be most useful to me all through life?"But not whether it is difficult.What is important to know is always difficult to learn.Phinology is difficult;practical science is difficult—both are very difficult.But philology would never be of much use to you,unless you have a natural genius for language\|study.And science would be of immense value to you,whether you have any genius or not.You will need,however,as I said before,mathematical study to fit you for that.And I would also remind you of this: Hundreds of students leave the university without any real profession,and without any practical ability to make themselves useful. All cannot become teachers,or lawyers,or clerks.They become officials,or they do nothing of any consequence.Their whole education has been of no real use to them,because it has not been practical.Men can succeed in life only by their ability to do something,and three fourths of the university students can do nothing.Their education has been only ornamental.Faithfully yours,<br/>Lafcadio Hearn<br/>TEXT IFirst read the following question.<br/>33.The index is most probably from a book on.<br/>A.Music B.Faith Healing C.Medicine D.MoralityNow read the text quickly and answer question 33.<br/>of animal magnetism.54 5. 115:Mesmer's expenments,Merlin.33 55-6:eighteenth-century cur\|[]causes of illness)[]Mesmer.Friedrich Antom 52-7 59,62,64,115,135,141,154ative applications,56[]Mahommet.32,67,154[]Metal\|magic,34Maillard,Rev.John.103[]Methodism.14,96,99-102;Makhlouf,Charbel,74[]Society for Medical and pastoralService.102Malevolent spirits.33[] Malleus Maleticarum.115[]Michel,Martin.46Mandus,Brother,76[]Milton Abbey,Dorset.103-4Marie Antoinette.54[]Mind\|body interaction.19,45,130Martin,Pastor Bernard.99-100[]Miracles.27,30,116,149-50:Martin of Tours.St.31[] attitude of Roman CatholicMarvell,Andrew,42[] Church,89-91;Anglican at\|Mason.Dr A..131[] Titude.107Massage.77[]Monastery Hospitals,32Mass emotionalism,125[]Moon\|magic,33Mass healings.28.29[]Moral Rearmamment.97Materialization of spirits.69-70[]Moravians.97 (and see Spiritualism)[]Mormons.97Materialist outlookd,116,120[]MOses,26Mattingly,Mrs Anne.49-50[]Mowatt.Dr Godfrey,106May.Rev.Dr George.98[]Mozart.53Medical and Pastoral Service,[]Multiple sclerosis.135 Society for.102[]Muscular diseases.115Metlical Practice,ancient and[] medieval:prediction and con\|[]National Federation of Spiritual trol of natural forces in earliest [] Healers.169 civilizations.23;ancient mid\|[]Natural forces,prediction and del\|eastern cultures,24:Greco\|[] control of.23 Roman.24-5,29-30,35-6;[]Neolithic sites.33 ancient Far East,26;Judaic,[]Neo\|mesmerism.57 26;Jesus of Nazareth.27-8'[]Nephritis,82 102 the Apostels.28-9;Fathers of []Neri.St Philip.See Philip Neri.St Christian.31-3;Jews of Rab\|[]New Life Healing Clinic,Baiti\| binical period.and Muslim.[] more.76 32;folk medicine of western[]New Life movemnet,99 Europe,32-4;intervention of[]New Thoughtuimby's 62;<br/>saints,34-5;royal healing,[] Miss McPherson's,97 35-8,141:Reformation and[]Newton.J.R..60-61,63 Counter Reformation,39-40[]New York,60-61arasychoMediums.70,71,72,84,85[] Logyy Foundation Inc..152,166Meningits.105[]Nicaea,Council of.31Mental illness.28,88;mentally\|[]Nichols,Beverley,11,151 generated diseases(see Psycho\|[]Nightinagale.Florence,69 genic diseasessychological[]Noel.Rey.Conrad.104,107TEXT J<br/>First read the following question.<br/>34.Which of the following is not the reason for decreasing the world's tiger population?<br/>A. Illegal hunting for the medicinal trade.B. Ioss of prey species.C.A shrinking gene pool.<br/>D.Bad nutrition.<br/>Now read the text quickly and answer question 34.<br/>Extinction Stalks World's Tigers<br/>Unless goverments take significant measures to protect tigers,they may go extinct by 2010,the World Wildlife Fund said Thursday.<br/>The conservation group said tiger numbers have decreased 95 percent in the past century and only 5,000-7,200 tigers still survive in the wild—compared with nearly 10 times that many at the start of the century.<br/>WWF published an update Feb.11 of their study Wanted Alive:Tigers in the Wild, marking the end of the Chinese Year of the Tiger.The report states that despite sustained efforts over the past year,much remains to be done to prevent the tiger from becoming extinct early next century.If governments do not crack down on poaching and eliminate the demand for tiger products,the tiger will be stalked to extinction,says WWF.<br/>“We cannot let up for one moment if we are to ensure that tigers will still exist in the wild by the next Chinese Year of the Tiger in 2010,”said Elizabeth Kemf,species conservation imformation manager at WWF International and one of the authors of the report.The group cites illegal hunting for the medicinal trade,loss of prey species, weak law enforcement,poaching,habitat loss and a shrinking gene pool as the other major threats facing the worlds's tiger population. The WWF said one major success during 1198 was the passage of legislation by the U.S. Congress banning the import and sale of any product claiming to contain ingredients made of rhinoceros—another endangered species—or tiger parts.In addition,WWF established a Tiger Emergency Fund, supported the Tiger Conservation Program im India,and worked in the Russian Far East.<br/>Three of the eight subspecies of tiger—the Bali,Caspian and Javan tigers are extinct.The South China tiger faces the same fate as only 20 or 30 are known to remain in the wild,down form an estimated 4,000 in the 1950s.TEXT K<br/>First read the following questions.<br/>35.Scan the list,and know it is about.<br/>A. Vancouver's zoo mapB. Vancouver's entertainment imformation<br/>C. Vancouver's outstanding attractionsD. Vancouver's important buildings<br/>36.What does“Planetarium”mean?<br/>A. A building where people look at the sky.B. A building where people study the stars.<br/>C. A building where people travel the universe.D. A building where people watch shows.<br/>Now read the text quickly and answer questions 35 and 36.<br/>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:00:11
VANCOUVER<br/>Stanley Park-A 404 hectare playground 10 minutes from downtown includes zoo,with polar bears and penguins.A miniature railroad and children's zoo open during summer months.An aquarium with killer whales and sea otters.Take an 11 STANLEY PARK BUS which may be boarded along the north side ot Penger Returns over the same route to downtown but as 17 OAK BUS.<br/>The Vancouver Art Gallery— owns the largest collection of works by westocoast aritist Emily Carr and also has a continuing programme of contemporary exhibitions Located at 1145 W Georgia St.until early autumn of 1983, thereafter at 800 W Georgia St.—a magnificent building that was formerly the Court House.For information call 682-5621<br/>MacMillan Planetarium—Shows feature the nature of the universe.Closed Mon For information call 736-4431 Vancouver Museum—Exhibits of local history,anthropology and natural science with gift shop and restaurant .Maritime Museum—Collection of B.C.and naval memorabilia.Home of the R.C.M.P.St.Roch the only vessel to sail the N.W. Passage in both directions Board 22 MACDONALD BUS on west side of Burard,alight at Cypress Walk 4 blocks north Reurn to downtown over same route via the 22 KNIGHT BUS.<br/>Robsonstrasse—Section of dwntown Robson Street offers European atmosphere in boutiques,restaurants and speciality stores.Within walking distance of downtown.<br/>Chinatown—North America as second largest Chinese community The commercial centre stretches along three blocks of Pender between Gore and Carrall Streets Numerous restaurants ouno shops and oriental stores.Take a 19 KINGSWAY or 22 Knight bus going east on Pender Rerurn on a 15 CAMBIE or 22 Macdonald.Gastown—Where Vancouver began now has antique shops.restaurants smart stores and lively nightciubs, all with an oldtime charm Open daily Take a 50 FALSE CREEK but on the Granville Mail which will 100p into Gastown via Cordova, Columbia to Powell and return to the Granville Mall via Powell. Water and Cordova.<br/>TEXT L<br/>First read the following questions.<br/>37.If you type fast and take shorthand and want to become a lawyer,you can contact ad number.<br/>A.10 B. 11 C.12 D.1338.If you are good at computer work,and you want to meet actors and actresses, you can contact ad number.<br/>A. 5 B.6 C.7 D. 8 Now read the text quickly and answer questions 37 and 38.COMPUTER OPERATOR<br/>Buurbank entertainment to seeks detall-oriented indi vidual with 6 mos operating experience &amp; or education Good.communication skills Good.communication skills &amp; abibity to work any shift a must Xint benefits &amp; working environment.Please call Janet 921 2700 Equal Oppty Employer M.F.H.6 Computer Operator IBM SYSTEM 23<br/>printing corp is seeking on operator with bookkeeping background.1 vt expent ence on IBm SYSTEM 23 or equivalent Salary commen surate with experience full benefits pkg.(No phone calls please)Send resume A.AL,Jonnson &amp; Son,9612 Beverly Dr.No Hollywood 91605 Att.Louis Johnson7 ENGINEER ELECTRICAL DESIGN<br/>Min of 10 yrs experience in power lighting design for industrial,commercial &amp; hospitals,Min of 5 yrs experience in U.S.A Salary based on experience Xint benefits.Non smoker Van Nuys 818 621-7020<br/>ENGINEER/ELECTRONIC<br/>Wilsonindustries 265-02118[]ENGINEER<br/>RF DESIGN ENGINEER<br/>VHF TX RX<br/>Degree optiona <br/>Star Industries<br/>Mike Lyndon 360,24209 ENGINEERING TRAINEEMust have good math, neat pringing and mechanical attitude Elizabeth 240,265010 SECRETARY general ofe.Type 60- wpm financiat statements for Eneino CPA firm Accounting form experience required 240 257711[]SECRETARY Legal Trainee Dynamic Encino law firm desires bright individual with good office skills Call Wendy 105 002012[]SECRETARY Part Time Mature non smoker typing dictation requred Properrty Management Co Encino Call Mondy 380 921613[]SECRETARY Typist Busy pool construciton office needs take charge person Construction scheduling heavy phones 501 253014[]TEENAGER to do 45 hrs of yard work per wk .Sherman Oaks area $5 hr 091 2611<br/>TEXT M<br/>First read the following questions.<br/>39.“SMEAR TEST”can also mean.<br/>A. paper work B. paper money C. pap smear D. pap worth40.This dictionary can be called.<br/>A. Dictionary of English LangnageB. Dictionary of American Vsage<br/>C. Dictionary of English and CultureD. Dictionary of Idiomatic Enlgish<br/>Now read the text quickly and answer questions 39 and 40.<br/> aper mon·ey / ?..?../ n [u] money in the form of NOTES (=small sheets of paper),rather than coins paper round / ?.. . / n 1 a job,usus.done by children,delivering newspapers to a group of houses 2 the particular group of houses delivered topa-pers / ?perp?z‖??rz n [p]1 pieces of paper with writing on them:I think I've left my papers on the table. 2 official pieces of paper with writing on them,esp.that one carries to show who or what one is;DOCUMENTS;naturalization papers“Can I see your papers,please?”said the policeman.paper shop / ?..?. / BrE‖ newsstand AmE- n a shop selling newspapers and usu.sweets,cigarettes,and other similar things;a NEWSAGENT paper ti-ger / ..?../ n derog an enemy that seems or wishes to seem powerful or threatening,but is really not so paper. tow.el /?..,?.. / n 1 a small square of thick paper used for drying one's ands,usu.in a public toilet 2 KITCHEN ROLL pa.per.war / ?perp?we?r‖-p?r- / n [u] plates,cups,ect.made of thick paper and intended to be thrown away after use:a colourful range of picnic paperwarepa.per.weight / ?perp?weit‖-?r- / n a heavy object placed on top of loose papers to keep them from being scatteredpa.per.work / ?perp?w??k‖-p?w??rk / n [u]regular work of writing reports,letters,keeping records,lists,etc.,eps.as a less imprtant part of a job:I've finished the job,but I've still got to catch up on the paperwork.pa.per.y / ?perp?ri / adj thin or stiff like paper:dry papery skin pa.pi-er-m? ch? / ?p?piei ?m??ei ?perp?-‖ ?perp?r m???et / n [u] paper boiled into a soft mass,mixed with a stiffening substance,and used for making boxes,models,etc.pa.pist / ?perp?st/ n derog a member of the Roman Catholic Church pa.ppoose / p??pu?s‖p? - / n 1 a young child of Native American parents 2 a sort of bag fixed to frame,used for carrying a baby on a person's back pap.py /? p?pi/ n AmE informal,esp.dial a father pap.ri.ka /?p?prik?‖p??k?/ n [u] a red powder made from a type of SWEET PEPPER and used in cooking to give a special hot taste to foodpap.smear / ?.. / also Pap test - n AmE for SMEAR TESTPap.u.a New Guin.ea / ?p?pu? nju? ?grni‖?p?pju? nu?- / an independent country in this SW Pacific Ocean,N of Australia, including the eastern half of the island of New Guinea,and various small isands;capital Port Moresby,population 3,593,000(1989)- Ppuan / p?pu?n‖p?pju?nPap.worth Hos.pi.tal / ?p?pw???hospitl‖-w?r?- ?ha?- / a hospital near Cambridge,E England,which specializes in heart TRANSPLANT 2 (1) operationspa.py.ru s ` / p??par?r?s/ n -ruses or / rar/ 1 [u] a grasslike water plant formerly common in Eygpt,used in ancient times, esp.for making paper 2 [u] a type of paper made from this plant 3 [c] a piece of ancient writhing on this paperpar1 / pa?r / n 1 [s] a level which is equal or almost the sameARITY:As far as size goes,these two cities are on a par (with each other).(= are equally big) 2 [u] infml the usual or average standard or condition(of health,activity,etc.): I'm feeling a bit lelow/ under par(=slightly unwell) today.|(humor)The train was 20 minutes late again today—which I suppose is about par for the course.(=what can be expected to hapen) 3 [u] also par value—the original value written on a share of ownership in a business:He bought the shares at par and sold them above par, making a profit.4 [u] (in GOLF) the number of strokes a good player should take to hit the ball into a hole or all of the holespar2also par.a / ?p?r?/ - abbrev.forARAGRAPHpara-see WORD FORMATION<br/>par.ba.ble /p?r?b?l/ n a short simple story which teaches a moral or religious lesson,esp a story from the Bible pa.rab.a.la / p??r?b???/ n tech a curve like the line madeby a ball when it is thrown high in the air to a person some distance away-lic / ?p?r??bolrk ‖/ - ?ba?-/ adj- lically / kli/ adv PAPER TWO<br/>ART Ⅳ TRANSLATION[60 min.]TIME LIMIT:[120 MIN.]SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following underlined part of the text into English write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.<br/>爬山虎总是野心勃勃地企图占领每一寸墙。在那无数枝卷向上的藤蔓中,有一枝几乎攀上了那尖尖的屋顶,这时有一阵风刮来,把它悬在半空中。刘川从窗口望出去,看到了对面墙上的这个镜头,下意识地笑了起来。<br/>“你是藤,我是墙。”有一天他对小梅说。他眼中的那枝藤蔓化成了她的形象,在他向她说了这句话之后,她撅起了嘴巴转身走了。“我没有模仿电影中的男主角,加快了脚步去追她。”他想。他俩也像所有年轻的情侣那样天生好赌气,可末了,总是她来找他,一般不出一个星期。他很有自信心。这次有些反常,他那副题名为《强者》的油画花去了整整一个月的时间,可她还没有来,连信也没有一封。<br/>SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the following underlined part of the text into Chinese write your trarnsation on ANSWER SHEET THREE <br/>But the worst of it isn't society's work-ethic morality;it's your own,which younever knew you had.You find out how much self-satisfaction was gained from even the most simple work—related task: a well-worded letter,a well-handled phone call—even a clean fire. Being useful to yourself isn't enough.<br/>But then almost everyone has heard about the need to be a useful member of society.What you didn't know about was the loneliness.You've spent your life almost constantly surrounded by people,in classes,in dorms and at work.To suddenly find yourself with only your cat to talk to an day distorts your sense of reality.You begin to worry that flights of fancy might become one way.<br/>But you always were,and still are,stronger than that.You maintain balance and perspective,mainly through resorting frequently to sarcasm and irrevence.Although something going wrong in any aspect of your life now seems to push you into temporary despair much more easily than before,you have done very important things to hang on to -people who care, your sense of humor your talents,your cat and your hopes.<br/>And beyond that,you've gained something—a little more knowledge and a lot more compassion.You've learned the valive of the rolitime your scorned and the importance of the job you took for granted.But most of all, you've learned what a 7.6 per cent unemployment rate“really means.”<br/>PART Ⅴ WRITING[60 min.]The pass of the act giving the legal status to ethanasia some countries has again aroused great concern to this question.Some are stongly against it because it violates the traditional concepts of life,ethics, morality,etc.<br/>Some are for it beacuse mercy killing release patients form being afflicted from incurable diseases.<br/>Write an essay about 300 words,approve of with one of the above mentioned two opposing ideas.<br/>Requirements:<br/>In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what your have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.Marks will be awarded for organization as well as for syntactic variety and appropriate word choice.<br/><br/>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:08:35
答案部分 <p></p><p>ART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION<br/>SECTION A<br/>1.答案A<br/>【解题思路】了解讲话者正在讲的内容。<br/>【详细解答】文中提到“caution”,“discernment”,“how to distinguish the right from the wrong”,但都是作为解释“prudence”的铺垫,“prudence”为“wisdom to deal with practical matters.”<br/>2.答案D<br/>【解题思路】弄清圣托马斯·阿奎那斯对“审慎”的比喻。<br/>【详细解答】this talk中有:St' Thomas Aquinas referred to prudence as the “rudder virtue”,the one that “steers” the others.Without it,we are like someone adrift in a boat,tossed in this direetion or that by the wind,the waves,and the current.This,the “prudent” person is one who never “rocks the boat” and is...“rudder”为“steering device on a ship or vehicle,”驾驶;“rock the boat”为“do harm”破坏。<br/>3.答案B<br/>【解题思路】弄清文中所指的“discernment”的近义词<br/>【详细解答】“discernment”为“the ability to detect or perceive with the eyes or intellect.”明辨,分辨。讲话者特别指出:The word that actually comes cloest to functioning as a synonym for prudence is “discernment.”<br/>4.答案C<br/>【解题思路】弄清一个审慎的人的最主要的特点。<br/>【详细解答】讲话者认为:The prudent person fully examines a situation and seeks advice from others.Reaching out to others for counsel before acting is one of the classic marks of a prudent person.其中“counsel”为“the act of exchanging opinions and ideas;consultation;advice.”询求。<br/>5.答案B<br/>【解题思路】根据全文的意思来推测这个词组的含义。<br/>【详细解答】size up出现在“The prudent person is one who size up a situation and decide,or discern,what is the wiest and most moral counse of action to take”——审慎的人会审时度势,能确定或看出什么是应该采取的最明智和最合乎道德的行为。<br/>SECTION B<br/>6.答案C<br/>【解题思路】弄清格林先生去年燃料费用高的原因以及使用者的情况。<br/>【详细解答】Mr.Green说“My mother-in-law was staying with us and she wanted the temperature around 80° all the time.”“mother-in-law”为“the mother of one's spouse”岳母。<br/>7.答案A<br/>【解题思路】弄清在冬天使人暖气舒服的温度。<br/>【详细解答】这篇conversation中的度数为华氏度-degree fahrenheitf or according to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32? and the boiling point as 212? at one atmosphere of pressure.<br/>8.答案C<br/>【解题思路】弄清最普遍的取暖方式。<br/>【详细解答】conversation中有“A heat chamber heats air,which passes throughs ducts and openings into the rooms by blowers or by convection.”“blowers”为“the devices to give release a blast of air or wind”鼓风机,“convection”为“heat transfer in a gasor liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.转换。”<br/>9.答案C<br/>【解题思路】弄清小型个体空调的缺点。<br/>【详细解答】conversation中有:However,in homes which are not constructed for the central system,small individual air conditioners are installed at several windows.This is probably easiest way,but the temperature of the room is quite uneven.其中“uneven”为“not equal,as in size,length,or quality.”不均衡。<br/>10.答案D<br/>【解题思路】弄清在暖气下进行蒸气密封的作用。<br/>【详细解答】“vapor”为“gaseous form into which certain liquid or solid substance can be converted by heating.”“seal”为“an air-tight closure.”密封。<br/>SECTION C<br/>News Item Ⅰ<br/>11.答案A<br/>【解题思路】掌握消息中发生的事件。<br/>【详细解答】新闻的结构是:事件+细节+结果。在听第一段时就可以知道What's happening.“The first prototype of an sircraft intended to revolutionize travel and shatter speed records was destroyed during its maiden fight on Saturday after a booster rocket carrying it a loft veered out of control and tumbled from the sky.”其中“shatter”为“to break or burst suddenly into pieces,as with a violent blow”;“maiden”为“earliest,first”主要的;“veer”为“to turn aside from a course,direction,or purpose”转变;“tumble”为“fall or roll end over end”颠倒。<br/>12.答案B<br/>【解题思路】了解X-43A模型飞机的真正使命。<br/>【详细解答】“prototype”的proto为prefix,意思为“earliest;original”原型的,即:first or original example of sth that has been or will be copied or developed;model or preliminary version。<br/>News Item Ⅰ<br/>13.答案B<br/>【解题思路】了解印度尼西亚总统要解雇的对象。<br/>【详细解答】第一段中提到Embattled Indonesian President warned yesterday that he would move against those who ignore him,after police and lawmakers disregarded his decision to fire the national chief。<br/>14.答案D<br/>【解题思路】弄清高层立法者对Wahid的控告内容。<br/>【详细解答】这个题目考查学生在众多杂乱的细节找寻答案的能力,消息中有:He late met with senior legislators who accused Wahid of violating the constitution by firing the chief without consulting parliament.<br/>15.答案A<br/>【解题思路】掌握Wahid宣布解雇国家警察的时间。<br/>【详细解答】消息中:The president,facing impeachment over allegations of corruption and incompetence,which he denies,fired Bimantoro and several cabinet ministers on Friday and....其中“impeachment”为“the activity of changing a public official with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.”<br/>SECTION D <br/>1.答案disciplines<br/>【解题思路】掌握“学科”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“disciplines”为“a branch of knowledge or teaching,subjects”。<br/>2.答案historical<br/>【解题思路】掌握“历史与目前对比”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“dispel”为“to rid of by or as if by scattering”historical and “historic” are differentiated in usage,though their senses overlap. “Historic” refers to what is important in history.“Historical” refers to whatever existed in the past,whether regarded as important or not a historical character(历史人物)。<br/>3.答案phonetics<br/>【解题思路】掌握“语音学”的说法。。<br/>【详细解答】“phonetics”为“the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of the sounds of speech”。<br/>4.答案patterns<br/>【解题思路】掌握“模式”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“patterns”为“ways in which sth happens,moves,develops or is arranged”。<br/>5.答案grammatical<br/>【解题思路】掌握“语法的”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“grammatical”为“of the rules about the knowledge of reflections,syntax and word-formation of the languages”。<br/>6.答案society<br/>【解题思路】掌握“社会”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“society”为“human beings collectively”。<br/>7.答案biological<br/>【解题思路】掌握“生物学的”说法。<br/>【详细解答】“biological”为“Of or relating to the science of life and of living organisms”。<br/>8.答案mechanisms<br/>【解题思路】掌握“机制”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“mechanisms”为“systems of past that operate or interact like those of a machine”。<br/>9.答案sign<br/>【解题思路】掌握“手语”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“sign”为“an act or gesture used to convey an idea”。<br/>10.答案universals<br/>【解题思路】掌握“普遍规律”的说法。<br/>【详细解答】“universals”为“general or common rules”。<br/>ART Ⅱ PROOF-READING &amp; ERROR-CORRECTIING;<br/>【短文大意】<br/>史蒂夫和耶塞最初是在美国一所大学上化学课时认识的。耶塞是来自约旦的留学生。他很高兴能够结识一个美国人,他想要更多地了解美国文化,希望和史蒂夫成为好朋友。<br/>有些文化中,友谊意味着两个人之间的一种牢固的终身关系。在这些文化中,友谊发展很慢,因为他们的友谊是为了持久而培养起来的。美国社会是一个急速变化的社会。有研究表明,美国家庭中,每年有1/5的家庭要搬家。美国人的友谊来得快,可能去得也快。<br/>11.答案:always ∧ Yaser:greetedHe always Yaser warmly before class中没有谓语。“greet”为“to welcome or salute in a friendly and respectful way”问侯。<br/>12.答案:ever:even.“ever”为“at any time”;“even”为“to a greater degree”文中有“steve greeted Yaser and offered to study with Yaser,and then invited Yaser to eat with him.”表示程度,故用“even”。<br/>13.答案:near:distant.“but”在文中表示转折,不应是递进关系,所以more near不对,并且more不可能修饰单音节词,“distant”为“separate,or apart in space or time,far apart in relationship”远的。<br/>14.答案:uninterested:interested.结合上下文。“Steve didn't seem uninterested in talking to him”与“but...”出现的变化不相符,故有错误。<br/>15.答案:change ∧ attitudef“Yaser was hurt by Steve's change attitude”中的“change”是动词还是名词,不清楚,中间加上“of”,表明态度的转变。<br/>16.答案:of/:to be deleted.“complain”上加上of,后应该有对象。<br/>17.答案:outsideutsider.“He is an outside to American culture”中的“outside”多数作为adj.或adv.用an在前,应该为n.“outsider”为“one who is not part of a group or community.”<br/>18.答案:friendships ∧ based:are.“be based on”是一个词组,或者是based sth on。<br/>19.答案:friendship ∧ fade:will.<br/>20.答案: “American friendships develop quickly,and they may change just as quickly” 为“美国人的友谊来得快,去得也快”,表示as quickly as they develop。<br/>ART Ⅲ READING COMPREHENSION<br/>TEXT A短文大意<br/>本文选自里克·奥拉姆的“工人们期望每两年换一份新工作”<br/>西方各大公司的管理部门过去向长期雇员赠送金表,以此感谢他们的忠诚服务。教育与培训赞助会说,这样的日子已经成为往昔的记忆。在雇员走向多种不同工作的新时代中,劳务市场的新成员可望每两年换一份工作,每十年换一个行当。<br/>与过去的传统相反,西方的雇主开始物色那些自觉的学习者作为新雇员,这些人能在正规的中学和大学毕业后继续接受教育。与此同时,各商业机构正在创造条件使工人在岗位上自学成才。这样所有的工人在事业上的技能和创新力不断地得到进步和增强。当然,按照商业理论的说法,工人的劳动生产率将会提高,随之而来公司的利润也会增加。看来这是一种不可逆转的发展趋势。<br/>16.答案C<br/>【参考译文】以下的陈述哪一句不符合原文?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生分析非事实的能力。<br/>【详细解答】这篇文章讲的正是:Workers in the west often stayed with a company all their lives.Now it seems a new trend is here,and settling down with a company for life is no longer an option for the western workers.这是一种变化,而不是一直存在的事实,故C错误。<br/>17.答案A<br/>【参考译文】在整个西方商界劳动大军的构成以及发展的新的变化是什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生总结综合的能力。<br/>【详细解答】在第2段中有“...layers of middle management are being removed,leaving more workers responsible for their own development.所以劳动者的自我调节、学习、培养,适应的能力是发展的新情况。<br/>TEXT B短文大意<br/>本文选自威尔逊与德拉·卡瓦的“举世依然缅怀‘人民的王妃’”<br/>戴安娜王妃逝世一年了,她似乎还活在人间。跟埃尔维斯一样看来她注定要长生不老了。该怎样看待戴安娜尚待定论:她究竟是圣人还是罪人?是救世主还是令人讨厌的人?是人民的王妃,还是给王室惹麻烦的人?作者分别列举几种人对待戴安娜的态度,同时说明定论还尚早。<br/>18.答案D<br/>【参考译文】根据文章的意思关于如何认识Diana这个问题作者自己的态度是什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生综合分析全文把握作者态度的能力。<br/>【详细解答】文章中作者列举三种情况:she has been considered as a savior,a Cinderella and people respeet her;she has been treated with indifference,nothing more than a shrug by some;some people are caught is the maddle,not canonizing her,not criticizing her either.在title中的“crave”为“to want intensely”,而people's pricess这种说法被quoted。故选择D是正确的。It's to be determined有待决定。<br/>19.答案A<br/>【参考译文】作者的语气是怎样的?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生进一步分析综合问题的能力。<br/>【详细解答】作者引经据典了很多celebrities的看法,应该说是比较objective但注意作者的choice of words,“thank you very much”:nothing more than a shurg”等,作者的态度是诙谐的,尤其是最后一段“it is a comedy”。<br/>TEXT C短文大意<br/>本文介绍了詹姆斯·米切纳,选自康斯坦斯·凯西的“快乐的慈善家”。<br/>在他漫长的写作生涯中,詹姆斯·米切纳一直在追求一个目标:从他43部小说稿酬中至少拿出90%用于捐赠。他实际做到的似乎比这些还要多。到1997年10月他去世时,他的资产估价不足1000万美元,然而他的捐款却多达1.17亿美元。<br/>米切纳堪是其他慈善家的典范,这不仅体现于他捐赠的数目,更体现于他捐赠的方式。这位作家致力于行善,并对所捐款项加以落实,以弄清钱的去向。他为自己热心的事业慷慨解囊,并从中获乐良多。<br/>20.答案A<br/>【参考译文】根据课文推出正确的陈述。<br/>【试题分析】考查学生区别事实与非事实的能力。<br/>【详细解答】文中表明:James Michener will be remembered as an industrious and successful writer.But he was also an industrious and successful philarthropist.“philanthropist”为“a person enjoying a charitable activity or institution”。<br/></p>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:09:26
21.答案B<br/>【参考译文】詹姆斯·米切纳生于哪一年?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生快速掌握事实进行推算的能力。<br/>【详细解答】文中有“Michener was 90 when he died.”“... at his death,in October 1997,his assets...”故不难推出他的出生年月。<br/>22.答案B<br/>【参考译文】领会全文意见之后詹姆斯·米切纳又可被称为什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生综合全文抓住中心的能力。<br/>【详细解答】他是一个快乐的人,给予钱财于他人让他感到快乐。<br/>TEXT D短文大意<br/>本文选自约翰·卡林的文章“一场新的工作方式的革命”美国的职员不用去理睬老板,他们在自己家就能过上很好的日子,一场不声响的革命正在席卷着美国越来越多的人在传统的法人机构之外工作。<br/>23.答案B<br/>【参考译文】丹·平克在采访中会怎样陈述自己的观点?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生理解文中人物性格的能力。<br/>【详细解答】Dan Pink chose 1997's Independence Day,the fourth of July,to forsake the power and glory of the White House for the freedom and self-sufficiency of “the pink House”所以不难看出他作为一个自由职业者的决心与勇气。<br/>24.答案D<br/>【参考译文】根据课文旧式的工作模式会是怎样的。<br/>【试题分析】考查学生的逻辑推理能力。<br/>【详细解答】本文的中心正是:workers in the US are turning their backs on the bosses and making a good living in their own houses.<br/>25.答案D<br/>【参考译文】根据托利·鲁耐尔的结论,我们可以看出工业革命后人们生活上最大的变化,这因为……<br/>【试题分析】本题考查学生综合分析能力。<br/>【详细解答】把握全文主旨,便可得出答案。<br/>TEXT E短文大意<br/>本文选自伯纳德·霍洛伍德的小说“每天早晨七点钟”。<br/>作者讲述了发生在自己身上一件极为尴尬的事情,就是每次清晨去拿报纸的时候,发现报刊经销人将自己的名字拼错了,为了消除同事以及路人对他的误解,作者决定亲自去找经销人纠正错误,但结果是经销人不断没有改正,反而干脆把别人的名字写在他的报纸上了。<br/>26.答案D<br/>【参考译文】作者的语气是怎样的?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生正确理解文章整体的能力。<br/>【详细解答】作者面临的newsagent,who is a surly,militant,independent devill,a monopolist of the worst kind.每次都写错他的名字,并且最后一次还将别人的名字写在他的报纸上,所以作者语气只能是既尴尬又无奈。“surly”为“sullenly ill-humored;gruff.”暴躁的。<br/>27.答案C<br/>【参考译文】最后我的报纸的右上角写上了“托姆”这个字,下面还划了一道粗体字,原因是什么呢?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生正确判断因果的能力。<br/>【详细解答】报刊经销人is never at his best unshaven,in slippers and braces,and smoking on an empty stomach,and there would be some unpleasantness。<br/>28.答案A<br/>【参考译文】下列哪一句说法不符合原文?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生区别事实真伪的能力。<br/>【详细解答】事实上这个作者从没有对报刊经销人做过什么不好的事情,他只是比较polite,不合适对付这么一个rude person,但是he could not bear it and told the agent but failed at last。<br/>TEXT F<br/>短文大意<br/>本文讲述久拖未决的麦当劳快餐连锁店控告两名抗议者的诽谤案审理至今肖无定论。伦敦高等法院在1997年判决34岁的海伦·斯蒂尔和44岁的戴夫·莫里斯有罪,这两名环保运动者散发的传单中含有对麦当劳公司及其出售的快餐和配餐的无根据指控。审判持续了三年的时间,揭露了许多事实,有关麦当劳连锁店的员工如何配制、操作和供餐,以及这家美国人拥有的连锁店如何对待员工。伦敦高等法院判决两名身无分文的环保运动者向麦当劳支付6万英镑(约合人民币78万元)的损害赔偿金。<br/>然而,1999年,伦敦的三位上诉法院法官判决把1997年法院判两名被告犯有对麦当劳的诽谤罪而要求他们支付的损害赔偿金减少到了四万英镑(约合人民币52万元)。<br/>29.答案C<br/>【参考译文】麦当劳控告两名环保宣传者什么罪?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生能否理解两者之间的关键。<br/>【详细解答】“libel”为“a written,printed,or pictorial statement that maliciously damages a person's reputation”诽谤。<br/>30.答案B<br/>【参考译文】两名被告结果如何呢?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生理解全文的能力。<br/>【详细解答】文章的中心为:a long-running libel trial in which the McDonald's fast food chain sued two protesters is not over yet.The first trial took three years,the appeal another three months to prepare and hear,and there are still claims to be settled。<br/>TEXT G<br/>短文大意<br/>本文选自约翰·卡林的“如果保持健康就应果断行动”,讲述拖延的不利之处。<br/>如果你想戒烟而仍未戒,想跑步而仍未跑,想调整饭食而仍未实施,今年元旦作出的决定总的来说至今未动,那么你就会出现许多麻烦,比你想象的还多。<br/>看来拖延不决含义深远,不仅仅是无所事事、放任自流。拖延不决是一种精神上的疾病。最近几年进行的科学研究忽然爆出这样的新闻:拖延不决非常接近于抑郁症及注意力不集中的毛病;遇事拖延不决的人很容易因自尊心不足而感到困扰,易患令人麻木的焦虑和无缘无故的憎恨,这些情况均属不正常。<br/>31.答案B<br/>【参考译文】文章的中心思想是什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生通过浏览了解大意的能力。<br/>【详细解答】本文的中心即:New research in the United States suggests that procrastination is a disease. “procrastinate”为“to put off doing sth,esp.out of habitual carelessness or laziness” 拖延,耽搁;所以不难理解:Don't Delay if you want to stay healthy。<br/>TEXT H短文大意<br/>本文选自《小泉八云生平及信件》,重点谈论的正是应用科学的重要性,写信的对象是大谷熊本。小泉八云在写给大谷的信中,讲述了语言学与应用科学的利弊,其中特别强调了应用科学对他后半生的实际用处,在说服的过程中,小泉八云还向大谷指出应用科学在日本的发展前景,希望大谷能够慎重考虑自己今后的事业以及正在面临的选择。<br/>32.答案D<br/>【参考译文】这封信的总的语气是什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生综合分析的能力。<br/>【详细解答】全文的中心为:What you are going to learn should have been of real use to you and applied science would be of immense value to you.“persuasive”为“of or relating to induce to undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of argument,reasoning or entreaty.”说明性的。<br/>TEXT I短文大意(略)<br/>33.答案B<br/>【参考译文】这篇索引可能选自一本关于什么的书?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生是否能透过细节看到本质的能力。<br/>【详细解答】A、C、D都以m开头,但仔细看来只有medicine 比较可能。但此索引列举更多的是与psychology有关,于是psychological cure才是这本书的真正内容,选择B较合适。<br/>TEXT J短文大意<br/>本文选自《世界知识介绍》,反映世界野生虎面临灭绝的事实。<br/>世界野生动物基金会周四说,除非有关政府采取重大措施予以保护,否则在2010年前老虎可能逐渐灭绝。<br/>该动物保护组织说,老虎的数量在过去一个世纪里减少了95%,并且在野生状态下仅存5000至72000只——而在本世纪初,其数量为现在的近10倍。<br/>34.答案D<br/>【参考译文】以下哪一条不是导致虎的数量减少的原因?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生搜寻非事实的能力。<br/>【详细解答】文章中有:The group cities illegal hunting for the medicinal trade,loss of prey species,weak law enforcement,poaching habitat loss and a shrinkng gene pool as the other major threats facing the world's tiger population.“poach”为“to take fish or game illegally”非法捕捉。<br/>TEXT K<br/>短文大意(略)<br/>35.答案C<br/>【参考译文】浏览全篇后,你能知道它是关于什么的文字?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生分析推理的能力。<br/>【详细解答】Stanley Park,The Vancouver Art Gallery,MacMillan Planetarium,etc,Chinatown,Gastown...are beauty spots,or places of interest where you can go sighting or rela or purchase观光地,游览胜地。<br/>36.答案B<br/>【参考译文】“planetarium”是什么意思?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生类推以及分析的能力。<br/>【详细解答】从“shows feature the nature of the universe”中来看答案,知道是the study of the universe,所以B比较合适,“planetarium”为“天文馆,天象馆,天象仪。”<br/>TEXT L短文大意(略)<br/>37.答案B<br/>【参考译文】如果你打字速度快又会速记,同时又想成为一名律师,那么你会与广告栏中那一则广告联系。<br/>【试题分析】考查学生进行扫描获取信息的能力。<br/>【详细解答】这些广告中的第11则:Secretary legal Trainee正好满足题目的要求。<br/>38.答案A<br/>【参考译文】如果你擅长计算机工作,而且你想有机会认识演员,那你会联系哪一则广告呢?<br/>【试题分析】同上<br/>【详细解答】第5则中为:Burbank entertainment co. seeks computer operators.“entertainment”为“sth amusing or diverting,associeted with movies,plays,etc.”娱乐。<br/>TEXT M<br/>短文大意(略)<br/>39.答案C<br/>【参考译文】“smear test”又称作什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生迅速找寻答案的能力。<br/>【详细解答】smear是关键词,可看到pas smear。<br/>40.答案C<br/>【参考译文】这本字典可能的名称是什么?<br/>【试题分析】考查学生综合分析总结的能力。<br/>【详细解答】B、D可迅速排除,字条里面有什么关于风俗习惯的内容。<br/>ART Ⅳ TRANSLATION<br/>SECTION A <br/>【参考译文】Creepers are always ambitiously trying to crawl over every inch of the wall.One of the numerous curling vines had almost crept onto the steep roof of the house when a sudden gust of wind blew it off in midair.<br/>Liu Chuan happened to catch sight of the scene on the opposite wall through the window,and he couldn't help smiling.In his eyes the vine was transformed into the image of Xiao Mei.<br/>“You are a creeper while I am a wall,”he had once said to her.At his remark,she pursed her lips and went away.<br/>“I won't imtate the hero in the film and run after her,”he thought.<br/>They used to quarrel quite often just as other young lovers did.But in the end it is always she who would first come to him for reconciliation within a week or so.He had been quite confident that this argument would end similarly.<br/>【详细解答】有时汉语作品中句子和段落的安排不够合理,如果完全按照原文翻译;会使英语读者感到译文逻辑很混乱,晦涩难懂,遇到这种情况,应根据作品的中心思想,发展线索及语篇内部照应的原则,加强逻辑联系,重新安排译文,使之前后呼应,丝丝入扣,“creeper”为“plants that spread by means of stems that move with the body close to the ground.”第2句话应该用合译法,显得紧凑,也符合英文习惯,下面的翻译运用了词序调整法,并且按照逻辑联系进行了句与句的调整,最后一句中运用了增译法,例如“reconciliation”and“quite confident that this argument would end similarily.”<br/>TEXT B<br/>【参考译文】你发现,即使最简单的与工作有关的任务:一封措词巧妙的信件,一个得当的电话,——甚至一份整理得简明扼要的卷宗,都会使你得到很大的自我满足,只对自己有用是不够的。<br/>几乎人人都听说过关于应该成为社会有用一员时的那种孤独与寂寞,在你的生活中,周围几乎总是有人,在班级里,在宿舍内,以及在工作岗位上,当你突然发现自己整天只能对猫谈话时,你的现实感发生了扭曲。你开始担心,整日的胡思乱想会使你陷入不能自拔的境地。<br/>然而,你过去始终没有,如今仍旧没有脆弱到这种地步,你能保持镇定并能正视它,主要靠的是经常自嘲与玩世不恭的态度,虽然,现在同以前比起来,生活中任何一方面出了差错,你似乎都极易被推进一时的绝境之中,但是,没有一些非常主要的东西可以依赖——关心你的人,你的幽默感,你的才能,你的猫,以及你的希望。<br/>【详细解答】第一句可运用词序调整法,其“a clean file”可运用意译“简明扼要”,“what you didn't know about was the loneliness”可运用增译法,如果你能成为社会有用一员时的那种孤独寂寞,比较能够表明loneliness的真实含义。“You begin to worry that flights of fancy might become one wary”,也可采用意译“陷入难以自拔的境地”,下一句中可运用正说反译,反说正译法。“But you always were,and still are,stronger,than that.”为“你过去始终没有,如今仍旧没有脆弱到这种地步”,最后一句话“although....,you...”可分译成两句话,比较符合中文表达的习惯。<br/>ART Ⅴ WRITING<br/>【写作指导】针对安乐死的这个题目,考生不能掉以轻心,安乐死是人们广泛谈论的内容,其针锋相对的观点层出不穷,所以阐明自己的立场,用大量的事实或依据来说服对方是很关键的。<br/>在第一段中,仍是仔细分析自己所持的观点,态度要鲜明,不能左右不定,并要充分把握自己对这个题目、论点的准确性,才能避免走题,观点含糊,语言表达晦涩的常见毛病。<br/>在第二段中,要根据写作的一般要求,用足够的事实、数据等证明自己的观点,无论是支持,还是反对,考生都要以理服人,仔细分析自己的每一个论据,从而避免空洞无物和论据不足。<br/>在第三段中,语气要在前二段的基础上更加坚定且自认,全局把握在一个论点之中,考生可以换一种说法来表达小结该文的论点,但要注意词语的使用,以免观点不一致。<br/>【Sample Writing】<br/>Mercy Killing Should Be Advocated in China<br/>Mercy killing,or euthanasia,is the way to end a patient's life at the time when he or she is incurable.Heated discussion about the feasibility the performance of euthanasia from the very beginning of its presence.And several lawsuits against doctors who had used euthanasia in western countries had hit the headlines in the press and aroused greater concern than before among peoples.Should it be advocated in China?As far as I am concerned,I prefer its usage in China.<br/>Those who disapprove of the mercy killing think that it violates human right since human's life is provided by God.People have no right to end it unless it ends itself naturally.They say life is precious.However,recent polls have shown that 47 percent of the patients are willing to try mercy killing when they have no hope to recover.This figure is surprisingly high.It indicates people have gradually accept euthanasia.Many people feel that the odds against mercy killing are at most 100 to 1.Obviously this is not the case.<br/>Mercy killing is a good choice to reduce the suffering of the patients as well as the family members.It has been supported by more and more people.Supposing a dying patient who suffered from liver cancer,can not eat,move,even talk because of the pain.In order to sustain his life,his family member should pay the high expenses on the injections,medicines,and medical faculties,etc.This is really a heavy burden to his family as well as to the hospital. Euthanasia not only help the patients get rid of the misery but also do good to his family.I do think mercy killing should be used in China.<br/>
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