






发布者: SunnyAngel | 发布时间: 2006-7-14 01:37| 查看数: 6925| 评论数: 6|

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 下面是巴尔扎克写给韩斯卡夫人的情书,发出来让大家欣赏和学习!我发出来并注明段落,希望大家跟贴,有时间整篇翻译,没时间就随便选一段翻译,并标明段落(这样做好处多多哦,特别是对于单身的你,原因就不细说了吧,嘿嘿)!</p><p align="center"><strong><font color="#ef4a21" size="3">Honore de Balzac to Evelina Hanska</font></strong></p><font color="#000000"><p align="left"><br/><font color="#c69f07" size="2"><strong>My beloved angel,<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I nearly mad about you, as much as one can be mad: I can’t bring two ideas that you do not interpose yourself between them.<font color="#de3910">【1】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I can not think of anything but you. Inspite of myself, my imagination carries me to you. I grasp you ,I kiss you,I caress you, a thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me.<font color="#f84519">【2】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As for my heart, there you will always be—very much so. I have a delicious sense of you there.But my god, what is to become of me, if you have deprived me of my reason? This is a monomania, which, this morning, terrifies me.<font color="#f84519">【3】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I rise up every moment saying to myself, “ Come, I’m going there!” Then I sit down again, moved by my sense of my obligations. There is a frightful conflict. This is not life. I have never before been like that. You have devoured everything.<font color="#f84519">【4】<br/></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I feel foolish and happy as soon as I think of you. I whearl round in a delicious dream in which in one instant I live a thousand years. What a horrible situation.<font color="#f84519">【5】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; Overcome with love, feeling love in every pore, living only for love, and seeing oneself consumed by griefs, and caught in a thousand spiders’ thread.<font color="#f84519">【6】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Oh, my darling Eva, you did not know it. I pick up your card. It is there before me, and I talk to you as if you were there. I see you, as I did yesterday, beatiful, astonishingly beatiful.<font color="#f84519">【7】</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yesterday, during the whole evening, I said to myself, “ She’s mine!” Ah! The angels are not as happy in paradise as I was yesterday.<font color="#f84519">【8】</font><br/></strong></font></p></font><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-14 1:49:56编辑过]


SunnyAngel 发表于 2006-7-14 02:07:54
<p><font color="#de3910"><strong>作个示范:</strong></font></p><p><font color="#de3910"><strong>【2】:</strong></font><font color="#000000">我无时无刻不在想念你。思绪飘飞......我飞到了你面前,搂紧你,亲吻你爱抚你,无数多情的热烈的吻占据了我的心。</font></p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 由于各方面水平有限,我翻译的有点生硬哦,嘿嘿!</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-7-14 08:11:45
<p><strong><font color="#de3910">哈哈,天使,我沙发啊. 不会翻译,先占个位子,凑凑热闹.........</font></strong></p><p><strong><font color="#de3910">....</font></strong></p><p><strong><font color="#de3910">【1】:</font><font color="#000000">我几乎为你疯狂了,竭尽全力的疯狂了:你没有提起你和他们之间,我找不到第二个想法.</font></strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>这是什么???就这一句.....</strong></p>
SunnyAngel 发表于 2006-7-15 12:46:38
海伦 发表于 2006-7-15 15:43:33
<font color="#f84519"><strong>【8】<font color="#000000">昨天,整整一个晚上我都对自己说:"她是我的!"啊哈,天使都没有我快乐!</font></strong></font>
SunnyAngel 发表于 2006-7-15 12:46:38
海伦 发表于 2006-7-15 15:43:33
<font color="#f84519"><strong>【8】<font color="#000000">昨天,整整一个晚上我都对自己说:"她是我的!"啊哈,天使都没有我快乐!</font></strong></font>
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