






发布者: Fancy-Teng | 发布时间: 2006-7-13 11:01| 查看数: 10340| 评论数: 2|

<h1 class="en_font">考研英语词汇运用试题解析-1</h1><p class="en_font">Say the word bacteria, and most folks --1--- images of a nasty germ like staphylococcus or salmonella that can make you really sick. But most bacteria aren't bad for you. In fact, --2--- extra amounts of some bacteria can actually promote good health. These beneficial bacteria are available without a prescription in drug and health-food stores and in foods like yogurt.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">So far, the best results have been seen in the treatment of diarrhea, particularly in children. But researchers are also looking into the possibility that beneficial bacteria may thwart vaginal infections in women, prevent some food allergies in children and --3--- symptoms of Crohn' s disease, a relatively rare but painful gastrointestinal disorder.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">So where have these good germs been lurking all your life? In your intestines, especially the lower section called the colon, which harbors at least 400 species of bacteria. Which ones you have depends largely on your environment and diet. An abundance of good bacteria in the colon generally ---4-- stray bad bacteria in your food. But if the bad outnumber the good-for example, after antibiotic treatment for a sinus or an ear infection, which kills normal intestinal germs as well-the result can be diarrhea.<br/></p><p></p><p class="en_font">For generations, people have ---5-- the balance by eating yogurt, buttermilk or other products made from ---6-- milk. But nowadays, you can also down a few pills that contain freeze-dried germs. These preparations are called probiotics to distinguish them from.antibiotics. Unfortunately, you can't always be sure that the bacteria in the products you buy are the same strains as those listed on the label or even that they' re still alive. Probiotics are usually ---7--- to both heat and moisture. Among the most promising and most ---8--- researched probiotics is the GG strain of Lactobacillus, discovered by Dr. Sherwood Gorbach and biochemist Barry Goldin, both at Tufts University School of Medicine. L-GG, as it' s called, has been used to treat traveler' s diarrhea and ---9--- upsets caused by antibiotics. Even more intriguing, L-GG also seems to work against some viruses, including rotavirus, one of the most common causes of diarrhea in children in the U. S. and around the world. Here the effect is indirect. Somehow L-GG jump-starts the immune system into recognizing the threat posed by the virus.</p><p class="en_font">ediatricians at Johns Hopkins are studying a different bug, the Bb-12 strain of Bifidobacterium, which was ---10--- by researchers at CHR Hansen Biosystems. Like L-GG, Bb-12 stimulates the immune system. For reasons that are not clear, infants who are breast-fed have large amounts of bifidobacteria in their intestines. They also have fewer intestinal upsets. Dr. Jose Saavedra and colleagues at Hopkins have shown that Bb-12 prevents several types of diarrhea, including that caused by rotavims, in hospitalized infants as young as four months. It has also been used to cure diarrhea in children of all ages.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">1),A)come up B)conjure up C)come upon D)count up</p><p class="en_font">2),A)annihilating B)depleting C)consuming D)expending</p><p class="en_font">3),A)waneB)impairC)decreaseD)lessen</p><p class="en_font">4),A)crowds outB)count outC)play outD)put out</p><p class="en_font">5),A)compensatedB)repairedC)restoredD)mended </p><p class="en_font">6),A)transformedB)fermentedC)moldedD)metamorphosed</p><p></p><p class="en_font">7),A)franticB)nervedC)squeamishD)sensitive</p><p class="en_font">8),A)wholesomelyB)whollyC)thoroughlyD)entirely</p><p class="en_font">9),A)stomachicB)intestinalC)splenicD)</p><p class="en_font">10),A)discoveredB)discoursedC)discreatedD)discriminated</p><p></p><p class="en_font">1)[B]</p><p class="en_font">分析固定搭配的意思</p><p class="en_font">A)come up⑴ 前来,接近,临近⑵ 上来,上升; 上楼⑶ 到北方来,北上</p><p class="en_font">B)conjure up使…出现于脑海中,想像出</p><p class="en_font">C)come upon⑴ 偶然遇见…,碰见…⑵ 突然想起…⑶ 突袭…</p><p class="en_font">D)count up把…数完,把…合计起来</p><p class="en_font">解:语意分析:一提到细菌,一些不好的想象就回浮现在脑中....</p><p class="en_font">2)[C]</p><p class="en_font">A)annihilating消灭,废止</p><p class="en_font">B)depleting耗尽,使衰竭</p><p class="en_font">C)consuming消耗</p><p class="en_font">D)expending花费,消耗,支出</p><p class="en_font">解:单词词义分析:只有consuming消耗,符合句意</p><p class="en_font">3) [D]</p><p class="en_font">A)wane变小,亏缺,衰落,退潮,消逝</p><p class="en_font">B)impair损害,减少,削弱</p><p class="en_font">C)decrease减少,减少之量</p><p class="en_font">D)lessen减少,缩小,减轻</p><p class="en_font">解:根据上下文意思推断,</p><p class="en_font">4)解:[A]</p><p class="en_font">A)crowds out将…挤出,排除,驱逐</p><p class="en_font">B)count out不把…算入,把…除外</p><p class="en_font">C)play out把…演完; 结束</p><p class="en_font">D)put out熄灭 ,扑灭; 丧失</p><p class="en_font">解:上下文分析:好的细菌排挤坏细菌</p><p class="en_font">5)[C]</p><p class="en_font">A)compensated偿还,补偿,付报酬</p><p class="en_font">B)repaired修理,修补,补偿,恢复,补救</p><p class="en_font">C)restored回复,恢复,修复,修补</p><p class="en_font">D)mended修改,改进,加快,修理</p><p class="en_font">解:people have restored the balance by.......句意分析:人们依靠酸奶等食物恢复体内细菌平衡...</p><p class="en_font">6)[B]</p><p class="en_font">A)transformed转换,改变,改造,使...变形</p><p class="en_font">B)fermented发酵的,</p><p class="en_font">C)molded发霉,形成,塑造</p><p class="en_font">D)metamorphosed变形,变态,变成</p><p class="en_font">解:分析单词意思有 fermented milk 发酵的牛奶</p><p class="en_font">7)[D]</p><p class="en_font">A)frantic狂乱的,疯狂的</p><p class="en_font">B)nerved神经…的</p><p class="en_font">C)squeamish神经质的,过于拘谨的,洁癖的,,</p><p class="en_font">D)sensitive敏感的,易感的,灵敏的,感光的</p><p class="en_font">解:应用单词词义排除sensitive to both heat and moisture对湿,热敏感</p><p class="en_font">8)[C]</p><p class="en_font">A)wholesomely卫生地, 有益健康地</p><p class="en_font">B)wholly整个地,统统地,全部地</p><p class="en_font">C)thoroughly1 完全地,彻底地2 严密地; 准确地</p><p class="en_font">D)entirely完全地,全然地,一概地</p><p class="en_font">解:most thoroughly researched意思是:研究最彻底的</p><p class="en_font">9)[B]</p><p class="en_font">A)stomachic胃的,健胃的,</p><p class="en_font">B)intestinal肠的,肠内的,内部的</p><p class="en_font">C)splenic脾脏的,脾的</p><p class="en_font">D)pulmonic肺的,肺炎的</p><p class="en_font">解:根据对全文的通篇分析可以明显的分析出是:肠的</p><p class="en_font">10)[A]</p><p class="en_font">A)discovered发现,找到</p><p class="en_font">B)discoursed谈论,演说</p><p class="en_font">C)discreated消灭; 催毁</p><p class="en_font">D)discriminated差别,岐视</p><p class="en_font">解:分析上下文,the Bb-12 strain of Bifidobacterium,....一定是被发现 </p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-13 11:04:05编辑过]


Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-7-13 11:01:26
<h1 class="en_font">考研英语词汇运用试题解析-2</h1><p></p><p class="en_font">After a three year ---1--- of the social and behavioral sciences, a committee of the NRC has concluded that these sciences are ---2--- in the race for federal science funds. Between 1972 and 1978, federal support for the social and behavioral sciences fell 25 percent, while support for other areas of science rose 36 percent.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">sychological, social and cultural studies ---3--- virtually everything that people treat as a problem in our civilization,the committee writes,play a large role. Paradoxically one would think these would be times when social science research would be riding high. Yet eve though governments are more thap alarmed about a variety of social problems they are inclined to deal with them by ---4---and(often)error. The abuse of drugs is a widespread concern, but governments seem to with the qualifications of teachers and their salaries.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">If we lack an adequate understanding of drug abuse and educational processes, are we ---5--- attempting to deal with these behaviours What domains of your life could benefit from social and behavioral science research? </p><p></p><p class="en_font">For instance, are we concerned about--6--- Consider that recent sociological research reveals that nearly half of all urban dwelling American males can expect to be arrested for some non traffic offense during their lives. However, a very small group of career predators are ---7--- for a grossly disproportionate share of all crimes committed. What does this insight suggest to you about American criminal ---8--- and prison policies. Sociological work also shows that most criminals ---9--- their careers by age 25 to 30. Does this finding have policy implication? If a 29-year-old-burglar whose criminal career is nearly over is imprisoned for ten years, may many years of that imprisonment be wasted on expensive and unnecessary ---10---?</p><p></p><p></p><p class="en_font">1,A )checkupB )verificationC )surveyD )authentication </p><p class="en_font">2,A )getting outB )losing outC )giving outD )coming out</p><p class="en_font">3,A )permeating throughB )persevering inC )penetrating intoD )pertaining to</p><p class="en_font">4,A )triageB )trial C )examinationD )investigation</p><p class="en_font">5, A )getting blind B )playing blind C )flying blind D )thinking blind </p><p class="en_font">6,A )movieB )crimeC )operaD )work</p><p class="en_font">7,A )reasonableB )believableC )credibleD )responsible </p><p class="en_font">8,A )JusticeB )determinationC )estimationD )measurement</p><p class="en_font">9,A )ceaseB )hangC )haltD )end</p><p class="en_font">10,A )consignmentB )confinementC )entertainmentD )containment</p><p></p><p class="en_font">1)[C ]</p><p class="en_font">A )checkup审查,鉴定,健康检查 </p><p class="en_font">B )verification确认,查证,作证</p><p class="en_font">C )survey纵览,视察,测量,概观,调查,俯瞰</p><p class="en_font">D )authentication证明,鉴定</p><p class="en_font">解:根据单词的意思来排除经过了3年的调查研究............</p><p class="en_font">2)[B ]</p><p class="en_font">A )getting out出去,离开,逃脱,摆脱,泄露,说出,出版,弄出来</p><p class="en_font">B )losing out未能赢取,获得</p><p class="en_font">C )giving out分发 (奖品、用纸、宣传单等) ,散发</p><p class="en_font">D )coming out出来,出现;</p><p class="en_font">解:依据上下文意思推断出,“社会科学和行为科学的研究正在失去联邦政府的支持.......”</p><p class="en_font">3)[D ]</p><p class="en_font">A )permeating through渗透入</p><p class="en_font">B )persevering in坚持</p><p class="en_font">C )penetrating into刺入</p><p class="en_font">D )pertaining to属于,关于,附属,适合,相称</p><p class="en_font">解:分析4个选项从通顺的观点可排除A,B,C</p><p class="en_font">sychological, social and cultural studies pertaining to virtually......心理学,社会学等实际上是关于.........</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p class="en_font">4)[B ]</p><p class="en_font">A )triage1 分类2 已分类的事物</p><p class="en_font">B )trial 试验,考验</p><p class="en_font">C )examination测验,审查</p><p class="en_font">D )investigation调查,研究</p><p class="en_font">解:词义辨析。"...inclined to deal with them by ......."倾向于用试验的方法来处理....</p><p class="en_font">5)[ C]</p><p class="en_font">A )getting blind 无此搭配,是干扰选项</p><p class="en_font">B )playing blind 无此搭配,是干扰选项</p><p class="en_font">C )flying blind 盲目的..</p><p class="en_font">D )thinking blind 无此搭配,是干扰选项</p><p class="en_font">解:如果我们缺乏对吸毒和教育过程的理解,那么我们就会盲目...........</p><p class="en_font">6)[B ]</p><p class="en_font">A )movie电影</p><p class="en_font">B )crime犯罪,罪行,罪恶 </p><p class="en_font">C )opera歌剧</p><p class="en_font">D )work工作,劳动,职业</p><p class="en_font">解:依据后半部文章所谈所涉及的内容,来推理出此选项。由"...nearly half of all urban dwelling American males can expect to be arrested for....."知道前面一定是we concerned about “crime”</p><p class="en_font">7)[D]</p><p class="en_font">A )reasonable合理的,明理的,适当的</p><p class="en_font">B )believable可信的</p><p class="en_font">C )credible可信的,可靠的</p><p class="en_font">D )responsible 有责任的,负责的,责任重大的,可靠的</p><p class="en_font">解:词义辨析。responsible for有责任的,负责的</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p class="en_font">8)[ A]</p><p class="en_font">A )Justice审判,司法</p><p class="en_font">B )determination决心,果断</p><p class="en_font">C )estimation判断,值计,尊重</p><p class="en_font">D )measurement度量,度量单位</p><p class="en_font">解:词义辨析,依据后半段文章推理。</p>
Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-7-13 11:02:17
<h1 class="en_font">考研英语词汇运用试题解析-3</h1><p></p><p class="en_font">In 1967,in response to ---1--- public concern aroused by medical reports ofasbestos? related deaths,the National Medical Research Council organised a committee of enquiry to ---2--- the health threats associated with the use of asbestos in the building industry.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">After examining evidences provided by medical researchers and building workers and management,the Council published a report which included advices for dealing with asbestos.The report ---3--- the findings of similar research in the United States and Canada.Exposure to relatively small quantities of asbestos fibres,they concluded,was directly responsible for the development of cancers,asbestosis and related diseases.---4--- evidence provided by economists and building industry management,however,the report assumed that despite the availability of other materials,asbestos would continue to play a major role in the British building industry for many years to come because of its availability and low cost.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">As a result,the council gave a series of ---5--- which were intended to reduce the risks to those who might be exposed to asbestos in working environments.They recommended that,where possible,asbestos?free materials should be employed.In cases where asbestos was employed,it was recommended that it should be used in such a way that loose fibres were less likely to enter the air.The report recommended that special care should be taken during work in environments which contain asbestos.Workers should wear protective equipment and take special care to remove dust from the environment and clothing with the use of ---6---.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">The report identified five factors which determine the level of risk involved.The state and type of asbestos is critical to determining the risk factors.In addition,dust formation was found to be limited where the asbestos was used when wet rather than dry.</p><p class="en_font">The choice of tools was also found to affect the quantities of asbestos particles that enter the air.Machine tools produce greater quantities of dust than hand tools and,where possible,the use of the ---7--- was recommended.</p><p></p><p class="en_font">A critical factor takes place in risk reduction is the adequate ---8--- of the working environment.When work takes place in an ---9--- space,more asbestos particles circulate and it was therefore recommended that natural or machine ventilation should be used.By closely following these advices, it was claimed that exposure can be ---10--- to a reasonably practical minimum.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p class="en_font">1,A )fashionableB )prevailingC )popularD )widespread </p><p class="en_font">2, A )considerB )investigateC )studyD )research</p><p class="en_font">3, A )configuredB )confirmed C )confinedD )confiscated</p><p class="en_font">4,A )In relation toB )In regard toC )Taking into accountD )in conformity to</p><p class="en_font">5,A )recombinationB )recollectionC )recognitionD )recommendations</p><p class="en_font">6,A )vacuum cleanerB )washerC )drierD )blower</p><p class="en_font">7,A )frontierB ) latterC )formerD )backer</p><p class="en_font">8,A )alternationB )currencyC )ventilationD )rotation</p><p class="en_font">9,A )generousB )bountyC )roomyD )enclosed </p><p class="en_font">10,A )minishedB )shrunkC )balkedD )reduced </p><p></p><p class="en_font">1)[D ]</p><p class="en_font">A )fashionable时髦的,上流社会的,流行的</p><p class="en_font">B )prevailing盛行很广的,一般的,最普通的</p><p class="en_font">C )popular通俗的,流行的,受欢迎的,普及的,人民的,大众的</p><p class="en_font">D )widespread广布的,普及的,流传宽广的</p><p class="en_font">解:widespread public concern广泛的社会关注</p><p class="en_font">2)[ B]</p><p class="en_font">A )discuss讨论,论述 </p><p class="en_font">B )investigate调查,研究</p><p class="en_font">C )study学习,读书,计划,考虑</p><p class="en_font">D )consider考虑,思考,认为</p><p class="en_font">解:”...Council organised a committee of enquiry to investigate....“.组织了一个考察委员会去调查........</p><p class="en_font">3)[ B]</p><p class="en_font">A )configured配置,使成形</p><p class="en_font">B )confirmed 被证实的,根深蒂固的,固定的</p><p class="en_font">C )confined被限制的,狭窄的,在分娩中的,</p><p class="en_font">D )confiscated没收,充公,查抄</p><p class="en_font">解:The report confirmed ........报告证实.......</p><p class="en_font">4)[C ]</p><p class="en_font">A )In relation to关于,涉及</p><p class="en_font">B )In regard to关于</p><p class="en_font">C )Taking into account重视,考虑</p><p class="en_font">D )in conformity to依照</p><p class="en_font">解:Taking into account,evidence provided by economists......考虑到经济学家提供的证据......</p><p class="en_font">5)[D ]</p><p class="en_font">A )recombination再合并,再结合,重组</p><p class="en_font">B )recollection记忆,回想,回忆</p><p class="en_font">C )recognition赞誉,认得,承认,重视,认识,认可</p><p class="en_font">D )recommendations推荐,介绍,推荐信,劝告</p><p class="en_font">解:the council gave a series of recommendations委员会提供了一系列的推荐信.......</p><p class="en_font">6)[A ]</p><p class="en_font">A )vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器</p><p class="en_font">B )washer垫圈,洗涤机</p><p class="en_font">C )drier干燥机,干燥剂</p><p class="en_font">D )blower送风机,吹风机</p><p class="en_font">解:依照上下文去除飘尘应用“真空吸尘器”</p><p class="en_font">7)[B]</p><p class="en_font">A )frontier边界,边境</p><p class="en_font">B ) latter后者</p><p class="en_font">C )former前者</p><p class="en_font">D )backer援助者,支持者</p><p class="en_font">解:看上句说“机器工具产生比手工工具更多的飘尘.......”,所以分析”手工工具“为好,也就是后者</p><p class="en_font">8)[C ]</p><p class="en_font">A )alternation交互,轮流,隔一个</p><p class="en_font">B )currency通货,流通,通用</p><p class="en_font">C )ventilation通风,空气流通 </p><p class="en_font">D )rotation旋转,循环,轮流</p><p class="en_font">解:依照文章的主干意思:工人在工作的时候要注意工作环境的通风......</p><p class="en_font">9)[ D]</p><p class="en_font">A )generous有雅量的,量大的,慷慨的,丰富的,大量的</p><p class="en_font">B )bounty慷慨,宽大,恩惠</p><p class="en_font">C )roomy广阔的,宽敞的,宽大的</p><p class="en_font">D )enclosed 封闭的</p><p class="en_font">解:看后半句写:推荐使用自然的或者机械的通风工具.可以推知工人们是在一个狭小的空间里工作的.</p><p class="en_font">10) [D ]</p><p class="en_font">A )minished减小,缩小</p><p class="en_font">B )shrunk收缩,退缩,畏缩,缩小,萎缩</p><p class="en_font">C )balked阻止,突然停止,退缩</p><p class="en_font">D )reduced减少的,缩小的; 削减的; 降低的</p><p class="en_font">解:文章最后一句说明:在遵循了如上的建议后可以将空气中的固体颗粒减到最小程度.其他3个迷惑项词义上差距较大!</p><p class="en_font">9)[C ]</p><p class="en_font">A )cease停止,终了</p><p class="en_font">B )hang悬挂,附着</p><p class="en_font">C )halt使停止,使立定</p><p class="en_font">D )end结束,终结,终止</p><p class="en_font">解:词义辨析。但是A,D 也可以讲的过去呀,但是从文章内容上分析可以看出,犯罪并不意味着某人事业的终结,只是暂停了他的事业发展。</p><p class="en_font">10)[B ]</p><p class="en_font">A )consignment委托</p><p class="en_font">B )confinement限制,禁闭,监禁</p><p class="en_font">C )entertainment娱乐,款待,娱乐表演</p><p class="en_font">D )containment牵制,遏制</p><p class="en_font">解:词义辨析。依据后几句话的意思,文章是说有必要浪费在不必要的监禁中吗! </p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
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