





Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

发布者: ferly | 发布时间: 2006-7-14 23:17| 查看数: 34302| 评论数: 124|


feilong6374 发表于 2009-7-25 13:20:17
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。Lesson, give, going, Give, Penny

Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ___Send her these flowers._____________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. _Don't show Sam your homework._______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ___Take Sally these magazines._____________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. ___Give your father your hammer._____________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. __Don't send them these tickets.______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ___Show me the tickets ,please._____________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ___Don't take him the magazines._____________________

10 Please give this vase to him. ___Please give him the vase._____________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ______Yes ,he's going to take it off._________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? __yes,we are going to turn it on._____________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ____Yes,she's going to turn it off.___________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? ___Yes,they are going to put them on.____________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

___Be careful,please._____

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't drop it.’

雨后柒彩虹 发表于 2009-7-26 02:32:22
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。Lesson, give, going, Give, Penny

Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ___Send her those flowers._____________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. __Don't show Sam your homework.______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ___Take Sally these magazines_____________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. ___Give your father this hammer _____________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. __Don't send them these tickets.______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ___Show me the tickets ,please._____________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ___Don't give him the magazines._____________________

10 Please give this vase to him. ____Please give him this vase.____________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

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Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? __Yes, he's going to take off it.____________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _Yes, I'm going to turn on it.______________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? _Yes, she's going to turn off it______________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? Yes, they're going to put them on._______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

________Be careful!

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't!。。。Don't drop it!

helen666 发表于 2009-7-26 12:27:42
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. __Send her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. __Don't show Sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. __Take Sally these magazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. __Give your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them._Don't send them these tickets.

8 Show the tickets to me, please. _Show me the tickets.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. __Don't take him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. __Please give him this vase.

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。


Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie?_Yes, he's going to take it off.

3 Are you going to turn on the radio?Yes, I'm going to turn it on.

4 Is she going to turn off the tap?__Yes, she's going to turn it off.

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? __Yes, they are going to put these on.

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

________Be careful.

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't drop these!’
877283725 发表于 2009-7-26 17:14:24
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。Lesson, give, going, Give, Penny

Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. _send her these flowers,please_______________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. _don't show sam your homework_______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. __take sally these magazines______________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. __ give your father this hammer______________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. _don't send them these tickets_______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ___show me the tickets please_____________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. __don't take him thr magazines______________________

10 Please give this vase to him. ___please give him this vase_____________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

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Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ______yes, i'm going to take off his tie_________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? __yes, i'm going to turn on the radio_____________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? __yes,she's going to turn off the tap_____________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? __yes ,they're going to put on their clouthes_____________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

___don't drop it_____

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't。。。’be careful


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windyangel 发表于 2009-7-27 08:34:46
Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. __Send her these flowers.______________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. __Don,t show Sam your homework.______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. _Take sally these magazines._______________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. _Give your father this hammer._______________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. _Don,t them these tickets._______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. __Show me the tickets,please.______________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. _Don,t him take the magazines._______________________

10 Please give this vase to him. __Please give him this vase.______________________

B Structure

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Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? _Yes,he is going to take off his tie.

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _Yes,i,m going to turn on the radio.______________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? _Yes,she is going to turn off the tap.______________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _Yes,they are going to put on their clothes.______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?


2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

NCE1-Mary 发表于 2009-7-28 15:46:25
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. _send her these flowers __

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. _don't show Sam your homework__

5 Take these magazines to Sally. _take Sally these magazines.__

6 Give this hammer to your father. _give your father this hammer__

7 Don't send these tickets to them. _don't send them these tickets

8 Show the tickets to me, please. __show me the tickets ,please_

9 Don't take the magazines to him. __don't take himthe magazines_

10 Please give this vase to him. _give him this vase , please_

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

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Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? _yes , he's going to take it off_

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _yes, i'm going to turn it on__

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? __yes, she's going to turn it off_

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _yes , they're going to put them on _

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

_Be careful_

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't。。。’don't drop it
雨后柒彩虹 发表于 2009-9-20 17:35:09
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。Lesson, give, going, Give, Penny

Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ___Give herthese flowers._____________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. __Don't show Sam your homework.______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. _Take Sally these magezines._______________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. __Give your father this hammer.______________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. __Don'tsend them these tickets.______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ___Show me the tickets, please._____________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ___Don't take him the magazines._____________________

10 Please give this vase to him. __Please give him this vase.______________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ___Yes, he's going to take off his tie.____________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? __Yes, I'm going to turn on the radio._____________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ___Yes, she's going to turn off the tap.____________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _Yes, I'm going to put on their clothes.______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

__Be careful! Don't do that.

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't。。。’Don't drop it.

katy 发表于 2009-9-21 10:58:43
A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. Send to her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. Don't show to Sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. Take to Sally these magazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. Give to your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them. Don't send to them these tickets.

8 Show the tickets to me, please. Show to me the tickets.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. Don't take to him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. Please give to him this vase.

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ___Yes,He'sgoing to take it off.___

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? __Yes, I'm going to turn it on.____

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ___Yes, She's going to turn it off._

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _Yes, They are going to putthem on._

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

___Be carefull._____

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

Don't drop it.
dean.yule 发表于 2009-9-25 09:36:22
A Give, send, show and take

1 Give this book to Penny, Please. Give Penny this book,please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. Send her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. Don't show sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. Take Sally these magazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. Give your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them. Don't send them these tickets.

8 Show the tickets to me,please. Show me the tickets, please.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. Don't take him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. Please give him this vase.

B Structures

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? Yes, he's going to take it off.

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? Yes, I'm going to turn it on.

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? Yes, she's going to turn it off.

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? Yes, the're going to put them on.

C Situations

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

Be careful.

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates.

Don't drop the plates.
lenhu 发表于 2009-11-13 13:15:31
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. Send her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. Don't show Sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. Take Sally these magezines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. Give your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them. Don't send them these tickets.

8 Show the tickets to me, please. Show me the tickets please.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. Don't take him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. Please give him this vase.

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。


Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? Yes,he's going to take it off.

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? Yes,I'm going to turn it on.

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? Yes,she's going to turn it off.

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? Yes,they're going to put it on.

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

_Be careful!

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't drop it'
j_xhm 发表于 2009-11-14 11:45:32
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ________________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. ________________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ________________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. ________________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. ________________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ________________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ________________________

10 Please give this vase to him. ________________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

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2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? _______________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _______________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? _______________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?


2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

奇迹 发表于 2009-11-20 22:25:10
A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ___send her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. ____don't show sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ____take sally these magazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. ____give your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them. ____don't send them these tickters.

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ____show me the tickets,please.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ____don't take him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. ____please give him this vase.

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ___yes, he's going to take it off.

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? ___yes,i'm going to turn it on.

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ___yes, she's going to turn it off.

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? ___yes,they're going to put their couthes on

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

________be careful,

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't。。。’don't drop those.
liushunlan 发表于 2010-2-20 13:47:22
1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. Send to her these flowers.

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. Don't show to Sam your homework.

5 Take these magazines to Sally. Take to Sally these magazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. Give to your father this hammer.

7 Don't send these tickets to them. Don't send to them these tickets.

8 Show the tickets to me, please. Show to me the tickets.

9 Don't take the magazines to him. Don't take to him the magazines.

10 Please give this vase to him. Please give to him this vase.
qiuselangman 发表于 2010-2-25 18:34:26
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。

Lesson, give, going, Give, Penny

Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. _Sendher these flowers _______________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. Don'tshow Samyour homework.________________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. _TakeSallythesemagazines _______________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. giveyour fatherthishammer,________________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. Don'tsendthemthese tickets__.______________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. _Showme the tickes,plese._______________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. Don't takehimthe magazines.________________________

10 Please give this vase to him. _givehimthis vase,plese._______________________

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

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2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? yes, Heis going to take itoff

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _yes,I'mgoing to turn it on______________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? yes,she is going to turn it off_______________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _yes, they aregoing to putthem on. ______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

be careful!________

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:


Don'tdropsome plates
haoyue 发表于 2010-5-31 15:04:27
Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? _______________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _______________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? _______________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _______________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?


2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

vickyyin 发表于 2010-7-26 15:11:30
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. _send her these flowers_______________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. ____don't show sam your homework____________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. __don't take sally these magazines______________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. __don't give your father this hammer______________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. _____don't send them these tickets___________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. _don't show me the tickets_______________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ____don't take him the magazines____________________

10 Please give this vase to him. __please give him this vase______________________

B Structure

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2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? _yes,he is going to takeit_off_____________________

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? _yes ,I am going to turnit_on_____________________

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ___yes,she is going to turnit_off___________________

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? __yes ,they are going to put them on_____________________

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

__don't do that ,be careful______

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:


don't drop them
elen 发表于 2010-8-12 21:47:05
1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ___ Send her these flowers._____________________

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. __Don't show Sam your homework.______________________

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ___Take Salyy these magazines._____________________

6 Give this hammer to your father. ____Give your father this hammer.____________________

7 Don't send these tickets to them. ___Don't send them these tickets._____________________

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ____Show me the tickts,please.____________________

9 Don't take the magazines to him. __Don't take him the magazines.______________________

10 Please give this vase to him. ___Pleaes give him this vase._____________________
飘逸66 发表于 2010-8-15 20:42:45
Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. ________________________sendhertheseflowers

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. ________________________Don'tshow Sam your homework

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ________________________Take Sally these magazine

6 Give this hammer to your father. ________________________Giveyour fatherthishammer

7 Don't send these tickets to them. ________________________Don'tsendthesetickets

8 Show the tickets to me, please. ________________________Showmethe ticketplease

9 Don't take the magazines to him. ________________________Don'ttakehim the magazines

10 Please give this vase to him. ________________________givehim this vase

B Structure

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2006-7-14 23:15

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie?yes,he'sgoing to take it off

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? yes,I'm going to turn it on

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? yes ,she's going to turn it off

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? yes ,they 're going to put themon

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?


2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

‘Don't。。。’ Don'tdropit
tjjeffreywang 发表于 2010-8-16 20:12:42
Lesson 40 I'm going to give her a。。。 我准备给她一。。。

A Give, send, show and take

Rewrite these sentences. Put the underlined words in a different position.


1 Give this book to Penny, please. Give Penny this book, please.

2 Don't give that one to her. Don't give her that one.

3 Send these flowers to her. _Send _her theseflowers .____

4 Don't show your homework to Sam. ___Don't show Sam your homework .___

5 Take these magazines to Sally. ___Take Sally thesemagazines.

6 Give this hammer to your father. ___Give your father this hammer .___

7 Don't send these tickets to them. __Don't send them tickets,please.___

8 Show the tickets to me, please. __Show me thetickets,please.__

9 Don't take the magazines to him. __Don't take himthe magazines.____

10 Please give this vase to him. __Please give himthis vase._____

B Structure

Look. 请看下表。

Answer these questions like the example. 模仿例句回答以下问题。

1 Are you going to put on your shoes? Yes, I'm going to put them on.

2 Is he going to take off his tie? ___Yes,He'sgoing to take it off.___

3 Are you going to turn on the radio? __Yes, I'm going to turn it on.____

4 Is she going to turn off the tap? ___Yes, She's going to turn it off._

5 Are they going to put on their clothes? _Yes, They are going to putthem on._

C Situations

Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You want to warn someone to be careful. What do you say?

___Be carefull._____

2 You are afraid that someone is going to drop some plates. Begin:

Don't drop it.
雨雾冰 发表于 2010-8-16 20:19:45
be careful
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