






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-7-13 22:01| 查看数: 19706| 评论数: 8|

<p>第一篇</p><p><font color="#008b8b"><font color="#0000ff"><strong>原文:<br/></strong></font>Scarcely four weeks have passed since the close of the Exhibition, some wares still stand unpacked in the deserted halls of the Hyde Park building, and already public attention has turned away from this “world-renowned event” toward other, perhaps more gripping events close at hand. None of the enthusiastic newspaper correspondents who on the opening day of the “world market” proclaimed the inauguration of a new era any longer voice their opinion on the subject. Yet the stimulation the event has left behind still ferments in the pensive minds and aspiring hearts of thousands. The far-reaching consequences of this impulse cannot be measured.</font></p><p><font color="#008b8b"></font>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>译文:</strong></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">距博览会结束已快有四周了,仍有一些未拆包的展品搁置在海德公园这座建筑空荡的大厅里,然而公众的注意力已经由这件“举世瞩目”的事件移至它处,移至或许是某些即将到来的更加吸引人的事件。那些热情高涨的新闻记者,他们曾在这个“世界大市场”开张那天声称这一开幕式是一个新纪元,而现在在这一问题上却都缄默无言。然而该事件刺激的余波还在继续激动着成千上万多思的大脑,鼓舞着人们的心灵。这一推动所引发的意义深远的结果是无法估量的。</font></p>


christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:02:29
<p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>原文:</strong></font></p><p><font face="Verdana" color="#006400">One may, if one wishes, consider the legend of the Babylonian confusion of tongues as the mythical gown of an early historical perception of international law, and the disorder it describes as the start of a more natural order. </font></p><p><font color="#006400"></font></p><p><font color="#006400">Likewise, a kind of Babel will be induced by the building of 1851, to which the people of the world brought their products. This apparent confusion, however, is nothing more than the clear manifestation of certain anomalies within existing social conditions, whose cause and effects up to now could not be seen by the world so generally and so distinctly.</font></p><p><font color="#006400"></font>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>译文:</strong></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">只要有愿望,就会有可能。将巴比伦口音之乱的传说看作是一件对国际法律早期历史理解的神话外衣,口音之乱被描述为一种更自然的法则的开端。 </font></p><p></p><p>同样,另一种意义上的巴别塔将由1851年的建筑促成,在这建筑里,全世界的人们都带来了他们的产品。然而,这显而易见的混乱,只不过是现有社会条件下必然存在的不规则性的清晰呈现。这种不规则的成因及结果迄今为止还未能被世人广泛并清楚地认知。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>注:</strong></font></p><p>这里给大家解释一下“巴比伦口音之乱”:这是根据《圣经》记载:古巴比伦人在巴比伦建造高塔,想要一直通到天上去,神看了以后,就把他们的口音变乱,使得他们彼此语言不通,这样,通天塔也就没能建造成功</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>反思:</strong></font></p><p>下面整理一下今天翻译中的几个知识点:<br/>1、One may, if one wishes, consider the legend of the Babylonian confusion of tongues as the mythical gown of an early historical perception of international law, and the disorder it describes as the start of a more natural order.<br/>这一句中的主要结构是:consider *** as ***, and ( conside,这里省略了) *** as ***</p><p>2、nothing more than 作 “仅仅, 只不过” 解释</p><p>好的,根据大家的翻译,我再把今天的翻译作一下修改,没有最好,只有更好,大家一起努力:)</p><p>如果愿意,可以将巴比伦口音之乱的传说看作是一种对国际法律早期历史理解的神话表述,也可以将这传说里所描述的混乱看作是一种更自然的法则的开端。<br/>One may, if one wishes, consider the legend of the Babylonian confusion of tongues as the mythical gown of an early historical perception of international law, and the disorder it describes as the start of a more natural order.</p><p>同样,另一种意义上的巴别塔将由1851年的建筑促成,在这建筑里,全世界的人们都带来了他们的产品。然而,这显而易见的混乱,只不过是现有社会条件下必然存在的不规则性的清晰呈现,其成因及结果迄今为止还未能被世人广泛并清楚地认知。<br/>Likewise, a kind of Babel will be induced by the building of 1851, to which the people of the world brought their products. This apparent confusion, however, is nothing more than the clear manifestation of certain anomalies within existing social conditions, whose cause and effects up to now could not be seen by the world so generally and so distinctly.<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-13 22:03:21编辑过]

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:04:13
<p>第三篇</p><p><font color="#008000"><b><font color="#0000ff">原文:</font></b><br/>Herein will lie the most important meaning of the undertaking. Were the world not fully occupied with its internal contradictions, exernal restraints (whatever they may be) would surely be unable to impede its development.The shackles would fall by themselves if the urge that drives the present became more generally aware of its aim.</font></p><p><font color="#008000"></font>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>参考译文:</strong></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">这里我将展开有关这一事件最重要意义的叙述。当世界还没有完全被它的内部矛盾占据时,外部制约(无论这制约是什么)肯定无法阻止它的发展。如果人们对某种能够驱动现实的迫切愿望的目标能够有种更普遍的意识,这种桎梏将会自行脱落。</font></p>
christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:04:50
<p>第四篇</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>原文:<br/></strong></font>To achieve this important result should be the duty of every true believer whose profession, whatever it is, enables him to contribute from his vantage point. If he comprehends his sphere of influence and strives to give its general movement a direction he deems better, then truth and progress will gain. It matters not whether he is right or wrong in the particulars, for in both cases he prepares the material for revision and deeper insights and for the answer to those more general, cultural-philosophical questions that are the actual theme and that justify having set in motion such powerful and costly means.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>楼主的结构分析</strong></font></p><p>It matters not whether he is right or wrong in the particulars(到这里是一个意群:在细节上,无论他是对是错), for in both cases he prepares the material(到这里是又一个意群:因为无论对错,他都是在准备着材料) for (这个FOR是说明这些材料的用途) revision(第一个用途) and deeper insights(第二个用途) and for the answer(第三个用途) to those more general, cultural-philosophical questions (修饰第三个用途,说这第三个用途是准备回答那些更全面的文化哲学问题所需要的答案)that are the actual theme(修饰cultural-philosophical questions,说这个文化哲学问题才是真正的主题)and that justify having set in motion such powerful and costly means.(还是修饰cultural-philosophical questions:这些文化哲学问题能够证明我们采取如此有力和代价高昂的行动是必要的。 )</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>参考翻译</strong></font> </p><p></p><p>达成这一重大目标应该成为每一位虔诚信徒的责任,无论他的职业是什么,使他能够从他的专长中有所贡献。如果他对他的影响能力有所知,并且在他认为是更好的方向上将这能力来一次全盘调动,那么我们的社会将变得更加真实和进步。在细节上,无论他是对的还是错的,因为无论对错,他都是在准备着材料,这些材料将用于他矫正过失、得到更深刻的洞察力,以及回答那些更全面的文化哲学问题。这些文化哲学问题才是真正的主题,而且,这些文化哲学问题能够证明我们采取如此有力和代价高昂的行动是必要的。</p>
christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:05:22
<p>第五篇</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>原文:<br/></strong></font>It is with this view that a professional man ventures to take up one of those problems that the present offers,one that falls within the scope of his experience and upon which he was in the habit of reflecting during his frequent visits to the Exhibition.<br/>Around the time of the opening of the Industrial Exhibition, I had the idea of presenting in a series of articles a comparative survey of its contents and searched for a scheme to follow. There were three possibilities.</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>参考答案:<br/></strong></font></p><p>我怀有这种观点:一个专业人士冒险面对一个现实提交给他的问题,一个在他经验范围内的问题,并且基于这种经验,在他频繁出入博览会期间,他会作一种习惯的性思考。<br/>在工业博览会开幕之际,我有一种想法,我想在一系列文章里,将博鉴会的展品作一番比较调查,而且我制定了一个可被遵循的计划。这里有三种方法。 </p><p></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>应大家要求分析下句子结构:</strong></font></p><p>It is with this view that(从句,应该不用多说了) a professional man ventures to take up one of those problems(这里是一个意群:一个专业人士冒险面对一个问题,一个什么样的问题呢?看后面) that the present offers(修饰problems,是现实提交给他的问题),one that falls within the scope of his experience(还是修饰problems,一个在他经验范围内的问题) and upon which(这后面的从句是修饰experience) he was in the habit of reflecting during his frequent visits to the Exhibition.(基于这种经验,在他频繁出入博览会期间,他会作一种习惯的性思考)</p><p>Around the time of the opening of the Industrial Exhibition(这不用多说了:在工业博览会开幕之际), I had the idea(说他有了个想法,是什么想法呢?请看OF后面) of presenting in a series of articles(在一系列文章里表现,表现些什么呢?再看后面) a comparative survey of its(这个its指代Exhibition) contents(是说的“展览内容”,也就是“展品”吧,到这里,这“想法”总算解释完了) and searched for a scheme to follow(这个searched for是和had the idea并列的层次,是说他制定了一个可被遵循的计划). There were three possibilities.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>下面解答两个疑问:<br/>1、jipinzhiyin同学提出的:“It is with this view that a professional man ventures to take up one of those problems 是个强调句式。真正的语序是 A professional man ventures to take up one of those problems withthis view. 强调正是由于持这种观点,他才试图解决那问题”。</p><p>答:确实如此!是说那个专业人士用“这种观点”来面对问题。</p><p>2、有关那个“upon which”倒底是修饰哪一个问题的问题。</p><p>答:如果按照原句的结构,是修饰“problems”的,因为“upon which”与“one that falls within the scope of his experience”中间的连接词是“AND”所以应该是一种并列的关系。但是这样的话,意思又不通顺。按照意思来看,应该是修饰“experience”的,但是如果是这样,那么连接词就不应该用“AND”,而应该用个标点“,”</p><p>以上两个疑难问题我专门去请教了教我们英文的副教授,答案应该还是比较权威的了。</p>
christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:05:50
<p>第六篇</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>原文:<br/></strong></font>The first and simplest was to wander through the whole building from end to end and describe the products of the various nations one after the other. This plan smacked too much of a guidebook.</p><p>The second possibility was implied by the appointment of the so-called Head Juries: namely, a classification of objects made by the Royal Commission, by which things were first arranged spatially, then assigned to the departments of the juries. This plan was wisely conceived and is of interest to future undertakings of this kind. Everything was divided into four main divisions:<br/>1. Raw materials,<br/>2. Machinery,<br/>3. Manufactures,<br/>4. Fine art.</p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>参考答案:<br/></strong></font></p><p>第一种也是最简单的一种,就是在展览大厅里面从头到尾地浏览,并且一个接一个地描述来自各个不同国家的产品。这种方式太象是导游手册了。 </p><p></p><p>第二种方法是指,按照指定的所谓“主要评审小组原则”(来介绍展品):即,一种皇家委员会指定的展品分类法,首先依据空间来划分展品,然后再按照评审委员会所在部门进行分类。这种方式被认为是较明智的,并且也有利于将来对类似事件的处理。所有物品被划分为四类:<br/>1、 生材料<br/>2、 机械<br/>3、 产品<br/>4、 艺术品</p><p><font color="#0000ff">[今天主要有几个词汇知识可能需要重点把握一下]<br/></font>1、smack of:是一个词组,意思是:带有...味道;有点象<br/>在我们今天的文章里,可能理解为“有点象”比较贴切一点</p><p>2、Juries:“jury”的复数形式,n.[律] 陪审团, 评判委员会, 陪审员<br/>在我们今天的文章里,应该是“评审委员会”的意思<br/>那么,那个“Head Juries”,我就翻译成“主要评审小组”</p><p>3、spatially,按照字面上的意思,应该是:空间地, 存在于空间地<br/>昨天在和朋友讨论时,也有同学引伸为“大范围地”, 我觉得也有一定道理,这里也欢迎大家一起来讨论这个词汇在翻译时的用词</p><p>4、Fine art,这是一个专业术语,是指“高级艺术”,这里有个相关背景,就是在过去的欧洲,人们按习惯于将绘画、建筑等归为“高级艺术”,而将其它诸于陶艺等的应用美术作为“低等艺术”,这是一种传统形式下对艺术品种类的划分<br/></p>
christlulu 发表于 2006-7-13 22:06:29
<p>第七篇</p><p><strong><font color="#0000ff">原文:<br/></font></strong>However, I also abandoned this plan, because it seemed to me at the time to turn the natural order of things upside down. Strictly considered, it was based as much on external appearances and material factors as the first. Indeed, in an industrial exhibition the products of the applied arts, because they come from the need for nourishment, shelter, protection, the measurement of space and time, and so forth, should serve as the first and most essential items of consideration. Each category must consist of subdivisions, following the particularities of objects, the materials, and the means used in their fabrication. As a further supplement, a place must be found as well for the raw materials, tools, machines— in short, for all the factors of production. </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>参考答案:</strong></font> </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 然而,我还是放弃了这一方式,因为对我来说,这似乎恰恰将事物的自然顺序上下巅倒了。这种分类法是经谨慎考虑的,它尽可能首先考虑展品的外观及材质因素。事实上,由于实用艺术产品来自于对食物、居所、安全以及测量时间和空间的需求,因此,在工业博览会里,他们应该被作为第一服务对象并作为最基本的项目来考虑。根据展品的特性、材质,以及制作工艺,每一大类都必需进行细分。作为进一步补充,还应该留出放置原材料,工具,机器——总而言之,放置所有生产要素的地方。 </p><p></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>今天的句子结构分析:<br/></strong></font>1、However, I also abandoned this plan, because it seemed to me at the time to turn the natural order of things upside down. <br/>主要结构:turn *** upside down,upside down adv. 颠倒, 混乱</p><p>2、Indeed, in an industrial exhibition (the products of the applied arts)(全句的主语), because they come from the need for nourishment, shelter, protection, the measurement of space and time(一直到这里,都是在说明原因), and so forth(这后面开始说基于那些原因,应该怎么做了), (直到这里,主语还是the products of the applied arts)should serve as the first and most essential items of consideration.<br/></p>
JANASON 发表于 2006-11-12 12:29:08
angelsea 发表于 2009-7-1 14:18:13
太棒了 我正在为这示犯愁呢
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