





[原创]Picture Composition 2

发布者: cxfeng | 发布时间: 2006-7-7 00:35| 查看数: 8253| 评论数: 3|

<p> 3mmFHEOH.jpg <br/></p>


cxfeng 发表于 2006-7-7 00:42:56
<p>Tom was a naughty boy. Last Sunday,Tom decided to dig for treasure.His mother told him not to go there because it was too far and there were no such things.He refused to listen and take along a spade.He thought he was going to be rich by having gold coins. When he reached there,he was already very tired. After a break, he began to use his spade and dug. He dug for a long time.Suddenly, he saw a treasure chest.He knew there were going to have a lot of jewellery and gold coins. He quickly opened the box but it was empty.</p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-12 16:11:39
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>cxfeng</i>在2006-7-7 0:42:56的发言:</b><br/><p>Tom was a naughty boy. Last Sunday,Tom decided to dig for treasure.His mother told him not to go there because it was too far and there were no such things.He refused to listen and take along a spade.He thought he was going to be rich by having gold coins. When he reached there,he was already very tired. After a break, he began to use his spade and dug. He dug for a long time.Suddenly, he saw a treasure chest.He knew there were going to have a lot of jewellery and gold coins. He quickly opened the box but it was empty.</p></div><p>Editted version :</p><p>Tom was a naughty boy. Last Sunday,Tom decided to dig for treasure.His mother told him not to go there because it was too far and there were no such things.He refused to listen <strong>to his mother</strong> and <strong>took </strong>along a spade.He thought he was going to be rich by having gold coins. When he&nbsp;<strong>arrived </strong>there,he was already very tired. After a break, he began<strong> to dig with his spade</strong> . He dug for a long time.Suddenly, he saw a treasure chest.He knew there were going to <strong>be</strong> a lot of <strong>jewelleries </strong>and gold coins. He quickly opened the box but it was empty. He was disappointed and his heart sank ......</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-12 16:18:29编辑过]

Rita娜 发表于 2006-7-12 16:29:34
U did a good job,&nbsp; my girl , just keep going
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