





经济危机余波未平 澳离婚率或大涨

发布者: twemty | 发布时间: 2009-11-1 23:34| 查看数: 1176| 评论数: 1|

经济危机余波未平 澳离婚率或大涨

Global finance crisis crunches marriages: report

A picture of an unhappy couple. Global markets may be edging toward recovery, but the worst impact of the global financial crunch on families and couples may be still ahead, a leading Australian charity said Wednesday.

Global markets may be edging toward recovery, but the worst impact of the global financial crunch on families and couples may be still ahead, a leading Australian charity said Wednesday.

"The economy, we've been told, is showing 'green shoots'. We've certainly not seen that," Kasy Chambers, executive director of Anglicare Australia, told reporters.

The crisis of the past year is still driving a wedge between couples and families, and could bring higher rates of divorce and breakup in the months ahead as more people lose jobs and come under financial stress, Chambers said, releasing a new report on the impact of the global crisis on families.

"If one member of a couple experiences unemployment in one calendar year, they are 70 percent more likely to experience divorce in the following year," she said.

The report said the financial fallout may continue for almost another year as companies tried and sometimes failed to retain staff. One in three families have already experienced financial distress this year, government reports show.

"What we've seen is a real lag," Chambers said. "We've started seeing people we've never before seen in emergency relief services such as those with mortgages, people you wouldn't expect to be coming to us."

edge: to advance gradually or cautiously(徐徐移动,渐渐移动)

drive a wedge between:to separate or split with or as if with a wedge(打进楔子;破坏关系;例如:The argument drove a wedge between Mike and his father. 这次争吵破坏了迈克和他爸爸之间的关系。)

calendar year:公历年

fallout:effects; results(后果;余波)


twemty 发表于 2009-11-1 23:35:07







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