






发布者: liuhui6850 | 发布时间: 2006-7-9 08:38| 查看数: 10156| 评论数: 2|

PART II CLOZE<p>  Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Select the correct choice for each blank.</p><p>  Proclamation of 1763 was declared by the British crown at the end of the French and Indian War in North America, mainly intended to (26)_____ the Indians by checking the encroachment of white settlers on their lands. After Indian (27)_____ had resulted in the start of Pontiacs War (1763-64), British authorities determined to (28)_____ intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems (29)_____. To this end, the (30)_____ organized new British territories in America —— the provinces of Quebec, East and West Florida, and Grenada (in the Windward Islands) —— and a vast British-administered Indian reservation west of the Appalachians, from south of Hudson Bay to north of the Florida. It forbade all white settlement (31)_____ Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement. For the first time in the history of European colonization in the New World, the proclamation (32)_____ the concept of Indian land titles, prohibiting (33)_____ of patents to any lands claimed by a tribe (34)_____ the Indian title had first been (35)_____ by purchase or treaty. Although (36)_____ to alter western boundaries, the proclamation was nevertheless offensive to the colonies as (37)_____ interference in their affairs. Treaties following Pontiacs War drew a more acceptable line of settlement, and the balance of territory north of the Ohio River was added to Quebec in 1774. The proclamation, however, failed to (38)_____ the westward movement of pioneers, (39)_____ disregard of its provisions (40)_____ decades of continued Indian warfare throughout the area.</p><p>  26.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) facilitate&nbsp;&nbsp; B) dilapidate&nbsp;&nbsp; C) conciliate&nbsp;&nbsp; D) distillate</p><p>  27.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) grimaces&nbsp;&nbsp; B) grievances&nbsp;&nbsp; C) grime&nbsp;&nbsp; D) groans</p><p>  28.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) reduce&nbsp;&nbsp; B) deduce&nbsp;&nbsp; C) overthrow&nbsp;&nbsp; D) subdue</p><p>  29.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) as a rule&nbsp;&nbsp; B) as a token&nbsp;&nbsp; C) as a whole&nbsp;&nbsp; D) as a judge</p><p>  30.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) procession&nbsp;&nbsp; B) proclamation&nbsp;&nbsp; C) procedure&nbsp;&nbsp; D) probation</p><p>  31.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) on&nbsp;&nbsp; B) in&nbsp;&nbsp; C) at&nbsp;&nbsp; D) for</p><p>  32.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) fortified&nbsp;&nbsp; B) formalized&nbsp;&nbsp; C) formulized&nbsp;&nbsp; D) formulated</p><p>  33.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) issuance&nbsp;&nbsp; B) assurance&nbsp;&nbsp; C) innocence&nbsp;&nbsp; D) insurance</p><p>  34.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) lest&nbsp;&nbsp; B) if&nbsp;&nbsp; C) unless&nbsp;&nbsp; D) provided</p><p>  35.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) distinguished&nbsp;&nbsp; B) extinguished&nbsp;&nbsp; C) distinguishing&nbsp;&nbsp; D) extinguishing</p><p>  36.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) not intending&nbsp;&nbsp; B) not intended&nbsp;&nbsp; C) not extending&nbsp;&nbsp; D) not extended</p><p>  37.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) done&nbsp;&nbsp; B) undone&nbsp;&nbsp; C) due&nbsp;&nbsp; D) undue</p><p>  38.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) stem&nbsp;&nbsp; B) branch&nbsp;&nbsp; C) shoot&nbsp;&nbsp; D) bough</p><p>  39.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) its&nbsp;&nbsp; B) which&nbsp;&nbsp; C) whose&nbsp;&nbsp; D) who</p><p>  40.&nbsp;&nbsp; A) revoked&nbsp;&nbsp; B) evoked&nbsp;&nbsp; C) revolved&nbsp;&nbsp; D) evolved</p><p>  PART III GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY</p><p>  There are twenty-five sentences in this section.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.</p><p>  41. When they heard the _____ for help that rang through the building, the firemen rushed into it.</p><p>  A) emergency</p><p>  B) fight</p><p>  C) noise</p><p>  D) appeals</p><p>  42. The viewers of the poet's most recent book _____ his reputation.</p><p>  A) enlarged</p><p>  B) enriched</p><p>  C) enhanced</p><p>  D) encouraged</p><p>  43. Do not _____ across a main road without first looking to the right and the left.</p><p>  A) advance</p><p>  B) proceed</p><p>  C) march</p><p>  D) progress</p><p>  44. The aeroplane _____ soon after taking off.</p><p>  A) crushed</p><p>  B) clashed</p><p>  C) smashed</p><p>  D) crashed</p><p>  45. The study also showed that, _____ to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight.</p><p>  A) contrary</p><p>  B) identical</p><p>  C) equivalent</p><p>  D) hostile</p><p>  46. Large companies are _____ smaller firms by buying their shares.</p><p>  A) taking off</p><p>  B) taking up</p><p>  C) taking over</p><p>  D) taking on</p><p>  47. With a school record like yours, I'm puzzled why you didn't _____ a university scholarship.</p><p>  A) take for</p><p>  B) care for</p><p>  C) stand for</p><p>  D) try for</p><p>  48. The old family _____ in China has undergone some changes since liberation.</p><p>  A) pattern</p><p>  B) form</p><p>  C) shape</p><p>  D) construction</p><p>  49. They are always _____ good terms with all of their neighbors for the sake of their children.</p><p>  A) at</p><p>  B) in</p><p>  C) for</p><p>  D) on</p><p>  50. He got thoroughly wet and, _____, he caught a bad cold.</p><p>  A) in consequence</p><p>  B) in nature</p><p>  C) in general</p><p>  D) in sequence</p><p>  51. Because of advances in science and technology in recent years, Americans are enjoying _____ time.</p><p>  A) measure</p><p>  B) pleasure</p><p>  C) treasure</p><p>  D) leisure</p><p>  52. The Open College is based on a new _____ on education which emphasizes the use of modern air media to get messages across.</p><p>  A) possession</p><p>  B) perspective</p><p>  C) prediction</p><p>  D) proportion</p><p>  53. Jim's close _____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.</p><p>  A) image</p><p>  B) figure</p><p>  C) appearance</p><p>  D) resemblance</p><p>  54. He hasn't any money so I _____ him some.</p><p>  A) will be lending</p><p>  B) will have lent</p><p>  C) would lend</p><p>  D) am going to lend</p><p>  55. There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _____ trouble.</p><p>  A) making</p><p>  B) to make</p><p>  C) to have made</p><p>  D) having closed</p><p>  56. _____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.</p><p>  A) Other things being equal</p><p>  B) To be equal to other things</p><p>  C) Were other things equal</p><p>  D) Other things to be equal</p><p>  57. _____ the best boxer of his time, Sugar Ray Robinson lost only 3 out of 137 fights.</p><p>  A) Having judged as</p><p>  B) Being judged</p><p>  C) Judging to be</p><p>  D) Judged to be</p><p>  58. He _____ the little girl, but he did.</p><p>  A) ought not to have beaten</p><p>  B) ought to not have beaten</p><p>  C) ought to have not beaten</p><p>  D) ought to have beaten</p><p>  59. He _____ so sleepy if they _____ for a whole day.</p><p>  A) wouldn't feel, did not work</p><p>  B) wouldn't feel, were not working</p><p>  C) wouldn't be feeling, were not working</p><p>  D) wouldn't be feeling, hadn't been working</p><p>  60. Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully for _____.</p><p>  A) how I must say</p><p>  B) what I must say</p><p>  C) whom I must say</p><p>  D) whether I must say</p><p>  61. We hope the measures to control prices, _____ taken by the government, will succeed.</p><p>  A) when</p><p>  B) as</p><p>  C) since</p><p>  D) after</p><p>  62. _____ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.</p><p>  A) In spite of</p><p>  B) But for</p><p>  C) Because of</p><p>  D) As for</p><p>  63. Sometimes an Englishman is _____ enthusiastic, emotional, excited, etc. than any other nationality, but tends to display his feelings far less.</p><p>  A) not much</p><p>  B) no more</p><p>  C) no less</p><p>  D) much less</p><p>  64. Never in my life _____ the impression made on me by my first visit to the late premier Chou.</p><p>  A) I could forget</p><p>  B) I shall forget</p><p>  C) did I forget</p><p>  D) shall I forget</p><p>  65. Would you read my letter and correct the mistake, if _____?</p><p>  A) some</p><p>  B) any</p><p>  C) ever</p><p>  D) never</p>


liuhui6850 发表于 2006-7-9 08:39:05
PART IV READING COMPREHENSION<p>  In this section there are five passages followed by fifteen questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answer marked A, B, C and D.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Choose the one that you think is the correct answer.</p><p>  TEXT A I first became aware of the unemployment problem in 1928. At that time I had just come back from Burma, where unemployment was only a word, and I had gone to Burma when I was still a boy and the post-war boom was not quite over. When I first saw unemployed men at close quarters, the thing that horrified and amazed me was to find that many of them were ashamed of being unemployed. I was very ignorant, but not so ignorant as to imagine that when the loss of foreign markets pushes two million men out of work, those two million are any more to blame than the people who draw blanks in the Calcutta Sweep. But at that time nobody cared to admit that unemployment was inevitable, because this meant admitting that it would probably continue. The middle classes were still talking about "lazy idle loafers on the dole" and saying that "these men could all find work if they wanted to", and naturally these opinions spread among the working class themselves. I remember the shock of astonishment it gave me, when I first mingled with tramps and beggars, to find that a fair proportion, perhaps a quarter, of these beings whom I had been taught to regard as cynical parasites, were decent young miners and cotton workers gazing at their destiny with the same sort of dumb amazement as an animal in a trap. They simply could not understand what was happening to them. They had been brought up to work, and behold! It seemed as if they were never going to have the chance of working again. In their circumstances it was inevitable, at first, that they should be haunted by a feeling of personal degradation. That was the attitude towards unemployment in those days: it was a disaster which happened to you as an individual and for which you were to blame.</p><p>  66. Why did many of the unemployed feel ashamed of their condition?</p><p>  A) They imagined they were to blame for being out of work.</p><p>  B) They had to live on the unemployment benefits.</p><p>  C) They should have been working instead of doing nothing.</p><p>  D) They had to admit that unemployment would probably continue.</p><p>  67. The passage suggests that about a quarter of the tramps and beggars the author met were _____.</p><p>  A) cynical parasites</p><p>  B) like animals in a trap</p><p>  C) once good at mining</p><p>  D) young people</p><p>  68. According to the passage, the author's attitude to unemployment is that _____.</p><p>  A) the individuals were to blame</p><p>  B) the loss of overseas trade was to blame</p><p>  C) the unemployed cannot understand why</p><p>  D) it was not the individual's fault</p><p>  TEXT B In 1983, when oil prices were still high in my area, I installed a ground-source heat pump in my brand-new, well insulated 1,600-square-foot house. It cost several thousand dollars more than comparable systems that use oil, gas, or wood, but I figured Id recover my higher initial expense in a few years through lower energy bills. True, my heat pump runs on electricity —— an expensive commodity where I live. But most of its energy comes from the earth: a propylene-glycol solution circulates through 1,200 feet of two-inch-diameter plastic pipe buried three feet deep in a field next to my house. As it travels, the solution absorbs heat from the surrounding soil, even when soil temperature drops below freezing. My ground-source heat pump also offers important benefits that have nothing to do with economics. · Minimal fire hazard —— no chimney, firebox, or heating elements —— only pumps, fans, and a compressor. · Cleanliness —— no combustion products, thus no chance of my heating system polluting the indoor air, leaving scummy deposits on walls and furniture. · Reliability —— solid-state electronic controls and sealed bearings almost eliminate breakdowns. · No maintenance —— no wood to cut, ashes to haul, or chimney to clean. · Convenience —— The system runs automatically, even switching from heating to air conditioning as needed. I can simply lock the door and go away for a day, week, or month. Not only did I expect to start saving on energy costs immediately, but I also expected those savings to grow over the years as oil prices continued to soar. Since I was wrong about oil prices, the big dollar savings Id hoped for havent materialized. Nevertheless, I am satisfied, all things considered.</p><p>  69. The passage suggests that the author's heat-pump system absorbs heat from _____.</p><p>  A) soil in a nearby field</p><p>  B) sun panels at ground level</p><p>  C) a pipe buried next to the walls</p><p>  D) a tank of propylene-glycol</p><p>  70. According to the passage, the author's heat pump requires _____.</p><p>  A) no maintenance</p><p>  B) very little maintenance</p><p>  C) only a yearly check of controls</p><p>  D) no more maintenance than an oil burner</p><p>  71. Once benefit the author mentions is that the system _____.</p><p>  A) uses no electricity</p><p>  B) has a fire-safety shutoff</p><p>  C) does not pollute the air in the house</p><p>  D) requires less insulation in house walls</p><p>  72. The best title for the passage is _____.</p><p>  A) Preparing the Ground for a Pump System</p><p>  B) Pros and Cons of the Ground-Source Heat Pump</p><p>  C) How to Know Whether an Oil Burner is Right for Your Home</p><p>  D) The Ground-Source Heat Pump: It Works for Me!</p><p>  TEXT C Because Ireland is an island geographically near the mainland of the United Kingdom, English rulers have fought since the Middle Ages to retain political control over it. Attracted by the lush farmland, English and Scottish landowners settled there, and in time of famine or political unrest, the local workers suffered, while their landlords were cushioned by their wealth. The history of modern Ireland is, in fact, largely a story of antagonism and resentment between the Irish and their English and Scottish rulers. Since the 1920s, Ireland has been divided into two parts: Northern Ireland (Ulster) and the Republic of Ireland (Eire). The north is still part of the United Kingdom and is predominantly Protestant; the south is an independent republic and is mainly Catholic. The majority in Ulster accepted this political compromise, but the active and mainly Catholic minority are fighting for union with the independent republic of Southern Ireland. The IRA, the Irish Republican Army, have mounted bombing campaigns on military and civil targets in Ulster and England, they have sent letter-bombs to public figures, they have shot fellow Irishmen who support the British or belong to opposing, and now equally militant Protestant groups. As a result of this, the British have stationed an army in Belfast, the IRA have been outlawed, and several of them have spent many years in prison or have died in support of their cause. Whether this level of violence and repression is justifiable, and whether the violence that could result from political change would be worthwhile are the controversial issues that divide everybody involved.</p><p>  73. Which of the following is true about bomb attacks?</p><p>  A) They occur only in England.</p><p>  B) They occur only in military buildings</p><p>  C) They occur in England and Northern Ireland.</p><p>  D) They occur when public figures talk about Ireland.</p><p>  74. According to the passage, the author's attitude towards the Irish is _____.</p><p>  A) militant</p><p>  B) intolerant</p><p>  C) sympathetic</p><p>  D) aggressive</p><p>  75. From the passage, we understand that the text is _____.</p><p>  A) literary</p><p>  B) academic</p><p>  C) descriptive</p><p>  D) informational</p><p>  TEXT D Milan magistrates have ordered Alfa Romeo, the car manufactures, to reinstate 134 workers who are among 5,700 temporarily laid off under an agreement with the unions last March. In two separate cases, groups of 37 and of 97 appealed to magistrates against their suspension on the grounds that they had been discriminated against, because of their health or political views. The magistrate said the company evidently wished to eliminate from the productive cycle those who fell short, either for personal or political reasons. The findings have been criticized however by the company, and the unions. The company said it would lead to grave operational and management difficulties for a firm which was still suffering losses. problems such as this, the company said, risk throwing into crisis the whole system of industrial relations.</p><p>  76. What was the company's alleged motivation for taking the action they did?</p><p>  A) To get rid of workers who had not been trained.</p><p>  B) To get rid of workers who had organized a strike.</p><p>  C) To get rid of workers who did not observe the rules.</p><p>  D) To get rid of workers who did not come up to standard.</p><p>  77. According to the company, the magistrate's decision would lead to _____.</p><p>  A) personal problems</p><p>  B) operational hardships</p><p>  C) commercial failure</p><p>  D) a management strike</p>
liuhui6850 发表于 2006-7-9 08:39:33
difficult." she told us as she tuned the timpani) —— Evelyn played some haunting works specially written for xylophone, such as her own inspiring "A Little Prayer" and the lilting Scottish tune "Tween Heaven and Sea". She also "stole" items from the repertoire of other instruments —— the exciting "Czarda" more usually heard on violin, "Dreaming" by Schumann, "Maple Leaf Rag" by Joplin, and Chopins "Black Key Study", all works written for the piano but given an extra dimension on the xylophone. The audience was foxed completely as they tried to clap along to snare drum demonstration, a "mummy and daddy open roll", and there was no falling asleep during the dramatic sonata for Timpani by Beck —— as Evelyn said herself "It may not be everyones cup of tea, but it isnt very often that you see a solo timpanist, and a female one at that!" Evelyn Glennie may not have been able to hear the applause, but she must surely have seen the warm smiles and happy faces of an audience to which she endeared herself with a charming personality and uncanny instrumental ability.<p>  78. Which of the following is NOT one of Evelyn Glennie's physical characteristics?</p><p>  A) She's unable to hear.</p><p>  B) She's young.</p><p>  C) She's short.</p><p>  D) She's charming.</p><p>  79. Apart from Evelyn Glennie's musical ability, what does the critic say about her personality?</p><p>  A) Helpful.</p><p>  B) Generous.</p><p>  C) Honest.</p><p>  D) Pleasing.</p><p>  80. According to the passage, the critic thinks the concert was _____.</p><p>  A) enjoyable</p><p>  B) boring</p><p>  C) monotonous</p><p>  D) disastrous</p><p>  SECTION B SKIMMING AND SCANNING</p><p>  In this section there are six passages with a total of ten multiple-choice questions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Skim or scan them as required and then select your answers to the questions.</p><p>  TEXT F 3First read the following questions. 81. One of the Adelphis advantages is that _____. A. it caters to adults B. its classes are small C. its programs are needed today D. it has been geared to the big city 82. One of the values of a traditional non-urban university is _____. A. big classes to get to know more students B. staff trained to think highly of the individual C. a relaxing educational environment D. students allowed to have part-time jobs Now read Text F quickly and select your answers. An out-of-town college thrives in town At most big city universities the pace, the attitude and the life-style are geared to city life. But there is a university in Manhattan that has its roots outside the city —— Adelphi. When we opened Adelphi University at Manhattan, we brought with us all the values of a traditional non-urban university. Such as classes small enough for you to get to know your professors. An educational environment designed to separate you from the daily rigors of life. And a staff of counselors and administrators schooled in the importance of the individual. Yet, with all our emphasis on traditional values, it has always been our tradition to offer programs which reflect the needs of today. So youll find weve pioneered in educational for adults with programs for teachers, social workers, business majors, childcare workers and others. If youre looking for our kind of tradition, you can find it without leaving the city—— Adelphi at Manhattan thriving on 28th Street. Adelphi University is committed to extending equal educational opportunity to all those who qualify academically.</p><p>  81. One of the Adelphi's advantages is that _____.</p><p>  A) it caters to adults</p><p>  B) its classes are small</p><p>  C) its programs are needed today</p><p>  D) it has been geared to the big city</p><p>  82. One of the values of a traditional non-urban university is _____.</p><p>  A) big classes to get to know more students</p><p>  B) staff trained to think highly of the individual</p><p>  C) a relaxing educational environment</p><p>  D) students allowed to have part-time jobs</p><p>  TEXT G First read the following questions. 83. The main idea of this passage is that _____. A. the Gettysburg Address has always been regarded as a masterpiece B. at the time of its delivery the Gettysburg Address was truly appreciated C. it was not until after 1863 that Lincolns speech was recorded in history D. Lincolns speech is better recognized today than it was during his presidency 84. When did Lincolns Gettysburg Address begin to receive public acclaim? A. After it had been published. B. Immediately after the speech. C. Not until the present day. D. After he received growing recognition. Now read Text G quickly and select your answers. Lincolns now famous Gettysburg Address was not, on the occasion of its delivery, recognized as the masterpiece as it is today. Lincoln was not even the primary speaker at the ceremonies, held at the height of the Civil War in 1863, to dedicate the battlefield at Gettysburg. The main speaker was orator Edward Everest, whose two-hour speech was followed by Lincolns shorter remarks. Lincoln began his small portion of the program with the words that today are immediately recognized by most Americans: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." At the time of the speech, little notice was given to what Lincoln had said, and Lincoln considered his appearance at the ceremonies rather unsuccessful. After his speech appeared in print, appreciation for his words began to grow, and today it is recognized as one of the all-time greatest speeches.</p><p>  83. The main idea of this passage is that _____.</p><p>  A) the Gettysburg Address has always been regarded as a masterpiece</p><p>  B) at the time of its delivery the Gettysburg Address was truly appreciated</p><p>  C) it was not until after 1863 that Lincoln's speech was recorded in history</p><p>  D) Lincoln's speech is better recognized today than it was during his presidency</p><p>  84. When did Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begin to receive public acclaim?</p><p>  A) After it had been published.</p><p>  B) Immediately after the speech.</p><p>  C) Not until the present day.</p><p>  D) After he received growing recognition.</p><p>  TEXT H First read the following questions. 85. The new Cambridge Business English Certificate can _____. A. serve as a passport to Britain B. pave the way for success in future work C. help visa applications D. guarantee enrollment in Cambridge University 86. Those who are interested in this training class can register _____. A. at the British Council B. at the Shanghai University of Business and Economics C. with a Beijing university D. at the China Daily, Shanghai Branch Now read Text H quickly and select your answers. Cambridge Business English Certificate Course Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business. This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12 —— April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29. Our strategy for success includes: · Small Classes, grouped by ability; · Experienced, professional teachers; · Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies; · Practice exams under actual test conditions Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Registration starts soon Date: March 1 to 10; Fees: 350 yuan; Location: University of International Business and Economics (Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District) Tel: 4222172,4225522-3109</p><p>  85. The new Cambridge Business English Certificate can _____.</p><p>  A) serve as a passport to Britain</p><p>  B) pave the way for success in future work</p><p>  C) help visa applications</p><p>  D) guarantee enrollment in Cambridge University</p><p>  86. Those who are interested in this training class can register _____.</p><p>  A) at the British Council</p><p>  B) at the Shanghai University of Business and Economics</p><p>  C) with a Beijing university</p><p>  D) at the China Daily, Shanghai Branch</p><p>  TEXT I First read the following questions. 87. Online banking eliminates the need for which of the following? A. Having separate checking and savings accounts. B. Keeping your accounts balanced. C. Going to the bank to do business. D. Having to pay your bills on time. 88. Online banking provides all of the following advantages EXCEPT _____. A. 24-hour access to your accounts B. personal contact with your banker C. the opportunity to pay bill electronically D. the chance to do your banking from almost any location  Now read Text I quickly and select your answers. First Bank &amp; Trust: Making Life a Little Easier Every Day How would you like to have the freedom to do your banking without running to the bank? Look no further than your computer! Because now you can take care of all your banking whenever and wherever its convenient. With free Online Banking you have the power to take greater control over your finances. Imagine viewing your account balances any time you want. And transferring money between accounts at your convenience. Virtually all your other banking activities can be handled online too. You can: · Download your account information into your personal finance software · Open additional accounts · Record checks · E-mail your customer service requests and questions to us Youll save time with Online Banking. To save even more, choose our Bill Pay service. With our Bill Pay, you can forget about checks, stamps, and envelopes. Pay anyone you would normally pay by check with just a few keystrokes. You can even set up recurring payments such as your mortgage, rent, or car loan, so you dont have to bother with them every month. Sign up today! Just visit our Web site at <a href="http://www.banking.com/">http://www.banking.com</a>.</p><p>  87. Online banking eliminates the need for which of the following?</p><p>  A) Having separate checking and savings accounts.</p><p>  B) Keeping your accounts balanced.</p><p>  C) Going to the bank to do business.</p><p>  D) Having to pay your bills on time.</p><p>  88. Online banking provides all of the following advantages EXCEPT _____.</p><p>  A) 24-hour access to your accounts</p><p>  B) personal contact with your banker</p><p>  C) the opportunity to pay bill electronically</p><p>  D) the chance to do your banking from almost any location</p><p>  TEXT J First read the following questions. 89. Which runner beat David Murphys time by 4 seconds? A. Ryszard zmarczak. B. Dan Schlesinger. C. Rodolfo Gomez. D. Tom Raunig. 90. The first-place man beat the first-place woman by _____. A. 36 minutes, 43 seconds. B. 18 minutes. C. 16 minutes, 15 seconds. D. 17 minutes, 45 seconds. Now read Text J quickly and select your answers. New York Marathon Results, 2000 MEN 1. Alberto Salazar, OR 2:09:29 2. Rodolfo Gomez, Mex. 2:09:33 3. Dan Schlesinger, NC 2:11:54 4. Ryszard Marczak, Pol. 2:12:44 5. David Murphy, Gr. Brit. 2:12:48 6. Tom Raunig, MT 2:13:22 7. George Malley, MA 2:13:29 8. Jose Gomez, Mex. 2:13:43 9. Martti Kiilholma, Fin. 2:13:51 10. Dean Matthews, GA 2:14:00 WOMEN 1. Grete Waitz, Nor. 2:27:14 2. Julie Brown, CA 2:28:33 3. Charlotte Teske, W. Ger. 2:31:53 4. Laura Fogli, Italy 2:33:01 5. Ingrid Kristiansen, Nor. 2:33:36 6. Julie Isphording, OH 2:34:24 7. Laurie Binder, CA 2:35:18 8. N, Gumerova, USSR 2:35:37 9. Carla Beurskens, Hol. 2:35:37 10. Nancy Ditz, CA 2:38:08</p><p>  89. Which runner beat David Murphy's time by 4 seconds?</p><p>  A) Ryszard zmarczak.</p><p>  B) Dan Schlesinger.</p><p>  C) Rodolfo Gomez.</p><p>  D) Tom Raunig.</p><p>  90. The first-place man beat the first-place woman by _____.</p><p>  A) 36 minutes, 43 seconds.</p><p>  B) 18 minutes.</p><p>  C) 16 minutes, 15 seconds.</p><p>  D) 17 minutes, 45 seconds.</p><p>  PART V DICTATION</p><p>  Listen to the following passage.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.</p><p>  PART VI WRITING</p><p>  Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:</p><p>  WHICH DO YOU PREFER: RIDING A BICYCLE OR TAKING A BUS?</p><p>  You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state just ONE major advantage of riding a bicycle or taking a bus. In the second part, give one or two reasons to support your point of view. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the loss of marks.</p><p>  SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN.]</p><p>  Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: One of your classmates has won the first prize in an English speech contest. Write him or her a not expressing your sincere congratulations. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.</p>
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